I’m just wondering…how long are you spending when you get upset and angry? Are you spending 20 minutes yelling when the small chore would be done in 45 seconds? I’m not asking this to be rude, but sometimes our time is only valuable in certain ways.
There is no authority for women in marriage in this sense. Not that men shouldn’t help where they are capable, but something else is going on. If you have that much of a compulsion to be angry with him, you might consider hiring a nanny and for a couple months, using the time you aren’t cleaning, cooking, etc, to pray, alone. Then, from there, continue with the nanny, and start dating your husband again. Get to know him. And mind you, this entire time, don’t ever nag, yell, cuss at him, etc. It’s really difficult to change this sort of thing, but there’s something broken in your relationship, but I’m venturing to guess it’s easier to say the rotten roots are someone else’s problem, not mine.
Work on your roots first, then the both of your roots (the marriage itself!).
In the meantime, take a load off yourself, you don’t need that level of stress. If he’s useless at home, ask him to simply work a little more to cover the costs of the nanny. Promise him, and yourself, that you will do your best to not nag, yell, or lose your temper during this process.
This is my theory, that if you try this, it may benefit you immensely. But don’t worry so much about him, even if he does something you perceive harmful, because in the end, you also held some level of stubbornness that you also didn’t move the herbicide out of the toddler’s reach. This level of shifting responsibility wouldn’t float past a social worker if something happened to the toddler, so be mindful of that. Though I’m not a social worker, just…food for thought.
I hope this doesn’t offend you or that any of this comes off harshly, my intention is only to get you to see that the brokenness is a collaborative effort between both of you, and you fixing yourself first will also give him time to heal.