Married posters! What advice would you give to the single Pringles here?

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That’s not how it works. Women, in a free society anyways, are only going to date a man they are attracted to. Just giving women what guys think they want or going to Church every week is not enough.
Yes, as I’ve said before “Catholic and fogs a mirror” is not enough for a life-long marriage.
Lots of guys find Ned Flanders super sexy, though. Look it up.
I will have to disagree with you. The “nice guy,” is the one taking off work to take me to a ballet. He does not bemoan about all the good girls being taken. Nor is he a jerk.

I don’t think either of you understand what we mean by a “nice guy”*

A "nice guy"s is someone who whines on date night INSTEAD of taking you to the ballet about how all the women have bad judgment and will date only jerks to the point of where she likes the abuse or will keep taking it. In some cases, it’s true, but mostly not.

To the “nice guy”, there seem to be only 2 kinds of men: jerks, and nice people. And of course in their minds, they are the latter.

“Nice guys” think that they can date a woman just by virtue of being “nice”, which in some cases includes smothering behaviour that no woman wants.

*Gee, I sure hope big and tough @BoomBoomMan
cini doesn’t get upset with this language…
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rips cabinet door off hinges, tears shirt off, shrieks like banshee
Nice is the opposite of jerk.

You are either nice or a jerk. Everybody on earth can be classed as being generally nice or generally a jerk - sure, jerks can have moments of being nice, and nice people can be jerks. But if you aren’t being nice, by definition you are being a jerk.
Nice is the opposite of jerk.

You are either nice or a jerk. Everybody on earth can be classed as being generally nice or generally a jerk - sure, jerks can have moments of being nice, and nice people can be jerks. But if you aren’t being nice, by definition you are being a jerk.
Seeing the world in such black and white is how people end up single.

No woman not even the average feminist is going to have a successful or happy relationship with a whiny, insecure guy who can’t communicate romantically. Nice guys don’t know how to communicate romantically, nor are they that much inclined to learn.
But no, I get where luigi is coming from. There’s a particular type of “nice guy” who is really just a passive aggressive whiner
I’m more of the “assertive” nice guy.

Nobody likes passive aggressivity - whether the persons generally nice or a jerk.

I know what you mean though about the whiny passive aggressive “nice” guy.

But being masculine and assertive doesn’t mean being your typical macho meathead or “bro” either.

There is a way to be both manly and assertive and nice.
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That’s my whole problem with all the redpill alpha male pick up artist garbage. It presents a false dilemma where you’re either a He-man who tells his woman what’s up and doesn’t tolerate sass or you’re a weepy, feminized doormat. It completely ignores the possibility of being, you know, a balanced human being.
A little too much here, BBM.
That’s my whole problem with all the redpill alpha male pick up artist garbage. It presents a false dilemma where you’re either a He-man who tells his woman what’s up and doesn’t tolerate sass or you’re a weepy, feminized doormat. It completely ignores the possibility of being, you know, a balanced human being.
I agree with you on the binary choices, and I don’t think that’s what Spyridon really was getting at either.

As for the redpill, that’s more about being a non-SJW that it is about dating these days and cuts through a lot of different types of men.

I think for the most part everyone is on the same page.

BTW, :1st_place_medal::medal_military: for best response.
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It presents a false dilemma where you’re either a He-man who tells his woman what’s up and doesn’t tolerate sass or you’re a weepy, feminized doormat. It completely ignores the possibility of being, you know, a balanced human being.
We live in a polarized society of extremes.

You’re either far right or far left, a total jerk or a total sap. There’s no thought of just being nice and decent.
I’ll tell you when you’ve had enough, man. Sweep the leg!

Women, don’t chase men. Men, don’t be afraid to be real men.
“Treat your home like a confessional, not a courtroom.” a wise, holy priest once told me.
I like that advice very much 😃
I might also say don’t hold onto grudges and bring them up as ammunition.Grow in emotional maturity,learn as much as possible befor you marry to communicate without being defensive and isolating thoughts.
A "nice guy"s is someone who whines on date night INSTEAD of taking you to the ballet about how all the women have bad judgment and will date only jerks to the point of where she likes the abuse or will keep taking it. In some cases, it’s true, but mostly not.
There won’t be a “date night” with me if he is a whiner. I do not have time for that. I am not perfect. But I am also not going to put up with someone who supposedly wants a date with me, but all they do is complain about not being chosen by all these other women.
These kinds of males are merely emotionally manipulative lost boys.
There’s a particular type of “nice guy” who is really just a passive aggressive whiner
Right. But then they aren’t most people’s definition of a nice guy, they are jerks. Jerks come in many flavors. This type is one of them.

The problem is that when you hear guys saying “Don’t date a nice guy” without defining what they mean by nice [that nice, isn’t really nice], it seems like they are saying “Women don’t particularly like men who treat them kindly and with respect. They get really turned on by bad boys who treat them like dirt.”

I think it would just be better to say “Don’t date guys who think that just because they meet certain minimum requirements, then they are entitled to your time and attention.” They are a different kind of jerk.
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