Why do you continue to call Mary God’s mother when anyone with an ounce of logic knows that GOD HAS NO MOTHER!!!
But this is a case where men’s “logic” is foolishness to God.
In your wisdom you think that God cannot in any way have a mother. But God can do anything He wishes. God the Son was born of a Woman and
made man in her womb. Mary is therefore mother of God the Son. That is undeniable, unless you reject the incarnation.
You say that I am not a Christian yet it is you who deny the sufficiency of Christ’s death on the cross each time you attend Mass! You say that you are a Christian but for you, Christ isn’t enough! You also need Mary, the Sacraments, the Church and your good works to obtain salvation.
Changing the subject…
The point is that to be a Christian, you have to believe in the Incarnation. You must accept that Jesus is the Christ and IS God the Son as well as Son of Mary and David and Adam. Do you believe this?
As for Mary, the Sacraments, the Church and Good Works. These are things decreed by God as channels of His Grace. None are opposed to his purpose, but serve to bring His purpose about.
Please enlighten me, just when was God born???
God the Son was born into the World as the pprson Jesus Christ, fully God and fully Man around 2000 years ago.
God did not die!!! The God-man Jesus Christ died!
This answer seems very confused to me. Is Jesus Christ not God? If so, God, one of the **personhoods ** of God
died. That is what the redemption is all about.
If not then the death of Jesus could not redeem the world - as you admit below.
Can a man’s death pay the price of the sins of the entire world? No.
God, in His divinity, cannot be conceived and born any more than He can die. It cannot therefore be said of Mary that she bore God(and hence, bears the designation “mother of God”), any more than it can be said of the Jews that they killed God. Jesus in His humanity had a mother; Jesus in His divinity was "without father or mother; without genealogy, without begining of days or end of life!
Again you say “God cannot be conceived and born. Nor can He die.” Yet again we have to focus on the question.
Is Jesus God the Son? If so, He was indeed born and did indeed die for our sins on the cross.
If not, Christianity is a lie.
Mary bore Jesus Christ who is God the Son, 2nd person of the Trinity. Jesus Christ, did not exist as fully man and fully God in one person, before the incarnation. He took His human nature and body from Mary. She is therefore His Mother. Mother of the person Jesus Christ. Mother of God the Son.
If you cannot accept this, you deny the very essentials of Christianity - The fact that God became man and died for our sins. You fall into Gnostic or Nestorian heresy.
Are you saying, that for a time, God ceased to exist!!!
When we as humans die, do we cease to exist? No. We transfer to another state. This is what happened to Jesus. He descended to Hades as did all who died up until that time. God the Father and the Holy Spirit remained as ever, although they, being also One with Jesus, shared His experience.
The problem is, Catholics have made God too small! You believe that mere men have the power to call the Creator of the Universe out of heaven, place Him on an altar and re-present Him as a sacrifice again and again, thousands of times each day. Then you actually believe that you can eat God! You have a very small God indeed!!!
No. God has made Himself **accessible ** to humans, and in a way we can never fully understand. Do you think we can fully understand everything God does? That is very unlikely, isn’t it? Just as a dog or cat could not begin to explain how a television set works, or how the market economy functions. We cannot even start to think on the right level to explain the deeper mysteries of God. No-one imagines he is eating the totality of God when they obey Jesus’s “hard teaching”, to eat His body and blood in the Eucharist. It is done in Faith.
Just so we have to accept that God is Three and is One at the same time. You have also to accept that you cannot divide Jesus Christ into two persons, as you have attempted to do - one who has no mother and father, and one who has. The moment you do this, you deny the incarnation, that God **became ** man. He didn’t pretend to be a man, or “inhabit” a man, he became man. And His mother is Mary.