
I’m not talking about decades ago. Not all diocese allowed altar girls decades ago. Some have only brought them in during the last 5 years.Blame the women…
There are other factors to consider. Decades ago college wasn’t an option for many Catholics who came from under educated immigrant families. The only way a young man could get an education was to become a priest. Now with the economy focused on an educated workforce many of those men that would consider priesthood can obtain academics by other means.
From my understanding even thought the vocation of preisthood has seen their numbers decline the vocation of deacons has steadily increased. And the last time I checked women couldn’t be a deacon. So the theory that female alter servers is to blame should be nixed!
Use your logic. Don’t you think there would be a huge decline in the Boy Scouts if girls were allowed in? Same thing with altar boys. It was a boys club where they got to hang with the priest and they thought this was cool. In come the girls and the dynamic changes.
By the way, I don’t blame the girls, I blame the bishops who started allowing this 25ish years ago, long before they had permission to do so. Now what are we hearing? We really should consider letting women be priests since there’s such a shortage. Thankfully this will never happen!