I am trying to learn more about the catholic faith. I had some questions about this issue and would appreciate some honest answers. Here is the response that I first received.
"you ask a good question. There are at least three issues that you raise in your questions, but these issues do not belong on this thread. If you need answers to the questions then it might be a good idea to start a new thread:
issue 1 What is meant by the term “intercessor”
issue 2 Why is Mary recognized as an “Intercessor” (please read John chapter 2 and if you still do not get it, then ask again)
issue 3. How can Mary be an intercessor after death? This is an issue that relates to what is meant in the Scripture by death. This is a separate issue from the first two issues and requires its own thread."
I did read John chapter 2 and I still don’t get it. Also I would like an explanation of the other two issues as well. Thank you in advance for your response. I really would like to have an educated understanding of this issue.
First of all, God does NOT need an intercessor because He is completely full of Glory, Holiness and Sovereignty; bottome line is God doesn’t need anyone. However, God chooses to have intercessors for that’s the way He has created us, to behave and to intercede for each other as one family as His family. Since all who are in His grace are in His family; we are all part of the body of Christ (Eph 5:30,1Cor 12:20-27, Rom 12:4-5) and are told to intercede for each other, (Eph 6:18-19, Col 4:3, 1 Thes 5:25)
Answer to issue 1
An intercessor is one who goes between one person and another in prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of another. So that person is looking out for the other person not just themselves. We all in one way or another intercede for each other at times, yet Christians do so in the body of Christ because we are looking to others as better than ourselves as Paul says in Romans.
Answer to issue 2
John 2:1-5
1: On the third day there was a marriage at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there;
2: Jesus also was invited to the marriage, with his disciples.
Jesus knows that the wine is gone because He knows everything, He’s God, yet He responds to Mary’s intercession asking Him when He is going to give the wine.
3: When the wine failed, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.”
4: And Jesus said to her, “O woman, what have you to do with me? My hour has not yet come.”
The term “woman” isn’t derogatory but one of respect used in Hebrew culture.
5: His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
Mary leads us to Jesus as do all the Saints. As do those who wittness to other about Christ.
Mary intercedes for the people in the wedding feast and says “Do whatever He tells you.” Mary is the one who starts Jesus’ public ministry which starts in John 2.
Mary is a true intercessor because she is the mother of Jesus who is God the second person of the Holy Trinity. She is alive in Heaven along with all others who have followed Christ.
Issue 3
How can Mary intercede after death? Can those in Heaven here our prayers?
Many non-Catholic Christians only think of someone being truly alive when they are on this Earth, yet when one is in Heaven with God that person in MORE alive than we could ever be down here because they are in God’s presence.
James 5:16 not only says for us to for one another but that
a prayer of a righteous many availeth much. Are there any people more righteous than those in Heaven? No, not at all.
So do the Saints in Heaven like Mary hear our prayers and give them to God? Yes, and the Bible says so in Rev. 5:8 an angel offers prayers for the holy ones of God. Rev 8:4 says “The smoke of the incense along with the prayers of the holy ones went up befor God from the hand of the angel.”
Surely we know Mary is in Heaven with her Son Jesus, surely Scripture talks about those in Heaven who bring our prayers to God, surely Scripture in Luke 15 says the all of heaven rejoices when one sinner repents.
If they rejoice somehow someway in eternity they can hear us and we can ask them to pray for us; surely we can as the one who is closest to Jesus, Mary to pray for us.
Prayer to the Saint are a ONE WAY prayer in that we ask them to intercede for us as our big brother and sisters that have gone ahead of us.
We never pray outside the body of Christ! How then you ask do we pray to or ask Mary to pray for us? Because she is also in the body of Christ.
Hope that helps.