Just throwing in my 2 cents:
The honor of attending the sacrafice of the Mass should be sufficient enough for anyone. In fact, we all go to Mass to participate in the sacrafice - to give of ourselves totally so that we may become in union with the Body of Christ. If someone could not be an alter server who longed to be an alter server, that person has an even more full participation in the event that joins heaven and earth (the Mass) than someone who didn’t care because they would be sacraficing themselves even more.
We don’t go to mass to get glory, to get credit, to be “seen as equal” - we go to mass to reconcile with God, to give Him all the glory, to receive Him so that we may love others more fully day in and day out.
Being an alter server or a priest is not a competition for power or recognition.
From a more fundamental and earthly perspective, I have no problem with female alter servers. However, as with our entire educational system, we have to dramatically shift gears, not only to increase vocations, but also to increase the number of males who lead.
It is a known fact that girls mature at a faster rate than boys. With all of this “women can do anything that men can do” mentality, we have “equalized” the “roles” of boys and girls and men and women. Without denying the fact that males and females are equal in dignity, honor, esteem, and value, making them equal in “role” is a big mistake. Boys and girls must be educated and lead differently. We need to cultivate leadership in boys. Often, this doesn’t happen because most teachers are female. In general, boys are intimidated by girls of the same age when doing non-physical tasks because they are behind the maturity curve. Because they are treated “equally”, over time this develops into insecurity and low self-esteem, causing boys to opt out of the activity - soon, all you see is girls in meaningful activities and groups.
Boys are born to become leaders as men - at a minimum, they are to be leaders and protectors of their families. The Church can have female alter servers, but they must have programs that require and cultivate male alter servers to feed the priesthood and so that the boy can have another male role model in his life.
And so the women and girls do not feel left out, remember - the woman is the “heart” in God’s plan - the “leader of love”. Of faith, hope, and love, only love will remain eternally. Not only that, only women can bring a new eternal life into the world. They do not need prominent Church positions to be honorable or dignified - they are that by their very nature.