"Life will not be like it was pre-COVID. Even after we have a #vaccine you will still need to use good hand hygiene, maintain physical distance, avoid

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They don’t provide any alternative to ‘the state’ to serve the common good.
While I am by no means a libertarian, there are lots of alternatives to the state to serve the common good. Unfortunately, they have lost a lot of ground over the past 60 years or so.

Take etiquette. Most everyone says please and thank you, yet there is no law mandating it, is there?

Consider the effect of Catholicism: I know wearing a mask does little to protect me, and a lot more to protect my neighbor if I were to unknowingly have the virus. And so I wear a mask to protect my neighbor.

Decades ago, it was small groups who got things going; groups like KoC or the Rotary Club would work together to fill a need such as a fire department.

We really do not need the government to do everything, and I believe that the divisiveness in our nation now is caused in part by this failure of private organizations to do things. Thus people are not really involved in the process of “making something happen” so they have no idea what is involved. All they know is that lack of a fire department in their area leads to the potential for people to die in fires, and this upsets them with no place to put that energy.

So make wearing a mask like not smoking rather than throwing yet more people into the legal system over it.
I’ll tell you one thing. Before the pandemic, I used to get sick all the time…terrible colds multiple times a year. Since then? I don’t get sick anymore…I think I had one very minor cold during this entire period. Social distancing…washing my hands…not touching my face…wearing a mask in crowded stores or on public transit…travelling less. Has done wonder for my personal health.
I’ve noticed this as well. So, there is a benefit.

We need to let people make a living, and we need to protect everyone from the virus. Why everyone? Because the bad and lasting side affects seem to be somewhat random in presentation and who they affect.
One thing I appreciate, the office culture has changed concerning sick people. Before, there were people that would praise the dedication of those that came to work sick. Before the lockdowns, people were encouraged to stay home if they even speculated they were sick. I hope that change is permanent.
Amazingly and sadly, in some companies, “sick time” is discouraged by management.

For people to feel comfortable calling in sick, there has to be paid “sick time” available by the management, and a guarantee that the sick person will not lose their job for being sick.

I get that some companies cannot afford to pay people who are sick at home, and have to hire a replacement as soon as possible to get the work done. It’s a shame, but as long as these companies are up-front with people during the job interviews, well–the employee would know what they’re getting into.

But some companies shame people who call in sick, and threathen them.

And some companies simply refuse to adequately staff! That’s the case in my hospital–of course, it’s hard to find qualified lab techs, but they are there…and yet the hospital management continually denies us the hours and claims that we have enough staff! They KNOW that lab people are really stupid and wil willingly work themselves to the bone to get the job done, even if they are half-dead from sickness!!!

That’s just the way lab techs are–we have no union, no professional organization that has any “power” to collectively bargain, and we just love to work like beavers! Lab techs are kind of hyper–even when they are on break, they will be doing an online-continuing education course, or taking a short break because “I’m not really hungry,” etc.

Case in Point: I’m 63, I’ve endured 20 years of osteoarthritis pain and developing deformity in my knee, and put off the operation for years because of my job and short-staffing–and after several near falls, I finally decided to have the knee replaced. I had a surgery date set for this summer–and cancelled it because our lab department (microbiology) was so short-staffed! I rescheduled the surger and had it done in Sept–and although my leave was scheduled for 8 weeks–I went back to work at 4 weeks.

Yes, it’s painful at times, and I have trouble fitting in my PT exercises, and I know I’m eating badly because of lack of time and energy to shop for and prepare healthier snacks. I’m very tired–I come home from work and fall asleep on the sofa while icing my knee.

But we are so short-staffed, and I feel badly for my co-workers!

AND that’s why many Americans work sick–we just have that work ethic that is company-minded and concerned for our co-workers who are working short without us.

As long as companies don’t hire adequate staff, people will continue to work sick.
I have my doubts about how “life changing” this is. There are plenty of hazards to life that we live with, and we don’t do a whole lot about many of them despite the fact that we could.
As long as the employees are willing to make up the difference so the bosses continue to look good, they won’t get adequate staffing. I noticed this at another place I worked at. It was not until things started falling apart that the management would hire someone else.

In the meantime, they are making more money because they charge per test, right?

I think it is really bad when people are worked so much they can’t even take care of themselves 😡
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I’ve been collecting stories about people in power retaining privileges for themselves that they won’t allow for the general populace. Pelosi’s haircut is the tip of the iceberg.
This is good.

I’m watching the Today Show this morning (I go into work a little later because of my knee).

These highly-paid “journalists” are telling everyone in the U.S. how they can still have a jolly Halloween even if the kids can’t Trick or Treat, or even if you can’t get together with friends.

Basically, they are suggesting changes that totally change the holiday. Most of these changes involve celebrations online, or in a car (“do a scavenger hunt with your children–drive around and find a witch, a pumpkin, autumn leaves, etc.”–WOW, doesn’t that sound FUN compared to dressing in a costume and collecting candy from your neighbors and from the rich people who give out full-sized candy bars!!! The kids wil LOVE sitting in the car doing a checklist! but no candy–might stain the upholstery!)

And some of their suggestions are so nonsensical unless you’re wealthy or live in California–e.g., have a small group of trusted friends over for an OUTDOOR party–that really works well when the expected high is 41 degrees! You know, not all of us have patios or decks, and not all of us have HEATED patios or decks! It’s just nonsense.

So what will they suggest for Christmas? Probably going on Zoom for a big family celebration–that’ll work really well. My parents in law can’t even figure out how to use their flip phone, let alone Zoom! My father in law never learned how to use a keyboard because his WIFE used to do all that “office stuff” in the family–and now she has Alzheimers and doesn’t even remember how to eat. Oh, yes, an online “hug” will be fine for her, right? Oh, wait, forgot–neither of them can see well enough to watch TV, let alone a monitor.

I am so sick of rich entertainers telling all the rest of us how to live our American life! They have no clue.

It would be fun if regular folks could take over the Today Show and broadcast suggestions that make sense for real life in the U.S.A., and do the news from the point-of-view of The Average American living anywhere but NYC and L.A.

Even their costumes–they are wearing the ORIGINAL BROADWAY costumes–meanwhile, the rest of us head for the Good Will store and inevitably end up dressing like zombies because that’s easy and cheap.

It’s obvious that these people are NOT journalists at all, but entertainers. A few weeks ago, an ENTERTAINER, Savannah Guthrie, did an interview with the President of the United States, and tried to make a fool out of him. This doesn’t make sense to me. If an admitted entertainer had done this, I would be fine with it, but an entertainer pretending to be a journalist should NEVER have been given the privilege of a televised interview with the POTUS!

I want my American life back.
Amazingly and sadly, in some companies, “sick time” is discouraged by management.

For people to feel comfortable calling in sick, there has to be paid “sick time” available by the management, and a guarantee that the sick person will not lose their job for being sick.
At my job, we get unlimited sick/vacation time. That may set it apart from the challenging situations in which many others find themselves.
At my job, we get unlimited sick/vacation time. That may set it apart from the challenging situations in which many others find themselves.
Oh definitely.

You would THINK a HOSPITAL, of all places, would recognize the need for SICK PEOPLE to STAY HOME!

Silly me. I forgot–a hospital is a business, and sick people are a drain on that business.
I am so sick of rich entertainers telling all the rest of us how to live our American life! They have no clue.
I just call bull. If my kids can go to school, with zero physical distancing in classrooms of questionable ventilation, they can most certainly go trick or treating. :roll_eyes:
twf . . .
“let’s completely reject masks and social distancing”.
Who here has said anything like this?

Twf . . .
Its not Draconian nor is it a free for all.
Depends where you go.

California still does not have Mass back. At least in a public capacity.

We are told in California to wear masks anytime we go outside.

How many lives do you think are saved driving around in a car ALONE wearing a mask?

How many more worshippers in this country (USA) need to be arrested before it IS “draconian”?
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How many lives do you think are saved driving around in a car ALONE wearing a mask?
And how many people get in car accidents because their mask impeded their peripheral vision while they were driving?

I will NOT wear a mask while I am driving! I don’t even like to wear a hat while I am driving. I am a fanatic about being able to see clearly. In fact, I pull my mask under my nose when I am outside in this cold weather, because the fogged-up glasses impede my vision and put me at risk for an accident or a fall.
How many lives do you think are saved driving around in a car ALONE wearing a mask?
This is not the first time I’ve heard this complaint. Why should I care whether someone else decides to wear a mask while driving? Maybe to save time putting it on would be a possibility.
In fact, I pull my mask under my nose when I am outside in this cold weather, because the fogged-up glasses impede my vision and put me at risk for an accident or a fall.
There are masks that are also specifically designed to not fog one’s glasses. Those may be an option to consider.
We are told in California to wear masks anytime we go outside.
I do not wear a mask outside unless it is quite crowded. I have one with me in case I encounter a group of people but if I am alone with no one near me, off it comes!

Luckily I do not live in CA!
How many lives do you think are saved driving around in a car ALONE wearing a mask?
In CA, being IN a car is considered being OUTside?
As I’ve said before, I don’t think ANYONE wants this way of life to be permanent. I certainly don’t, but I don’t consider myself a leftist. However, the leftist people I know also want this to end as soon as possible.
Of course they do. Making Covid precautions a left vs. right issue is totally moronic.
I think everyone, no matter their affiliation, wants it to end… except those who make silly rules for others and then as they please.
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Also consider Michigan Gov Whitmer, who shut down businesses and deciding what they sold was either “essential” or “non essential.” Church was considered non-essential, as was buying seeds from Walmart…but…abortion service and lotto tickets were considered essential
Ah yes, the Great War of the Garden Supplies. Tales of your battles have spread to, well, to lands that just don’t care. If memory serves (and I admit to not paying close attention), that governor closed the Non-Essential businesses of her province, and people tried to get around the closures. They could not go to small businesses for their garden supplies. So they went to the Big Box stores and bought the same supplies there.

Thus if the Whitmer governor did nothing, they were “killing small businesses.” And if the Big Box stores had to close Non-Essential aisles in their stores, the government was “telling Essential businesses how to conduct business during a world crisis.” And if the government left everything open everywhere all the time, they were “killing the citizens you were sworn to protect.”

Then someone disgruntled got the brilliant idea to just cross the border and buy supplies in the Great White North. Cash yes, COVID no thanks.

At this point P.M. Justin Trudeau closed the Canadian/USA border to Non-Essential travel. That was seven months ago. And it’s going to stay closed until, well, frankly, that’s up to you-all.

Heckuva price to pay for a patch of carrots.

Just thought that should be cleared up. 🙂
Are Americans still crossing Canada to go to Alaska or is the border closed to all Americans?
Then why wear it at all, given that we do most of viral inhalation and exhalation through our noses?
When I am outside in my hospital parking lot, there is no one around. No one.

If I am around people, I make an honest attempt to wear the mask over my nose–thankfully I have found one that seems to work–unless it is cold. I will NOT take a chance on falling due to inability to see due to fogged up glasses!–especially since I just had knee replacement surgery a few weeks ago! I think that’s asking too much.
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