I have already asked you how you can dare to come here detracting Catholic Doctrine, when you are not even a Christian yourself. Your statements indicate that you are a subscriber to the Gnostic and Nestorian Heresies.
Why do you continue to call Mary God’s mother when anyone with an ounce of logic knows that GOD HAS NO MOTHER!!!
**You say that I am not a Christian yet it is you who deny the sufficiency of Christ’s death on the cross each time you attend Mass! You say that you are a Christian but for you, Christ isn’t enough! You also need Mary, the Sacraments, the Church and your good works to obtain salvation. **
I challenged you on your statement that Mary was not Mother of God and that God could not be born of Mary.
Please enlighten me, just when was God born???
It may be that I have to work long hours and don’t have a lot of time to respond to every reply!
Yours are seriously heretical statements since they denies the incarnation, and the divinity of Jesus. By denying both of these things, it also denies the atonement and the redemption. For only by God dying for our sins can the price of all the sins of the world be paid.
God did not die!!! The God-man Jesus Christ died!
Can a man’s death pay the price of the sins of the entire world? No.
I agree 100%
Was Jesus two separate persons as you allege - one who had no Father and no mother???
Please don’t put words into my mouth!
God, in His divinity, cannot be conceived and born any more than He can die. It cannot therefore be said of Mary that she bore God(and hence, bears the designation “mother of God”), any more than it can be said of the Jews that they killed God. Jesus in His humanity had a mother; Jesus in His divinity was "without father or mother; without genealogy, without begining of days or end of life!
These are the pits of heresy and denial into which you fall by trying to demean the Virgin Mary. Such statements as you have posted above deny the very essentials of Christianity - The fact that God became man and died for our sins.
Are you saying, that for a time, God ceased to exist!!!
I fail to see how someone can deny anything so central to the Christian faith, and then dare to come to this forum and try to correct Catholics on their theological views!