Man shot dead at Denver ‘Patriot Rally’ identified as military veteran Lee Keltner

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Yup, when the dead guy attacked the security guard like he had been attacking people throughout the day the guard had no duty to retreat and defended himself.
I really interested in your evidence and explanation for how the victim attacked the communist murderer. I sincerely hope it is creative as your attempt to explain how Aaron Danielson presented an imminent threat to Michael Reinoehl’s black “friend” while Danielson was walking away with his back turned to said black “friend”.
Labels came in quick with this as well. Communist? I was a few more days to get facts before really knowing what happened here. Kyle was labeled a white supremacist and the story that came out first was not the truth. So have been many if the stories reported by the media.

The Media does not care about facts, they just want to be first and create clickbait.
The person he shot the first time was stopped and then Rittenhouse shot and killed him.
To this. What do people think they can accomplish by running down a man with a gun? What do people think will happen if they try to take by force the weapon from a person? Is did he killed someone? Yes, was it in self defense? We have the right to defend our selfs. People say that he should not have been there. Why? This is a free country.
The person he shot the first time was stopped and then Rittenhouse shot and killed him.
Wrong, the pedo is rushing Kyle and chases him towards the corner of the building and some parked cars and then Kyle fires after a 3rd party fires a shot.
What happened just before either matters for Rittenhouse or doesn’t matter for the Denver shooter who was just assaulted by the person he was about to shoot.
Please, post the evidence of the alleged assault and the application of the relevant Colorado statues in that case.
What circumstances do you think are applicable here?
A mob yelling “We gonna kill the cops tonight!” breaking onto private property seems like a pretty good time to get your guns out. If all 6 neo-Nazis in the US decided to break into a predominantly black gated community yelling about how they were going to lynch somebody, and a black couple got their guns out, the American left would be demanding that anyone who believes in the 2nd Amendment immediately praise this as the most just use of force since St. Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Except he had stopped, Rittenhouse saw he stopped and then shot him. Kind of like what happened in Denver, where the shooter saw his assaulter had stopped and still used deadly force.
Please point out the part of the video where the pedophile retreated or stopped before Kyle shot him, feel free to send it in a pm since posting graphic footage on a public thread may not be prudent here.

As you just admitted, the shooter in Denver saw that the alleged assailant stopped, meaning that there was no imminent danger of death or great bodily harm to himself. No justified use of lethal force and therefore murder.
But they didn’t come onto the property, did they?
They broke into the gated community.
I clearly do understand, and this seems more like an attempt to get yourself out of an argument that you are losing. Badly.
If this is what you think is winning, you probably think Hillary is the President.
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You might want to read the court documents so that you understand the case.
Which court documents? The only one I can find is the criminal complaint.
Pepperspraying someone isn’t assault. Golly, didn’t know that.
Mere assault does not justify lethal force, assuming you have evidence this pepperspraying actually happened.
Really, a good time to get out weapons and stand in your lawn and point them? Golly, seems like it would be much better to stay in the house instead of pointing weapons at people.
Personally I would rather not be in the average house. No cover, just concealment and you are too easily trapped inside.
I agree. Both the Denver shooter and Rittenhouse are likely to be convicted.
I would be surprised if Rittenhouse is assuming he has a fair trial.
When a mob breaks into private property screaming about their violent intentions, the prudent course is to lock and load.
I really interested in your evidence and explanation for how the victim attacked the communist murderer.
Video from the incident shows the dead guy advancing towards the security guard, a news photo shows him attacking the security guard, then he got shot when he proceeded to attack with pepper spray. This was similar to attacks he made against journalists earlier in the day, at least one of which was filmed.
Mere assault does not justify lethal force, assuming you have evidence this pepperspraying actually happened.
The widely-circulated photos of the guy pepper spraying the security guard should suffice.

I’m interested in the toxicology report on the dead guy, these right wing protesters tend to get violent because they use these pointless rallies as excuses to get belligerently drunk. The guy running around threatening and attacking people was probably wasted.
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Not sure. What do people think when they pepper spray someone with a gun?
I have yet to know what happened in this case, because I wait for information to come out. I do not trust the first reports, for they are wrong most of the time.

All I know is one man with pepper spray and another with a gun. Your point is very valid, if the man with paper spray knew the other had a gun, then what did he expect? And if the man with the gun did not know it was paper spray, then he had the right to defend himself as well.
But more details will emerge, and the truth will be known.

And another thing is that Kyle was labeled white supremacist and this guy a communist. Where are the evidence for this? They are just the average Joe that got thrown in the fire of media bias. Unless there is undeniable evidence, this is just political attacks, hurting innocent people.
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Doug Richards, an attorney speaking on behalf of Dolloff’s family, told The Denver Post Dolloff was acting in self-defense when he allegedly shot and killed a man at the Saturday protest.

"I think it’s important to recognize that this is somebody who is at the protest working to protect First Amendment rights. He was not there on behalf of any organization or to advance any political agenda," Richards told the Post, adding that images taken from the scene show Dolloff was putting himself between a protester and reporter.

Matt was doing everything he was supposed to do and everything he was trained to do," Richards said. "Even if he didn’t carry the special Denver security license, it didn’t stop Pinkerton from sending Matt into that job and it doesn’t change the fact that Matt was acting in self-defense.
Seeing as the communist murderer had no license, he was not a security guard, just a hired thug.
what happened to due process? Not only have you convicted him as a murderer, you also have found him to be an card carrying communist. Did you have access to his wallet or something?
You read through this thread, and the hypocrisy and double standards are so blatant. “Homerism” belongs on the football field, not in the application of morality.
The Denver Post posted the entire sequence of photos their photographer took of the incident, I won’t link since a guy getting killed is probably against forum rules but you should be able to find easily. The dead guy threatens the Denver Post photographer with pepper spray who gets out of the way, then he goes after the 9News crew. The security guard steps between them to protect the journalists and is then hit by the dead guy. Security guard pulls his gun since by my understanding the dead guy also had a gun and was obviously violent, dead guy then tries to play gunslinger with his bear spray and we know how that ends.

. . . .
…McGinnis saw a male (Rosenbaum) initially try to engage the defendant. McGinnis stated that as the defendant was walking Rosenbaum was trying to get closer to the defendant. When Rosenbaum advanced, the defendant did a “juke” move and started running. McGinnis stated that there were other people that were moving very quickly. McGinnis stated that they were moving towards the defendant.
McGinnis said that according to what he saw the defendant was trying to evade these individuals.

McGinnis described the point where the defendant had reached the car. McGinnis described that
the defendant had the gun in a low ready position. Meaning that he had the gun raised but pointed
downward. The butt of the gun would have been at an angle downwards from the shoulder.
McGinnis stated that the defendant brought the gun up. McGinnis stated that he stepped back and he thinks the defendant fired 3 rounds in rapid succession. McGinnis said when the first round
went off, he thought it hit the pavement. McGinnis felt something on his leg and his first thought
was wondering whether he had gotten shot. McGinnis was behind and slightly to the right of
Rosenbaum, in the line of fire, when the defendant shot.

McGinnis stated that the first round went into the ground and when the second shot went off, the
defendant actually had the gun aimed at Rosenbaum. McGinnis stated he did not hear the two
exchange any words. McGinnis said that the unarmed guy (Rosenbaum) was trying to get the
defendant’s gun. McGinnis demonstrated by extending both of his hands in a quick grabbing
motion and did that as a visual on how Rosenbaum tried to reach for the defendant’s gun.
Detective Cepress indicates that he asked McGinnis if Rosenbaum had his hands on the gun when
the defendant shot. McGinnis said that he definitely made a motion that he was trying to grab the
barrel of the gun. McGinnis stated that the defendant pulled it away and then raised it. McGinnis
stated that right as they came together, the defendant fired. McGinnis said that when Rosenbaum
was shot, he had leaned in (towards the defendant)…
I broke it up into sections to make it slightly easier to read. The full account is here.
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Channel 2 news in Denver stated this evening that the security guard was a contract employee of the journalist, not for the news station (channel 9). I have no idea if that’s important or not? It just clarified that the news station hadn’t hired the security, the journalist did so. They are still unsure how the guard not being licensed in Denver will play out. Colorado has a mixture of differing laws about security guards…city vs county vs state laws.

I’m just going to keep my options open on the guilt or innocence of the guard. The videos showing the before and during “seems” to indicate that the guard may have been justified in shooting the man. Right now, there are so many various speculations that I’d just recommend everyone be patient and wait for the evidence one way or the other.
I read it and, while I know it is CAF standard practice to call people whose opinions you don’t like liars, I don’t appreciate it and personally find it very cowardly.
I did not say you lied, you could have made an honest mistake for all I know.
The first shooting and the wounding will likely result in convictions, as well as the felony endangerment charge as he did shoot his weapons in the direction of many people.
He shot a man rushing him trying to take his gun. Decent case for self-defense right there. He pointed his weapon on video at people rushing him. He did not shoot anyone who did not present an imminent threat to him. Several instances of this are available on video.
Rittenhouse’s actions before the shooting will also be a problem (he pointed the weapon at at least one person who dared him to shoot) as it will establish frame of mind.
Given your tendency to cite things that turn out to actively contradict your claims, I will not expect you to be able to back that up.
Having the time to discharge his weapon into the ground means Rosenbaum had stopped before he fired into Rosenbaum. Grosskertz (sp?) had his hands up.
Nope he had the rifle shouldered but pointed at the ground, aka “low-ready position” per witness testimony. So when Rosenbaum rushed him and reached for the weapon, he most likely pulled the trigger while bringing his weapon to bear on the threat.

Grosskruetz, the illegally armed burglar turned war criminal, incited the crowd against Rittenhouse, rushed Rittenhouse while pointing a handgun at him, put his hands up when Kyle pointed his rifle at him, and then pointed his handgun at Kyle when he noticed Kyle working the charging handle on his rifle. Then Kyle rightly shot him. This is all clearly captured on video.
But you can continue to lie about me all you want.
You would do well to reflect on your own words.

“I know it is CAF standard practice to call people whose opinions you don’t like liars, I don’t appreciate it and personally find it very cowardly.”
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You didn’t say it might have been an honest mistake, you said it in a way to stain my reputation and suggest I was lying.
No, I did not speculate on the why of your actions. If you want to explain yourself, that is on you.
A shot fired into the ground and then 4 shots into the victim. Hard to fit rushing in there, eh? But I didn’t read the court documents according to you, so what do I know.
Unless his rifle had an uncommon 30 lb trigger pull, shooting 5 shots in 2 or 3 seconds would be easy, especially when adrenaline kicks in.
And it doesn’t add up because if Rosenbaum was ‘rushing’ him, he would have been able to tackle Rittenhouse from behind before Rittenhouse could turn around. I watched the video, remember?
Except McGinnis describes him as running away from Rosenbaum before firing, which is consistent with the video you claim to have watched. So Rosenbaum chases, him, Rittenhouse is hemmed in by the parked cars and corner of the building, so he turns towards his assailant who is trying to grab his weapon as per McGinnis.
I think the jury is going to not see Grosskruetz as an immediate threat, hence the use of deadly force will not be justified.
Any rational person would see a man who incited a crowd against Kyle, pointed a handgun at Kyle, faked surrendering, and then pointed the handgun again at Kyle when he saw Kyle working the charging handle on his rifle, as an imminent threat.

Too your credit however, the USA Today article confirms your claim. So we have one witness with no video at all supporting one of your claims.
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Channel 2 news in Denver stated this evening that the security guard was a contract employee of the journalist, not for the news station (channel 9). I have no idea if that’s important or not?
Probably not, it’s extremely common for journalists and outlets to hire security. If you go to a protest you’ll notice the guys in polos and combat boots hanging around the news teams.
Here in Denver they are reporting that this victim was a member of a far right militia.That’s an outright lie. The security guard employed by 9 news pulled his gun and the victim sprayed the mace in retaliation and was then shot and killed.
I’m not even sure this leftist who killed the Trump supporter was even a “security guard”.
October 12, 2020

About that so-called ‘security guard’ who gunned down a Trump supporter in Denver​

By Monica Showalter

Was a local Denver television station hiring violent Antifa supporters to act as their personal security guards?

That’s what it’s starting to look like, given that Saturday, an apparent radical leftist was hired as a ‘security guard’ by local news station, who then got into a shouting altercation with an anti-communist group member, pulled out a gun, and opened fire on Lee Keltner, shooting him dead. It happened at dueling rallies in Denver’s civic center between Black Lives Matter/Antifa/Communist Party USA supporters, and . . . “Patriot Muster.”

Much of the focus now is on who was to blame, or whether the ‘security guard’ was somehow provoked.

But how the heck did this guy have a role as a security guard for newsmen covering protestors? . . . he acted as the ‘security guard’ for newsmen covering the yelling and screaming rallies. However, he had no security certification, as required by law. He was just a scruffy character with an Occupy! Denver past with a gun.

Was he really a security guard, or was he a leftist protestor . . .

. . . Red State has the real scoop on all the unanswered questions as to how this guy found himself in the pay of the local news station and maybe others.
First, Dolloff was not a licensed security guard. The City of Denver has a municipal ordinance requiring anyone employed as a “security guard” to possess a city license authorizing the person to work in that capacity inside Denver city limits. To get the license the applicant must complete the specified training. If the applicant is to be armed as a security guard, he must undergo some additional training, and pass a firearms proficiency course. If the security guard is going to work in a “plain clothes” capacity — as Dolloff was — he must undergo even more training before getting the license. An official for the City of Denver licensing department . . . they have no application or file for anyone named Matthew Dolloff as holding the necessary license issued by the City of Denver.

Second, Dolloff didn’t work for Pinkerton as claimed by “9News”, the NBC affiliate station in Denver who said they hired him to be security for their news crew at the protest. … Pinkerton on Sunday said they did not employ Dolloff, but that he worked for a contractor. . . 9News now says they have no idea who he worked for . . .
Yikes! Seems like people are starting to deny even knowing the “guard”!!!
I’m not even sure this leftist who killed the Trump supporter was even a “security guard”.
In stating that this guy is a leftist. What justice does it do?

The situation happened, and it need to be looked at with out politics involved first. Tense moments can create a chaos and people will make mistakes and in this case, someone died. If the reason was due to politics and the person is found guilty of it, then stating that the shooter is a leftist might matter.

Same goes for any situation. [Just to explain my reasoning] We are innocent until proven guilty. Not even saying that you are guilty means that you did it . You remain innocent, because you could say that you are guilty, because your family is in danger, or you are covering for a loved one.
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