"Life will not be like it was pre-COVID. Even after we have a #vaccine you will still need to use good hand hygiene, maintain physical distance, avoid

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There are masks that are also specifically designed to not fog one’s glasses. Those may be an option to consider.
I’ve not come across these, and the hospital hasn’t made them available to us. They suggest using windex-like solutions on the glasses. That works once, but it wears off and the next time you go outside, the glasses fog again. I guess I could carry a bottle of Windex and a lint-free cloth around.
If it’s “non-essential” travel it is officially closed.

Loophole: can still fly through, over, and in via airplane.
Heckuva price to pay for a patch of carrots.

Just thought that should be cleared up. 🙂
I’m not sure I am getting your drift.

Do you think that along with so many other activities, Americans should give up gardening and working in their yards for the sake of not spreading COVID?

That’s really tough for a lot of people. I don’t garden (when I do, everything dies), but I know plenty of people who spend all their spare time out in their yards, not necessarily planting carrots, but tending their lawn, planting flower gardens and flowering shrubs, and working on landscapes that assure that they will have plants and color in every season.

My supervisor lives on a plot of land with several acres, and she and her husband have planted a butterfly garden in an attempt to give monarch butterflies a habitat. She has saved and released close to a hundred monarches this year (from chyrsalises–not sure if I’m spelling that right).

She also has a a large plot of raspberry bushes, and makes raspberry preserves so good, that when my husband and I bought a jar from her (she only charges a few dollars), we opened it and ended up eating the ENTIRE JAR in one evening!

She also makes pickles from her garden, and these are so delicious that she sells out within an hour or so after letting the lab know that they are for sale in her office. Recently I heard a phlebomist tell her that “all other pickles taste awful now that she has tasted these home-canned pickles.”

She also has such beautiful flower gardens that people slow down to view them–they are truly stunning.

I don’t think that she and her husband should have to give up their hobby because someone thinks that stores should be closed and no one should be allowed to buy seeds, supplies, mulch, etc.

Frankly, I think that the people who are doing best with the COVID imprisonment are those who have some kind of hobby that can be done at home and doesn’t involve interacting with other people. That’s one reason Peeps is going insane–playing the piano and organ is done for the enjoyment of OTHERS, and just practicing at home is simply not the same. Peeps’ brother is going even more insane–his greatest pleasure is stopping by his favorite diners for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and coffee, and chatting with anyone and everyone in the place who is interested in chatting. Gone, gone, gone, now.

Forgive me if I am misinterpreting what you mean about gardening and Americans.
We must be part of a past alien invasion of plant-killing beings–we were left behind by the space ship because we got over-involved posting on CAF and missed the blast-off.
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Motherwit . . .
I’m not a scientist but I believe the science and bolstered by the universal use of masks in so many different situations for 1000’s of years that we are aware of.
What is a “mask”?

Does a gaiter (that actually launches viruses) count?

Is an N95 with an exhalation valve that puts out pure unfiltered breath, “a mask”?

How about diversionary “masks” made out of clear acrylic? Are they “masks”?

You don’t know. Because these terms haven’t even yet been defined.

I looked up one of your link studies. It had nothing to do with society.

It was healthcare workers in a healthcare environment.

Healthcare people are CHANGING their standardized masks many times a day.

I didn’t continue to waste my time on the last “study”.

There is NOT ONE study that supports FORCING this on societies.

There have been several warnings showing potential risks and dangers of universal mask wearing.

I am still waiting to see ONE study supporting this MANDATE non-sense. (Again. I have no problem if people want to use them under whatever circumstances they think is best-practices.
I use them.
I have no issue with experts “recomendations” either for or against universal masking-up.)

But it is superstitious to believe that MANDATED universal masking is scientifically beneficial to the world.

It just is not a scientific proposition.
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the Great War of the Garden Supplies
There are people, especially in rural areas, who rely on their vegetable gardens for a good part of their annual food supply. This may apply even more when they lose their jobs.
There are people, especially in rural areas, who rely on their vegetable gardens for a good part of their annual food supply. This may apply even more when they lose their jobs.
We have people vegie growing in cities and towns since covid, that would never have done so before.

I think this whole ‘great reset’ is just tuning a molehill into a mountain. Once Covid is gone, or under control, people just return to doing what they did before.
I do think countries should manufacture more rather then relying on made in ( pick a country)
Even though it will cost more and move the profit margins in the wrong direction.
Regardless of politics people will return to normal before covid.
Only in America is this a “left vs right” issue…and I find it truly bizarre.
me too.
So Covid cases are rising again in a number of states here in the US, the flu season is just about upon us, both have severe respiratory complication,
We did not have a flu season this year. We wear masks and are so much more aware of hygiene and social distancing, hand sanitizing … I would be surprised if northern hemisphere countries had a flu or cold season this winter.
The covid hygiene measures work for more then just covid.
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We did not have a flu season this year. We wear masks and are so much more aware of hygiene and social distancing, hand sanitizing … I would be surprised if northern hemisphere countries had a flu or cold season this winter.
The covid hygiene measures work for more then just covid.
I can’t say whether this is universally true. But its definitely true for my family. Colds and flus used to run rampant through our household…between my son being in daycare, my frequent business travel. Since March? We just don’t get sick anymore…one mild cold went through our home a few weeks back and that’s it. We are still living our lives, and our son is in school (kindergarten) now…but if you’re sick, you don’t go to work / school… you keep your distance as much as possible… you wear masks when inside public spaces… you wash your hands and remember not to touch your face… you don’t travel as much… it makes a huge difference.
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We have hand sanitizer at entry and exit points of all public buildings. I bet the global population will forget all about these hygiene measures within the decade again. For now, its a win win mask wearing and all the other measures.

Blind freddy here can see the difference these hygiene measures are making. Skin cancer on faces and sunburn will likely be down here this summer too, because of masks
There are people, especially in rural areas, who rely on their vegetable gardens for a good part of their annual food supply. This may apply even more when they lose their jobs.
And gardeners may be able to help all the people who lose their jobs and livelihood due to the unfair shutdown of restaurants and bars.

It’s pretty bad in Illinois. According to the news last night, many of the restaurant owners have spent thousands adding stuff to their establishments like plexiglass shields, extra cleanings, etc. to protect diners. And yet, the governor has ordered them closed down to indoor dining. It’s 32 degrees outside today, and although we expect unseasonably warm temps for Halloween during the day, the wind is supposed to be fierce and tomorrow, high winds and snow flurries are in the forecast.

Honestly, who in their right mind could eat OUTDOORS in that kind of weather?! (Keep in mind that our governor is grossly overweight and probably has a lot of insulation.)

As for takeout–well–it’s not the food that brings people to a restaurant.

Yes, it’s easier than shopping, cooking, and cleaning up, but…it’s just not the same. Many of of the foods at these chain restaurants just don’t taste that good if they aren’t eaten immediately, and in the atmosphere of the restaurant.

I can buy a pound of burger for around $4 if I watch the sale prices. I can get at least 6 burgers out of that pound of burger, or a large casserole, or a whole meatloaf.
My husband and I got take out from McDonald’s on Wednesday (I was dead tired after a busy day at work and my physical therapy workout)–it was $19.00 for two Big Macs and two large orders of fries (which we didn’t even finish–McDs fries are really bad once they get cold). That could have bought four pounds of (sale-priced) burger! Or an awful lot of Halloween candy!

My husband and I love eating out, and during non-COVID times, we would eat out 4-5 times a week, breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or just stopping for an ice cream treat. But take-out is just not the same.

I think a lot of people feel the same way, and there are a lot of people who are being very careful with their incomes (if they still have jobs) and don’t want to spend the money on take-out during potential hard times.

But in the meantime, these poor restaurant owners are looking at bankruptcy. Last week, several of our good restaurants closed their doors forever–bankrupt. It was so sad.

And I don’t think it’s necessary. I don’t think that restaurants are any more likely to spread COVID than WalMart, other big stores, schools, companies that are still working (like my hospital), etc.
Last week, several of our good restaurants closed their doors forever–
and this is very hard on the owners because it is often their retirement fund, so to speak. They put everything they have towards the business, and then this happens and they have nothing.
Do you think that along with so many other activities, Americans should give up gardening and working in their yards for the sake of not spreading COVID?
No, far from it. Gardening has many blessings: food security, peace for adults, and learning for children. Also, Samwise Gamgee.

The matter at hand was that Michigan was a Hot-spot at the time, and people were breaking the lockdown to purchase garden supplies. Apparently some figured it would be okey-doke if they traveled to a place that was not locked down and purchased supplies elsewhere, be it a different store or a different side of the line on a map.

PMT and Whitmer won’t be mistaken for each other, but they tended to agree more on the fence-jumping than do most of the leaders along the border. Except maybe Which-one Cuomo.
My husband and I love eating out, and during non-COVID times, we would eat out 4-5 times a week, breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or just stopping for an ice cream treat. But take-out is just not the same.

I think a lot of people feel the same way, and there are a lot of people who are being very careful with their incomes (if they still have jobs) and don’t want to spend the money on take-out during potential hard times.
I quit eating out ever since COVID hit. Just as well. Got laid-off not long after. Now doing more home cooking than ever but even the price of groceries have gone up. Surviving on rice and lentils. One good thing has emerged as a result of not eating out all the time. Lost some weight with healthy home cooked foods.
But in the meantime, these poor restaurant owners are looking at bankruptcy. Last week, several of our good restaurants closed their doors forever–bankrupt. It was so sad.
It is sad. Restaurants operate on a very thin profit margin. It’s hard to survive the lockdown.
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I quit eating out ever since COVID hit. Just as well. Got laid-off not long after. Now doing more home cooking than ever but even the price of groceries have gone up. Surviving on rice and lentils. One good thing has emerged as a result of not eating out all the time. Lost some weight with healthy home cooked foods.
I wish you lived near us. We are so lonely–we would have you over every night for supper! I hate to say this, but I end up throwing food away because even eating it for several days as leftovers, we can’t finish it. 😦
That’s so sweet.

I would be over every night for supper if you let me. 😁

I am an introvert but I do enjoy companionship, especially over food.
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