To me, in order for a doctrine or understanding of hell to be coherent, it has to show that someone knowingly and freely chooses hell, such that the individual is getting what he wants.
How can someone choose hell, even knowing God is his ultimate good and happiness?
These are very interesting questions. I come at this problem of hell much like DB Hart does. I always want to press people on the question—toward what would a human orient her will in Hell? What would be the will’s proper object in such a state of existence? We were made for beatitude, made for God (Goodness). So what (quite literally) is
going on in Hell? What are people doing and being?
@John_Martin here at CAF uses a good analogy. (Hopefully I won’t misrepresent him!) But he puts it like Eastern thinkers do—so not so much the prison concept—but rather the claim that God is the source of all light. As one is turned toward that light, it’s illuminating. However, if one turns away from that light, it’s burning (it’s hell). But God remains the source/light no matter what condition the human is in. So it’s hell (or heaven) merely from the human’s perspective and orientation to the light.
This reminds me of Ratzinger and CS Lewis and others who suggest a closeness of the divine presence even to those who are in Hell. However, a ramification of this view certainly seems to be that the forever and inescapable punitive, prison concept of Hell is not compatible with these views. Since humans cannot stand intense torment and suffering and go to great lengths to escape it here on earth (drugs, alcohol, porn, suicide), then this is likely a permanent aspect of humanity.
So there are two sides to consider, merely from the aspect of the individual human. The ever-present orientation of her will toward some good(s). How does this fit with being “in Hell?” And, humans utterly reject loneliness/despair/torment/suffering in their lives. When humans are miserable, they tend to anesthetize themselves or they reorient themselves toward the good. How does this aspect of humanity fit with being “in Hell?”