Live : Georgia Rally At Statehouse

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Large ego means thinking your skills/abilities are best or among the best. Most people think they are more or less average, which is definitely not the worst.
Then I don’t see why someone thinking they are better than really bad candidates would be indicative of a large ego.
So they have no ability to point out sketchy things to an official group?
I don’t think you understand what poll watchers/observers are or do or what the actual election officials do.

Poll watchers have some limited abilities to take concerns to the election officials-- judges or supervisors depending on the state.

Regarding ballot counting, it is the poll workers who alert supervisors when there is a problem. The observers can only observe the counting. They cannot “challenge” ballots. If they think there is a problem with the process they can report it to election officials.

The cases that have been filed boil down to “poll observers” not understanding what poll observers do and don’t do. They have made a lot of baseless allegations. For example, in one poll place the observer complained that the ballot counters weren’t matching signatures. That is because the COUNTY CLERK does the signature matching before the ballots ever go to the counting location.
Their existence is just superfluous, is what you’re saying?
In larger part they are a tradition, not an actual official position or part of election law. Over time, they’ve become regulated so as not to overwhelm polling places. Mostly those regulations focus on limiting the number of poll watchers and observers.
So, you’re saying there are no new cases that will be made, and you’re certain of this fact?
I’m saying that we need not “wait” for hypothetical cases that have not been filed.

Edited to add: Maybe the lawsuit paperwork is in the same file drawer that contains the new health care plan. The one Trump has been promising “in two weeks” for over a year now.
I think we should wait for any cases that can change the results either cumulatively or stand-alone.
Ok, you do that. The rest of the world operates on actual cases that have been filed, not imaginary ones that haven’t been filed.
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I think we should wait for any cases that can change the results either cumulatively or stand-alone.
I think that if there were such cases out there than they should have already been filed, especially since the deadline to resolve all disputes over the Presidential election is December 8, 2020. After all, if there really were “mountains” of evidence out there it should be quite a simple matter to present it, right? Instead we get major (but still somehow nebulous) allegations made in press conferences and on social media but zero evidence and nonsensical legal arguments when it actually comes to standing before a court to present the cases.
Poll watchers have some limited abilities to take concerns to the election officials-- judges or supervisors depending on the state.
That’s what I’m saying they could do and still be called “contesting” in a general sense (to be charitable to ie Rudy).

We did get a “healthcare vision” that presumably would take place if Obamacare were repealed, but yes this is still far from a full plan. I don’t see the need to bring this up except to reveal potential bias, which I imagine most of us have regarding political topics. But I think this shouldn’t be that political. Any candidate has the right to contest election results. Are all the cases well-founded? Well, we have the court system for that.

We are close enough to game over, anyway.
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I think that if there were such cases out there than they should have already been filed, especially since the deadline to resolve all disputes over the Presidential election is December 8, 2020. After all, if there really were “mountains” of evidence out there it should be quite a simple matter to present it, right? Instead we get major (but still somehow nebulous) allegations made in press conferences and on social media but zero evidence and nonsensical legal arguments when it actually comes to standing before a court to present the cases.
It takes time to make cases, gather evidence in an acceptable manner, form them into acceptable arguments, etc. I will be patient for the deadline. Then it will be over.

My problem with ego is that it sounds so sweeping and negative, and I don’t think every president has to be like this. If every candidate for a party, hypothetically, is for ridiculous late term all 9 months abortion, which only a small minority of the American populace backs and with which the Church disagrees, then someone saying, “You know what? I’d better represent the people on this issue than any of those guys.” It doesn’t strike me as very large ego.
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It takes time to make cases, gather evidence in an acceptable manner, form them into acceptable arguments, etc. I will be patient for the deadline. Then it will be over.
After all the yammering and talk of mountains of evidence and such the evidence, if it actually existed, should have made an appearance in at least one court by now. It really doesn’t take that long to gather it if it’s there and as prevalent as has been claimed. As far as I am concerned it is all hot air - sound and fury signifying nothing.
My problem with ego is that it sounds
Perhaps I wasn’t clear enough. No further comment.
Their existence is just superfluous,
Well, it is. The ballot counting continues whether it is watched or not, kind of like a tree falling in the forest. The voting process may seem exciting watching the news in the evening with all the graphics, commentary, and projections, but on the ground it is very, very boring. Even campainging by the polling places is usually rather a dull job. Watching clerks stack ballots and run them through machines, or move cords and data modules around is tedious. I know that one side now wants to make it like some political action thriller, but it simply isn’t.
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As far as I am concerned it is all hot air - sound and fury signifying nothing.
… and another one bites the dust.

PA supreme court rejected Trump campaign lawsuit over counting ballots with missing info on the outer envelope. Judges stated they will not disenfranchise voters.
Or do you mean, “by”, as in outside the area wherein it is not permitted?
Yes, by, as in outside the perimeter.

I used to do this every election during early voting. You are just visiting with people mostly and passing out stuff.
Lindsay Graham , according to the Georgia Secretary of State, was asking if the entire votes of certain parts of Georgia could be tossed if there were enough “irregularities”.
Right now, only one side is seeking relief in the courts. If crazy stuff like this happens, then the courts will have to intervene on behalf of the voters, and the Biden campaign will have to start seeking its own actions.

Today is Feast of Christ the King. We end the liturgical year, reminding us of the march of time. The clock is ticking and the count still remains 306-232. Soon the alarm will go off. There might be one snooze reset, but eventually, the nation will have to awake to reality and time for lawsuits, bribery, or other hijinks will be past.

Then the voters of Georgia will have to decide what to do next. I hope the GOP supporters do not throw a tantrum and boycott the run-off. The GOP needs the Senate.
if this continues enough borderline GOP voters will have had enough of Trump and vote blue. And I’m sure that Democrats are not really that upset with Trump here. He is self destructing to the delight of leftists everywhere. And the media that has obsessed over Trump since the beginning is still, even as they are sure he has lost, still obsessing over him. And that’s not by accident.
Trump is only as asset to the GOP when he is winning. When he is winning he’s like a bull in the china shop getting things done. But he is not a good loser. And losing is simply part of life that has to be dealt with gracefully. I believe that the way you handle adversity wins you more supporters and more credibility than how you handle the easy stuff.
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…And… Michigan certifies the election and give its 16 electors to Biden.
if this continues enough borderline GOP voters will have had enough of Trump and vote blue.
Oh, it’s past time for that. Disaffected GOP/conservatives already voted blue on Nov 3. At least at the top of the ballot. You are right though, that the down ballot Republicans will suffer the wrath if they continue with their nonsense.
if this continues enough borderline GOP voters will have had enough of Trump and vote blue.
Oh, it’s past time for that. Disaffected GOP/conservatives already voted blue on Nov 3. At least at the top of the ballot. You are right though, that the down ballot Republicans will suffer the wrath if they continue with their nonsense.
Yea very true. Trump’s demeanor at the first debate lost him the election IMO. I almost voted third party. I couldn’t vote democrat and I did not want to vote for DT in the worst way.

The election was his to lose and he blew it.
I voted 3rd party in 2016. I voted for Biden in this election. I live in a swing state and felt it too important to defeat Trump to vote 3rd party again.

I contacted and put my senator on notice for 2022.
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I voted 3rd party in 2016. I voted for Biden in this election. I contacted and put my senator on notice for 2022.
As contemptible as Trump is, Biden is not an option. The third part guy was not very attractive either. I probably could have wrote my wife in or something.
And… we have ascertainment. Finally.

Only after the House summoned Emily Murphy and rejected her attempts to avoid explaining herself. But still. It’s done.

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