Lockdowns never again: Sweden was right, and we were wrong

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This is up to date reviews…
I’m not seeing their argument. A Herd Immunity strategy by definition goes with a higher rate of infection and death rate over other strategies.

The only thing surprising thing about Sweden is that their figures are equal to or lower than many countries and states that pursued a lock down strategy. Yes, their numbers are actually lower than you would expect with their strategy.

Whether it was a bad strategy depends on how quickly the vaccine drives herd immunity. I believe the game has changed due to broad release of multiple vaccines in record breaking time. Rapid vaccine delivery is what will end up proving their strategy was wrong.
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Does anyone know what the change in overall death rates are for the different countries compared to last years statistics?

I have heard that there has been no overall discernable increase in different countries annual death rates and what has happened is that people who would have previously been categorised with one type of death were re-categorised as being a Corona death to create the fiction of a high level deadly pandemic.
Does anyone know what the change in overall death rates are for the different countries compared to last years statistics?

I have heard that there has been no overall discernable increase in different countries annual death rates and what has happened is that people who would have previously been categorised with one type of death were re-categorised as being a Corona death to create the fiction of a high level deadly pandemic.
Australia is tracking for a lower death rate than usual due to increased flu vaccinations and the measures taken to stop Covid spreading. The likelihood in future will be an increased flu vaccination program which will target the poor and younger generation. That will be a positive legacy of the pandemic.
But if the death rate is also lower in Australia, as with other countries with this Covid ‘epidemic’ then the shut down in the economy, the ruining of people’s lives, the taking away of freedoms, many, many freedoms and the redistribution of wealth and the concentration of power in government cannot in any way be justified to my mind.
This is not about condemning all “masking-up”.
It concerns some masking policies though . . . .


Also includes information against cookie-cutter mandated widespread lockdowns
and suggests as per physician Jay Bhattacharya M.D. Ph.D. (a Professor of Medicine at Stanford University). . . .

. . . “Focused Protection” of the vulnerable.

Sounds like good common sense mixed in with good science.


Steve Hilton: Biden mask policy is ‘pure BS plucked out of thin air’​

Dec. 07, 2020 - 7:50 - ‘The Next Revolution’ host said President-elect Joe Biden and other leaders are ‘exploiting this virus to micromanage our lives.’

Steve Hilton: Biden mask policy is 'pure BS plucked out of thin air' | Fox News Video

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AMA now also seriously considering a motion to clarify it’s recommendation concerning hydroxychloroquine and physician prescribing.

The AMA is considering emphasizing suggesting this decision (to use or not use hydroxychloroquine) is
between a physician (“if it is in her/his best clinical judgement”) and their patient in resolution # 509.

This seems like common sense.

This has not been enacted yet, but IS under consideration (as of their November meeting).

The AMA is saying it’s use should be in EARLY treatment in this resolution (“hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for the treatment of the earliest stage of COVID-19”).

reasonable knowing the studies and physiology.

(Which just again, makes common sense in most cases [unless they are concerned about a cytokine storm–“Stage III” or “hyperinflammation phase” talked about on screenshot 2]. To wait is like waiting to put out a kitchen fire until the flames are coming out of the upstairs windows instead of treating it early while it is still in the kitchen. In one instance the fire extinguisher will help. In the other, it will be of no use.)

Here is THAT information . . .
RESOLVED, that our American Medical Association rescind its statement calling for physicians to stop prescribing hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine until sufficient evidence becomes available to conclusively illustrate that the harm associated with use outweighs benefit early in the disease course.

An updated statement clarifying our support for a physician’s ability to prescribe an FDA-approved medication for off label use, if it is in her/his best clinical judgement, with specific reference to the use of hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for the treatment of the earliest stage of COVID-19.
Bold mine.

Here are a couple of screen shots (from their agenda put out before the meeting) . . . .

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Here is the link . . .


I wonder what they will do in the future?
We’ll have to see as right now this is only under consideration.
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Even though this argues against quarantining HEALTHY people, take the Wuhan study with a grain of salt as it comes from China.

That being said, WHO’s Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove affirmed that it was “rare” even though later backtracking saying it was “complex” but offering no further proof.

That being said, I’m sure it DOES occur (asymptomatic transmission) as it just makes sense.

Does this give an appropriate risk-benefit ratio arguing FOR a mandated Government lockdown though?

Almost certainly not.

. . . .Further evidence showed that “virus cultures” in the positive and repositive asymptomatic cases were all negative, “indicating no ‘viable virus’ in positive cases detected in this study.”

Ages of those found to be asymptomatic ranged between 10 and 89, with the asymptomatic positive rate being “lowest in children or adolescents aged 17 and below” and highest rate found among people older than 60.

The study also made the realization that due to a weakening of the virus itself, “newly infected persons were more likely to be asymptomatic and with a lower viral load than earlier infected cases.”

These results are not without precedent. In June, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, shed doubt upon asymptomatic transmission. Speaking at a press conference, Van Kerkhove explained, “From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual.”

She then repeated the words “It’s very rare,” but despite her word choice of “rare,” Van Kerkhove could not point to a single case of asymptomatic transmission, noting that numerous reports “were not finding secondary transmission onward.”

Her comments went against the predominant narrative justifying lockdowns, and at the time the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) highlighted that “she undermined the last bit of rationale there could be for lockdowns, mandated masks, social distancing regulation, and the entire apparatus of compulsion and coercion under which we’ve lived for three months.”

Swift to act, the WHO performed a U-turn, and the next day Van Kerkhove then declared that asymptomatic transmission was a “really complex question … We don’t actually have that answer yet.”

“I think that that’s misunderstanding to state that asymptomatic transmission globally is very rare. I was referring to a small subset of studies,” she added. . . .
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Thread still here? Can’t believe there’s still any argument. Sweden is paying for its hubris.
Can’t believe there’s still any argument. Sweden is paying for its hubris.
you should look at data before chastising. Sweden is middle of the road compared to the rest of the EU.
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That chart distorts the data because Sweden doesn’t update it’s cases on weekends and public holidays so it gives a false account of the real picture of Sweden as of today. You can see that no other country shows a drop of 30,000 cases in a two day period.
Sweden is paying for its hubris
What hubris?

Killing its corona virus patients?

Are you talking about their overcrowded immigration housing situations and FORCING THEM to work as “necessary” jobs while others disproportionately stay home?

Their curves mimic other countries in the winter.

What kind of “hubris” do you mean?


Almost Half of Swedish Coronavirus ICU Patients are Migrants​

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Andreea Campeanu/Getty Images

Chris Tomlinson

27 Dec 2020

Nearly half of those in intensive care units (ICU) due to complications from the Wuhan coronavirus across Sweden are from migrant backgrounds.

A total of 46 per cent of those in ICUs in Sweden are from migrant backgrounds according to a report. Given that Sweden’s foreign-born population is around one-fifth of the total number of residents of the country, the figures suggest that migrants are serious over-represented in coronavirus statistics.

According to a report from Swedish newspaper Expressen , migrants also account for nearly half of those who have died of the Wuhan coronavirus under the age of 65, with native Swedes making up the majority of those over 65 who have fell victim to the disease. . . .

. . . migrants have a much higher unemployment rate than native Swedes, and the paper also lists overcrowding and larger average household sizes… . . .

. . . The Swedish Centre for Epidemiology and Community Medicine (CEM) released a report in November on the spread of the coronavirus in Stockholm and found socio-economic factors to be the main reason for the increased number of infections among migrants.

The report did not claim, however, that a lack of information was a factor for migrant communities, as had been suggested earlier this year when it was reported that Stockholm’s Somali community had been hit especially hard by the virus.

Sweden is not the only country to see migrant-background and minority communities hit harder by the coronavirus. In Italy. . . .

. . . Finland reported a similar trend . . .
That chart distorts the data because Sweden doesn’t update it’s cases on weekends and public holidays so it gives a false account of the real picture of Sweden as of today. You can see that no other country shows a drop of 30,000 cases in a two day period.
You are doing a poor deflection. My data was smoothed into a weekly average. Also, why are you hyper focused on the last two weeks, when the story is in the prior 280 days

Below example includes Denmark instead of EU average. Notice they also recently saw a steep rise and decline in the past month.
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A recent drop for Sweden is also logical considering how they’ve recently been hyper focused on reducing transmission. More data may soften the curve but I fully expect it to remain dropping.
Sweden is not the only country to see migrant-background and minority communities hit harder by the coronavirus
Migrants will also have much lower Vitamin D levels, from the research I’ve seen.
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