There is never a good reason to Lie. You should lie at absolutely nothing.
Think of it this way. God is complete Truth, when someone lies it proclaims the opposite of God’s nature, it is alienating oneself from Truth, God is never present in a lie
Lying to your spouse is not acceptable. That places rifts between the relationship. There is not only the LIE present but the Psychology of the Lie what it does to someone’s conscience, their attitude, it has huge repercussions.
To not tell your spouse about cheating on them, imagine the repercussions that will have. The reason you would not say anything is because of pride, embarrassment, FEAR. You do not trust them. That is something you cannot simply avoid and say you will do better from then on, you OWE it to them…it was your betrayal, and they deserve to know, whether or not you trust the outcome, thats what you need to face, not out of fear but out of faith. THis is your spouse, you don’t just lie to them because you think its proper to,
IF you lie to them about the small things, what is to prevent you from lying about the bigger ones.
to protect a marriage is to face trials like that together, you don’t hide them, you don’t make them look stupid by lying to them. You underestimate them and completely betray their trust in more than one way.
Lies run very deep and have a very detrimental affect.
So No lying is never acceptable.