Looking for Support: The concept of Hell

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I hope I get some support here and I don’t know if this is the right place to post this. I’m in my thirties and I’m disabled so I stopped working at the age of thirty. I gave up porn at twenty-seven, been celibate since then only rarely masturbating. In my teen years I would attend mass driving myself to church. In college I would go to a local church weekly.

The illness I developed started in my early twenties. Nonetheless, I was able to work until thirty before it was determined by Psychiatrists and a Therapist it was best I go on Disability. I’m celibate and won’t get married because I have an inheritable illness and I wouldn’t want to pass that down.

Now, no one can ever know until death how they stand with God. But since 27 I have been praying the Rosary and last year discovered Divine Office. So, in general but not always I will pray the Rosary and participate in an Divine Office group, both online. I’ve read parts of the Old Testament, all the Gospels, most of the Epistles. But Currently I’m going back and reading the Bible with more mature eyes. From about 21-27 I did some things I regret but nothing major and I have already confessed these sins.

So, I feel I was chastised by developing this illness but it is to my benefit as I’ve grown more loving and compassionate since then. And if God wants growth, then I’ve done it and I’m doing it.

But here is what occurred to me. There is a local Radio Station with a show called the John and Ken show. Now, I’ll listen to anything as I’m a moderate. But these are really, really far-right and both are atheists. One of them, John, is chauvinistic and harasses the news girl Deborah Marks. It’s totally sleezy and borders on creepy the way he regards her. I cringe even listening to it. I’m obviously sure she can sue for harassment.

So, now that I’m older I’ve come to acknowledge and accept there is a Hell. I don’t know who goes to it or how many end up there. But in listening to this show, I realize, “these guys are probably going to hell.” They believe in Social Darwinism and are atheistic and on top of that have sleezy behaviors towards women. So, these guys might be going to Hell.

It’s shocking to write that. I don’t condemn people and I know for certain there is a God, it’s just it took my late thirties to accept there is a Hell. If you are a younger Catholic or a less experienced Catholic down the road of Catholicism you will have to one day accept there is a Hell and Satan. I was a naive happy go lucky Catholic before. Back then I thought Hell didn’t exist and everyone can be saved. So, in that acknowledgement of Hell comes the acknowledgment that people will go to it. And when you are fully aware of it, it will shock you when you realize someone like a celebrity or someone famous or someone with musical and artistic talents or the most gorgeous looks or the greatest intellect may end up there.

Thanks for reading. If this is not the write place to post this, please move it to the right place. I had to shorten, but I wanted to get everyone’s take on this.
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Now, no one can ever know until death how they stand with God.
Actually, you can know this every time you go to confession and hear “I absolve you of your sins…”. And you know you stand forgiven for those sins. What you do after that is up to you…and you can go to confession as much as you need.
It’s totally sleezy and borders on creepy the way he regards her. I cringe even listening to it.’
Then stop listening to it.
these guys might be going to Hell.
Maybe. But that’s not a decision you make…that’s between them and God. All you can do it witness your faith and pray they will be open.

So what support do you need? Are you trying to figure out how to reach atheists without having to listen to their sleezy garbage?
I’m farther right wing than anyone I know or know of and so when you equate far right with chauvinism and sexual harassment you are swinging a bat at pretty high velocity. Pigs is a the descriptive term you should be using.

Hell is for real and sadly most people are choosing that destination. Great read for you, Four Last Things by Martin Von Cochem. You can probably find it and download free at archive.org.
I’m an older Catholic raised by Greatest Generation parents and between them and the sisters at school, I was acutely aware of the existence of both Hell and Purgatory from a very young age.

However, we have no idea who goes there, we cannot tell on earth who else on earth might or might not be going there, and it is my goal to try to pray as much as I can for others and try to keep as many people out of there as possible.

So, what support are you looking for, exactly?
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That’s totally contrary to the Bible; Jesus frequently speaks of how the branches that do not bear fruit will be cut off and thrown into the furnace (Matthew 7:19)
I don’t believe in Hell. …

Hell seems like a man-made concept used to keep people in-line. It really makes no sense. …

Personally, I am much happier now that I realize there is not Hell. I’m still a Christian
Unfortunately, your denial/ lack of understanding of Hell does not somehow make it disappear.

Hell exists, it is real, and the Church teaches that it exists and is real.
The best you can hope for is that no souls go there, although that seems unlikely.
I was like you. I don’t know if you are a Catholic though. But think of the Nazis. If you are a Catholic I think other denominations like the Baptist’s are more aware of the struggle and choices in life between good and evil.

So, the question I pose to you is if there is a Hell would you come to terms with God as to why it has to be there? When I finally acknowledged hell I prayed and cried and grieved for the souls that go there. Again I don’t know how many people end up there, but that is what you have to ask yourself would you come to terms with God if there is a hell or would you rebel?
What do you mean by that? Are you Catholic? Are you condemning me to Hell?
In order for us to have free will, evil must exist. In order for justice to prevail, there must be consequences to evil, therefore Hell must exist. At the same time:’ whoever loves God above all things does not fear death, judgment, punishment or Hell as perfect love assures access to God’ - The Imitation of Christ.
I think the dialogue is starting. But for me I say prayers os discernment for the youth. I pray for people who may be in distress. I don’t listen to music, instead I teach myself piano and guitar. Knowing very well the whole media industry is filled with people who may end up in hell.
It’s interesting that you bring this up, because I’ve been having a very similar experience since last November. I used to be persistent in mortal sin (bet you can guess which one), but then I started praying the Rosary daily and that’s gotten me out of it completely. I had always had a vague notion of hell, but I guess I just told myself that nobody really goes there, only satanists or Hitler or people like that. But as I’ve had a religious awakening sorts and begun immersing myself in all things Catholicism, I’ve realized that most of the saints who have spoken on this matter say that the vast majority of people go to hell. It has disheartened me to realize that there is a significant likelihood many or most of the people I know and love, including myself, as well as people that I just meet in passing or greet on the street, are going to hell. But, I take solace in trusting in Divine Mercy, and I pray for the conversion of sinners because that’s really all I can do. Ultimately it’s in God’s hands, and if there’s anything that will save sinners from hell in droves, it’s His Divine Mercy. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet regularly for the conversion of sinners. Also have recourse to our Blessed Mother, who is the most gracious advocate of sinners. Hope this helps. Peace!
No. I know I deserve to go there just as much as you do. I’m just saying that hell is real and people do go there.
As for people who ask what kind of support do I need. Well, have you thought of the fact that many in this generation may go to hell? Celebrities, Rock Stars, Executives…etc…Also I had to cut down my original post but I worked in finance, it’s a real bad environment. Lawyers can do good but I worked in that environment and it’s pretty bad.

I think the Lutherans almost see the devil as having a lot of control over the world. I think since the seventies a lot of people may have inadvertently taken the road to perdition for success.
It is by God’s grace that you are making progress on your spiritual journey. Rather than focus on hell, “I” would focus on 1) knowing yourself, 2) recognizing and avoiding sin, 3) staying current in the sacraments and 4) fasting, praying and giving alms as you are able and 5) offering your suffering for those who openly reject God.

To distinguish sin from sin, and sin from imperfection (not a sin), a good examination of conscience is recommended. Here is the best that I have found:
Should be available at your local Catholic bookstore. By itself, the shipping is a killer.
Yes, I think we are on the same page. It’s shocking. But I think for me it is a maturity in Faith. I know a hundred percent there is a God and Heaven. OK that is a growth in Faith. Then God asks when you take that turn, “will you accept there is a hell?” And sometimes like the original angels we in our minds rebel and ask God why? Then God guides us by the hand and shows us why. Then we cry and pray for all those who are making compromising choices.
The doctrine of hell is a byproduct of freedom and the human capacity to reject grace:

We must regularly pray for the deeper conversion of ourselves and of everybody in our lives and of those who have nobody to pray them. As well-formed Catholics we have a greater responsibility to do this and God will justly hold us to a greater standard of charity.

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Thank you I bookmarked it. I’ve read Augustine’s Confessions and St John the Divines Dark Night of the Soul.
Well, have you thought of the fact that many in this generation may go to hell?
Sure. There’s also nothing special about this generation. People from all generations had the potential to go to hell, and a goodly number of them probably went. Although Catholics are not required to believe approved private revelations, if one chooses to believe the Vatican-approved Fatima revelations, the children saw Hell and saw a lot of people going there who had no one to pray for them. St. Teresa of Avila and many other saints said they had seen Hell also.
Celebrities, Rock Stars, Executives…etc…Also I had to cut down my original post but I worked in finance, it’s a real bad environment. Lawyers can do good but I worked in that environment and it’s pretty bad.
Bad and good people exist in every environment. There is nothing special about celebrities, rock stars, executives, lawyers, or financial professionals. When it comes to hellfire they are no different than ditch diggers or taxi drivers or motel maids. And everyone needs prayers.

I understand that pondering Hell may be a new and novel thought for you. It’s pretty ordinary for a lot of us though.
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The realization that suffering is redemptive gives meaning and purpose to our suffering. So many people these days are looking to “re-purpose” their lives. If only they knew that they could re-purpose their suffering.
OK, let me challenge you for a bit. You say the concept of Hell is not new to you but have you grasped it. I mean can you watch a movie or listen to music? That is why I mentioned those shock jocks. I can’t listen to them. I can’t consume no matter how genius it is anything by anyone who may be compromised. How do I write it? I would be a hypocrite to consume something made by someone who is only going to end up in hell?

Again I don’t know how many people end up there. But someone mentioned prayer. I think in addition to confession we are asked to pray. I take a further step of cutting out all the media, music and politics.
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