Live: Michigan Legislation with Giuliani Dec/ 2

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That’s reassuring. I hope all the witnesses and lawyers have spoken truthfully.
It was pretty compelling testimony. I watched about an hour of it around 8pm last night. The witnesses I saw were all normal, believable people recounting things that had clearly disturbed them. If you watched it I doubt you’d think differently. Truthfully, it was some of the most credible sounding testimony I’ve seen and I’ve been a news junkie since the 80’s.
“I just learned of absolute incontrovertible evidence of North Korean boats delivering ballots through a harbor in Maine, the state of Maine,” [Roger] Stone said.
This is absolutely one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. Like, dumb even for known troll and liar Roger Stone. Anyone who is credulous enough to believe North Korea is capable of sailing all the way around the world undetected and sneaking into Maine will believe absolutely anything.
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But it is incontrovertible that they were detected.
Again, according to known liar Roger Stone. I’m sure the North Korean navy is totally capable of sending a stealth vessel across the the Pacific Ocean, through the Panama Canal, up the east coast, and personally delivering fake ballots to Maine, all the while avoiding detection by the vastly larger and infinitely more sophisticated US Navy. The North Korean navy is a collection of old, broken down ships they’re barely capable of putting in the water. Yet we’re supposed to believe they successfully circumnavigated the globe.

I’m sorry, anyone who believes Roger Stone is a moron.
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Huge crowds attending Trump rallies, but almost no one showing up to hear Joe or Kamala.
Even if that were proof of something (it’s not) how would it be proof of secret North Korean vessels landing in Maine?
But it is incontrovertible that they were detected.
No, it isn’t. Someone claimed, with no evidence yet, that they had incontrovertible proof of an event. I say he should provide proof or retract.
Beginning to sound like the technique known as “duck, dodge, and weave” that tends to get used when one runs out of actual facts to argue. Or never had any facts, just gratuitous assertions that fall apart like snowflakes in a steel mill when looked at closely.
I reported on what was announced in the American news. That is the extent of what I know.
And when I said that was insane you said “but it’s incontrovertible.”
you said “but it’s incontrovertible.”
According to the news report that is what Roger Stone said. It should be read that it is incontrovertible according to Roger Stone. I only know what I read in the news reports which I have not verified personally.
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No, that’s what YOU said. You didn’t say “Roger Stone said…”

When someone asked you to back up your assertion that it was incontrovertible, you responded with “well, Trump had big rallies”, as though the two things are related somehow.
I was answering a different question.
No, you weren’t. You can literally scroll up and see what the exchange was. I believe you if you say you just hit reply on the wrong post or something, but as written what you were saying was just a logic fail.
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