Make a Treaty with Al Qaeda?

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Here is the only treaty I would agree to with Al Qaeda: We find you; we kill you. Nothing less will do.
Here is the only treaty I would agree to with Al Qaeda: We find you; we kill you. Nothing less will do.
Doesn’t really matter: Al-Qaeda won’t (can’t) make a treaty with the great satan.
I really dispair sometimes at the gung ho attitude that can grip an entire nation. Someone once said that the fastest and most devastating way of destroying your enemy’s is to make them your freinds.

Try looking at the world, South Africa, they started to talk, Northern Ireland, they started to talk, even India and Pakistan, they have started to talk. If you want to defeat Al Qaeda LISTEN to them, not yourself. All the gung ho rhetoric will simply bury the calls that are being made.

Someone else once said Man was born with one mouth and two ears, therefore he should listen twice as much as he talks.

I never heard of Jesus losing it with the under privaliged or oppressed, only those who spoke from authority in the temple to forward their own selfish aims. Time to take stock and figure out whose side your on, Man, or Gods?
I really dispair sometimes at the gung ho attitude that can grip an entire nation. Someone once said that the fastest and most devastating way of destroying your enemy’s is to make them your freinds.

Try looking at the world, South Africa, they started to talk, Northern Ireland, they started to talk, even India and Pakistan, they have started to talk. If you want to defeat Al Qaeda LISTEN to them, not yourself. All the gung ho rhetoric will simply bury the calls that are being made.

Someone else once said Man was born with one mouth and two ears, therefore he should listen twice as much as he talks.

I never heard of Jesus losing it with the under privaliged or oppressed, only those who spoke from authority in the temple to forward their own selfish aims. Time to take stock and figure out whose side your on, Man, or Gods?
Great post!
I really dispair sometimes at the gung ho attitude that can grip an entire nation. Someone once said that the fastest and most devastating way of destroying your enemy’s is to make them your freinds.
You are judging an nation from the 6 or so posts that you have been involved in on a Catholic website that has posters from around the world? I think that is very short sighted.

I don’t think we can negitiate with those that aim to kill us. We are the great Satan to them for being Christian, western, and in some cases for being female.

We are always open to prayer and talk and that is why we come to the forums. Don’t confuse us with the Taliban.

Please refrain from judging a nation by a few people also. Imagine if I judged you by the imperialistic way England conquered the world until rather recent history? I am of Irish decent and I daresay I wouldn’t even be American if it weren’t for the questionable past of your country and the religious persecution that took place in Ireland at the hands of England.
I guess we should listen to them while they make another propaganda tape while they brutally behead one of our countrymen?
I really dispair sometimes at the gung ho attitude that can grip an entire nation. Someone once said that the fastest and most devastating way of destroying your enemy’s is to make them your freinds.

Try looking at the world, South Africa, they started to talk, Northern Ireland, they started to talk, even India and Pakistan, they have started to talk. If you want to defeat Al Qaeda LISTEN to them, not yourself. All the gung ho rhetoric will simply bury the calls that are being made.

Someone else once said Man was born with one mouth and two ears, therefore he should listen twice as much as he talks.

I never heard of Jesus losing it with the under privaliged or oppressed, only those who spoke from authority in the temple to forward their own selfish aims. Time to take stock and figure out whose side your on, Man, or Gods?
I guess we should listen to them while they make another propaganda tape while they brutally behead one of our countrymen?
My sentiments exactly.
Give them the same terms we gave the Nazi’s. Unconditional surrender. No quarter to terrorists.
“Please refrain from judging a nation by a few people also. Imagine if I judged you by the imperialistic way England conquered the world until rather recent history? I am of Irish decent and I daresay I wouldn’t even be American if it weren’t for the questionable past of your country and the religious persecution that took place in Ireland at the hands of England.”

Sorry kiddo, but I’m Irish and Catholic so that argument has no validity at all.😃
There was one man, half English half American who once said “Jaw jaw is better than war war” At least whilst people are talking they aren’t dying!!!
Norwich said:
“Please refrain from judging a nation by a few people also. Imagine if I judged you by the imperialistic way England conquered the world until rather recent history? I am of Irish decent and I daresay I wouldn’t even be American if it weren’t for the questionable past of your country and the religious persecution that took place in Ireland at the hands of England.”

Sorry kiddo, but I’m Irish and Catholic so that argument has no validity at all.😃
There was one man, half English half American who once said “Jaw jaw is better than war war” At least whilst people are talking they aren’t dying!!!

You are not taking into account that they DO NOT WANT TO TALK,THEY WANT TO KILL US!God Bless
Norwich said:
“Please refrain from judging a nation by a few people also. Imagine if I judged you by the imperialistic way England conquered the world until rather recent history? I am of Irish decent and I daresay I wouldn’t even be American if it weren’t for the questionable past of your country and the religious persecution that took place in Ireland at the hands of England.”

Sorry kiddo, but I’m Irish and Catholic so that argument has no validity at all.😃
There was one man, half English half American who once said “Jaw jaw is better than war war” At least whilst people are talking they aren’t dying!!!

So what’s the big grin smile for, because I find this obnoxious. Won’t be answering this anymore, but had to point it out. I will let others fight you about why Al Qaeda shouldn’t be at the bargaining table. I wonder if the average Iraqi citizen wants to bargain with them?
May I respectfully suggest you look at the other posts in this thread, then tell me who is threatening to kill whom?
One of the ten commandments is “Thou shalt not kill”. Now I’ve looked long and hard in the Old Testament and I can’t find the codicile that says “unless” or “in the case of”. If you know where it is please tell me.
p.s. if you quote “an eye for an eye” etc. then you are certainly not a biblical scholar or theologian. That was written with a very different context in mind.
May I respectfully suggest you look at the other posts in this thread, then tell me who is threatening to kill whom?
One of the ten commandments is “Thou shalt not kill”. Now I’ve looked long and hard in the Old Testament and I can’t find the codicile that says “unless” or “in the case of”. If you know where it is please tell me.
p.s. if you quote “an eye for an eye” etc. then you are certainly not a biblical scholar or theologian. That was written with a very different context in mind.
May I respectfully suggest to you that calling me kiddo is condescending? I would suggest that you think about your language before becomming the deacon you are studying to become. It is macho talk, and we don’t go for it.

I don’t advocate killing, but we are at war. I am not a biblical scholar nor do I pretend to be. I think that you are coming here to fight and picking fights. You haven’t dialogued really.

Do you think for instance that the average Iraqi citizen wants to vote in their own government, and to be free of the tyranical types they have had in the past? Or do you think they want us to now start including Al Qaeda in our discussions about their future?
My apologies for appearing condescending, that was not my intention, the remark was intended as a gesture of friendliness not contempt.

As for as my statements they were intended to try and make people think about what they are saying. I have lived in the Arab world for a number of years and I KNOW that the vast majority have as little liking for the actions of a few, as all of us, yet, by banging the drum of retribution, killing, etc. etc. all we are doing is marginalising those who may secretely agree with our hatred of all that Al Qaeda stand for. We place them in the impossible situation of choosing between their religion, and our apparent disregard for life. (their lives, not our own). You say that we should not talk to Al Qaeda because they are murderers and want to kill us all! That is exactly the reason why we SHOULD talk. By talking and being rational we would remove their power base, the resentment much of the Arab world feels towards the west because of actions taken in the past by ALL the western powers to reduce their status to what WE feel it should be. The biggest problem? Palestine. Let us not forget the only reason ANYONE is talking to the Palestinians is because Arafat was a terrorist. That’s a lesson we taught them by ignoring them for so many years.

p.s. the half Brit half American? Churchill

My apologies for appearing condescending, that was not my intention, the remark was intended as a gesture of friendliness not contempt.

As for as my statements they were intended to try and make people think about what they are saying. I have lived in the Arab world for a number of years and I KNOW that the vast majority have as little liking for the actions of a few, as all of us, yet, by banging the drum of retribution, killing, etc. etc. all we are doing is marginalising those who may secretely agree with our hatred of all that Al Qaeda stand for. We place them in the impossible situation of choosing between their religion, and our apparent disregard for life. (their lives, not our own). You say that we should not talk to Al Qaeda because they are murderers and want to kill us all! That is exactly the reason why we SHOULD talk. By talking and being rational we would remove their power base, the resentment much of the Arab world feels towards the west because of actions taken in the past by ALL the western powers to reduce their status to what WE feel it should be. The biggest problem? Palestine. Let us not forget the only reason ANYONE is talking to the Palestinians is because Arafat was a terrorist. That’s a lesson we taught them by ignoring them for so many years.

p.s. the half Brit half American? Churchill

Now you are dialoguing. I don’t agree that we have ingored Palestine. I remember that our President Clinton spent so much time coming so close to the Palestinians having their own country. They were going to be having MOST of what they wanted. They walked away. I don’t like Clinton that much but I did respect what he tried to do in that instance. All the presidents before him tried too. Look how much effort Bush has put into this roadmap for peace. Palestinian leaders ( I hate to call them that because they are more like terrorists than leaders) walk away every time. They want it all, or nothing.

Look, Norwich, I resent the antiamerican sentiment coming this way. I don’t think that you as a Catholic in training to be a deacon should be thinking that we Catholics in the USA are happy for the killing. We are sick at the thought of it. You are taking a few statements out of context.

I could quote you other admirable people, like Churchill, that would include my point of view. I won’t. I just don’t personally think that we should ever talk to Al Qaeda. We are tallking to the law abiding citizens of Iraq, and to anyone else that is problem solving and not blowing people up.

I dialogue with Arab people every day. I live in America and they are here too, in every one of our cities . I teach children that have relatives in every Arab country there is. I know them to be smart, caring, and wonderful people. I think they would want their relatives to have a government they can help shape. I would be interested in hearing more about exactly where you lived overseas. Were you in the British military?
Just a short note, it’s long past my bedtime over here.

Please remember Jesus didn’t just talk to the Pharasses, he searched out and talked to the prostitutes, the Tax Collectors and all those considered on the outside, he didn’t just look after the 99 sheep who stayed at home he went out and searched out the 1 sheep that was lost. If we are made in the image of Christ shouldn’t we be doing the same?

p.s. Saudi and no, I was an engineer.
May I respectfully suggest you look at the other posts in this thread, then tell me who is threatening to kill whom?
Actually, you need to seriously listen to what the Al Quada does say and not what some wish the Al Quada would say.
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