To those who say that we misinterpret Matthew 16:18 do not take into consideration of the whole of the bible
That is what we have been doing the last 20 or 30 posts, taking into consideration the whole of the bible, the Old and the New, from the Garden to Pentecost to Pastoral letters.
As Jesus said, Think not that I came to destroy the law or the prophets: I came not to destroy, but to fulfil.
Jesus had to say that because in a sense some things were to cease. That is not debatable. What is debatable is the understanding of that.
For example my mortgage ceases when I have paid it off. Nobody says I destroyed my mortgage. It was paid in full, debt fullfilled. The mortgage achieved its purpose, giving one a home. We still have the home but continue more freely to live. You certainly do not continue to make anymore payments. They have ceased.
The need for a priesthood and continued sacrificial memorial would be like if one used a brinks truck to make all mortgage payments in particular the last check, and to memorialize that event we then co tinue to use a brinks truck to carry the cancelled check from service to service year to year. It’s a cancelled check, it’s propitiation having been served. Now the memorial with cancelled check is valuable only to the home dwellers. No need for brinks truck anymore.
That is very simplistic and does not cover all the details. But just as one can destroy the good of the old, one can carry over the bad of the old. One can chop off too much or not enough via this fulfillment. Each side has made it’s stake.
For sure all churches/ communities have a bloodless sacrifice/ remembrance. For sure all have a thanksgiving/eucharist approach. Some have or add to that a sacrificial approach. These also add the need for only a priest to administer the elements, where others with memorial approach only require a presider/president. Of course then are the various understandings of “eating” or of " doing" .
We have gone over the terms priest and presbyter and heirus priest, in NT and OT. We have gone over covenants, of Law and grace. The priesthood changes then . Most agree we no longer have levitical priests but after Melchizadek/ Christ. We are all royal ministers/ priests. We also have prebyters (from whence English gets " priest). No minister today is after Levitical heirus priest of OT, where they indeed were intermediaries with sacrificial duties. We are all ministers/ priests, of which some are presbyters, teachers, prophets etc.
We still have sacrifices per say, and carry the OT essence or desired quality of any sacrifice, a broken and contrite heart towards God. Not to mention the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving continually.