The problem is that the catholic church places her importance with that of Jesus.
Not at all. We recognize that Jesus is human and divine, and Mary is human. This difference distinguishes Jesus as the only mediator to the Father.
The unfortunate misconception that many protestants cling too is the unapproachable majesty of God. In a way the divinity of Christ is not given the attention it deserves.
This majesty is Jesus and especially the resurrected Christ. Remember how He affectedSt.Paul on the road to Damascus.
So, there is only one mediator to the Father, but there are many intercessors to the Son. This becomes a necessity when one understands their own wretchedness in the face of Christ.
8When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”
Praying to Mary and claiming that she is the intersessor for us to Christ is taking away the importance of Christ. I mean do you think that Jesus is just to busy taking care of the worlds problems that he need someone to take prayers for him.
The structure of heaven is built on the bonds between persons. First the divine bond between the Persons of the Trinity then the human bonds between Christ and the rest of humanity. Many protestants fail to appreciate just how human Christ is and assume that the bonds between Him and His friends and family become meaningless because of the nature of spiritual bonds.
For Jesus like any other human person His friends and family mean the same thing to Him as they do to you and I. To deny this is to deny a necessary part of being human.
If you want to get close to someone that will throw you off your horse and in who’s sight your wretched state is unavoidably experienced you will want to approach His Majesty through those who you and He may know in common. Not because He is too lofty in His own mind for you too approach but because you will feel that you are unworthy in your own sight to approach.
Thank The Lord for His Mother and His brothers and sisters who do the will of God and intercede on our behalf.
Mary is probably mad at you for making her out to be Jesus’s secretary or thinking that her wonderful son who died for the sins of everyone, including hers (we know this because it is in scripture Rom 3:23 - 5:12) was not perfect.
Not only do we recognize His perfection we hold it in such esteem that we don’t confuse her perfection with divinity. Perfection doesn’t imply divinity. God made everything perfect.
You need to trust more in the word of God and not so much in the falable oral traditions of man.
In Him and Him only, Dave.
To trust is to know to know is a ‘union’ of ‘likeness’
Since the dawn of time the lives of the People of God have made the Word of God visible and that scroll of life has been followed by a tradition that preserves the Word of God. This is the tradition not of man but confirmed by the Word of God made man and continues unbroken to this day.
Any claim to the Word of God outside of it is a tradition of man’s making. To claim that at some arbitrary moment in time that the tradition of the People of God is a useless reality is to claim that the People of God are useless and not worth remembering.