Dishes aren’t usually the thing that puts me over the age as far as yelling, but I do get annoyed by it.
I like how you think, however this may come across as sarcastic and may give him fuel to go on the defense. I would just stick with “Well, guess we’ll have to go out to eat since there are no clean dishes.” Less is more. Too many words give him more opportunities to argue or get defensive.Or look in the cabinet and say “ come here look! Something really odd! “ if he asks what is it, tell him to come over and look, and when he does, say “ I could have sworn we were supposed to have clean dishes in here, but there aren’t any.” No yelling, but do your best acting like you really mean it and are genuinely perplexed.
The point is don’t reward his behavior by finishing the tasks for him. That’s what he wants and you are reinforcing his behaviors by giving it to him. Yes, there are some tasks that MUST be done whether he completes them or not, but when possible, allow for natural consequences to his actions. Like, if he dresses your daughter inappropriately and all of you are about to head out the door to a party he doesn’t want to miss/be late for, say, “Oh dear, we probably won’t get to the party! ‘Daughter’s Name’ isn’t dressed appropriately.” Don’t ask him to re-dress her. Don’t point out that he didn’t do it right. And most of all, don’t re-dress her yourself. I imagine he will figure things out after a few instances of this and eventually learn he needs to just do things properly the first time because you are no longer going to clean up after him.Dishes aren’t usually the thing that puts me over the age as far as yelling, but I do get annoyed by it.
I like the ideas above of having the consequences fall on him.I think what changed is I came home and now he thinks I should do it all.
We all speak “sarcasm humor” in my house.I like how you think, however this may come across as sarcastic
I did notice that you mentioned that he sometimes does chores in a useless way. Please explain so I can make a better assessment of the situation.Any suggestions for getting the man to contribute without yelling and feeling like I’m his mother (and a bad one) instead of his wife?
Allegra, as long as you keep rescuing him, the longer he’ll keep letting you!It’s not about not noticing a pile of dirty ice cream dishes. It’s he said he’d do the dishes last night, but he didn’t. Then he promised to do them in the morning, but he didn’t. Now, I have no choice but to do them myself because it’s time for dinner and we have nothing to cook it with or eat it off of. And yes, sometimes I grab a few paper plates or just flat out say, “You want to eat? Do the _______ dishes.” But it works on me when he tries to force me into doing a task that he agreed to do.
Did you ask him why he didn’t water those flowers? And did you ask him to please go back outside and water them?He goes out but he waters all but one bed of plants. Then the next day I go out and the plants are dying or dead. Or he might tell me that he didn’t water that one bed and I still have to go out and go through the process of unwinding the hose and turning on and off the water just to water one bed, so he hasn’t actually helped at all
Hmm. Ok so I had a mom like that. I mean I love my family but…wow. I apparently would load the dishwasher “wrong.“ I have gotten a few education lessons on this… The issue was that she was inconsistent, and also she has a habit of not doing things the correct way, but HER way. Which tbh…wasn’t any better. Or against the instructions…I do know that the whole do-it-poorly-so-she’ll-do-it-for-you thing did work with his mom, who was too neurotic about cleanliness and was going to end up doing it anyway.
Sadly this can work, but sometimes not. At my parents place my dad had his stuff on the living room table, dining room table, his office (can’t see the table tops), and his rooms dresser (shared). I’m thinking five years?LEAVE any mess that he leaves, unless it is dangerous to the children. Leave it until the bugs start buzzing. Don’t pick up after him, FORCE him to see the mess, because he honestly does not see it and he WON’t see it as long as you keep whisking is away clean again.
Yes this^^If not could you sit down with your husband and create a chores list that approximates things which need to be done? It has to be realistic and both parties should understand the standards.
I thought you said he wasn’t an idiot?? But you’re saying he did this in front of your family, on a vacation, as a first impression?while everyone was working to carry luggage or groceries, he made sure to grab his ipod.
Ok, this just keeps getting more and more outrageous. Not putting a diaper on a baby and using a fleece sleeper in 90 degree weather?When I say “useless”, I mean he’ll do the task, but in a way that isn’t helpful. Most frequently, I ask for something and he’ll say okay, but then not get it. When I ask again, he’ll say he’ll bring it “in a minute” or “when he gets up”. At that point the think is no longer useful to me. Or I’ll ask for him to bring a cup of milk for one of the kids at dinner, and he’ll bring it in a dirty cup, which means I not only have to go back and get it, but wash out the cup as well. If I ask for a tool, he’ll bring a different tool that he claims works just as well. (but doesn’t) If I ask him to change the baby, he’ll put her in a fleece sleeper when we’re going out in 90 degree weather. Once, he put her in a sleeper with no flipping diaper. That was lovely. She peed through the sleeper, the carseat, and left a puddle of pee on the floor of restaurant.
I like the idea of using consequences as much as possible. If he promised to wash the dishes but didn't,
don’t wash them yourself, just make peanut butter sandwiches for everyone and hand them out on napkins.Making peanut butter sandwiches on napkins makes more sense than going out to eat, especially during this pandemic. But don’t, under any circumstances, do the dishes yourself.using consequences as much as possible. If he promised to wash the dishes but didn't,
don’t wash them yourself, just make peanut butter sandwiches for everyone and hand them out on napkins.
I would throw away the weed killer. I don’t allow poisonous substances in my house with a young child here. If he can’t put it away safely, it’s gone.