I know of a parish that has a mutlitude of girls serving at the altar. They do so, I presume, out of the same desire to participate in the mass as a young boys do. I really don’t think they are trying to get us used to seeing women at the altar to pave the way for female priests. However it is manifestly evident that advocates of the female priesthood heresy hold that first you get in as altar servers then installed to acolyte, then ordained deacons and priests. Clearly the agenda of many has been to push radical change on the Church regardless of what Rome teaches.
These innocent girls, only by their presence, have actually chased the boys from the the altar. If you still believe 11 year old boys wants to be bossed around by 14 year old girls then you really don’t understand adolescent gender dynamics. The problem is so acute that just about every recently written Vatican document about servers stresses the need to build programs to promote this vocation to boys. The Church is silent on building such programs for girls.
A deacon who once used to say that it is God’s will to have altar girls soon changed his tune when a boy came to him and asked why boys can’t serve at the altar? It was a slap in the face to have such innocence show up his arrogance. All the snide modernistic ideas he and his pastor used against the faithful in their parish came home to roost. His words now would lead me to believe he is more reserved about promoting altar girls now.
The Church has powerful allies in heaven we must never be afraid to discern our understandings of Church teachings through the eyes of the Saints. Pray and ask for their intercession especially Padre Pio and Mother Thersea to help us with what The Holy Spirit has in mind for those who serve at the Divine Liturgy. God sent us Saints because He expects us to emulate their thoughts and actions as faithful Catholics.
Regardless in the next few years I will swear a life long oath to my bishop and his succesors. If they want to permit altar girls I will repect it, if they want to reject altar girls I will respect it. Faithful and lawful obedience to your bishop, even though you may not agree, is more vital to your spiritual well-being then fighting a personal crusade.
Peace and God Bless