Massive 8.5 quake rocks Southeast Asia, triggers tidal waves

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Jakarta, Dec. 26. (AP): An earthquake measuring 8.5 on the Richter scale rocked large parts of Southeast Asia early today.

The quake reportedly caused dozens of small buildings to collapse and triggered tidal waves in northwestern Indonesia, witnesses and officials said.

Nine people were killed as a result of the undersea quake in Indonesia’s northwestern province of Aceh, where most of the damage was reported, el-Shinta radio station quoted a witness as saying.

It was not possible to immediately confirm the reports.

Electricity and telephone networks in parts of the provincial capital, Banda Aceh, were knocked out and dozens of shops and buildings collapsed, witnesses told el-Shinta.

“The ground was shaking for a long time,” Yayan Zamzani told the station. “It must be the strongest earthquake in the last 15 years.”

The quake was also felt in neighboring Thailand and Malaysia. No major damage was reported in those two countries. A tidal wave hit the Thai tourist resort island Phuket with waves as high as five meters 5 (16 feet) after the earthquake, Thailand’s meteorology department said.
**Tidal waves and tremors have struck a wide area around the Indian Ocean, killing almost 200 people in southern and eastern Asia. **

Large tidal waves along the east coast of Sri Lanka have reportedly killed at least 160 people.

High tides striking India’s coast are said to have killed at least 26 people. Deaths have also been reported in coastal Thailand and on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, believed to be near the centre of the powerful earthquake.
Wow! I know that has to be the largest earthquake in my lifetime. It happened in Sumatra, the site of a prehistoric supervolcano. I hope this is just shifting plates. Let us pray for them! :gopray2::gopray2::gopray2::gopray2:

Thank God it wasn’t an 8.5 in a major metro area.
ACTUALLY, it was an 8.9. And they say the dead could be in the thousands.

And I was right, largest eq in my lifetime. An 8.9 is the largest in the past 40 years. That’s amazingly huge. 1989 Bay Area was a 7.1 by comparison.
gilliam said:
**Tidal waves and tremors have struck a wide area around the Indian Ocean, killing almost 200 people in southern and eastern Asia. **

Large tidal waves along the east coast of Sri Lanka have reportedly killed at least 160 people.

High tides striking India’s coast are said to have killed at least 26 people. Deaths have also been reported in coastal Thailand and on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, believed to be near the centre of the powerful earthquake.

We have poster here who is in Phuket (Thailand) - which had the tidal wave - anyone seen him around and for the life of me his name won’t come to me either…
And I was right, largest eq in my lifetime. An 8.9 is the largest in the past 40 years. That’s amazingly huge. 1989 Bay Area was a 7.1 by comparison.
Each 1 point represents a quake 10 times greater than the previous point. Meaning, a 8.1 is ten times as massive as a 7.1 and a 9.1 is 100 times more massive. So this one was a biggie!
As I woke up this morning I felt that Jesus was telling me that there had been a
disaster in the world. As always I put EWTN on for my ‘spirituality’. Our
Blessed Lord told me to put on Sky News and I saw the horrendous tragedy in
India unfold.


We pray ‘Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon
them may they rest in Peace, Amen.’ We pray too for the survivors and for all
those who have lost loved ones.

In haste I’m off to Mass now.

God Bless. Olive.

I gave an Urgent Christmas to the World on 16 Dec 2004 by Press Release to PR Newsire. This was ignored. I then e-mailed it to most of the News Press e…g. Reuters/Associated Press. This was ignored. I then posted it on this Discussion group and now that one of the predictions has occurred withing weeks e.g. An act of God affecting the whole world directly or indirectly, this message has been taken down.

Please pester Catholic Answers to put it back up. There is nothing contrary to faith or morals in it.

I am simply a messenger. People can choose for themselves to accept or reject this message of Divine Love. Sadly the world press did not allow those affected by this disaster to have a choice about how they treated their Christmas Celebrations.

This message will probably also be censored. If you take it down without checking its validity, on your head be it. You can e-mail me to verify.

God loves us all and wants no one to perish.

Olive Murphy
We have poster here who is in Phuket (Thailand) - which had the tidal wave - anyone seen him around and for the life of me his name won’t come to me either…
I have been racking my brain for his name also, since I heard the news early this morning. I can’t remember and it’s driving me bonkers! Sigh! Praying like mad for all and especially our buddy, who’s name escapes us. 😦

Anyone else remember his name?

Peacemonger, do you recall his name? I think you two have discussed the fact you are both in Asian countries, on another thread. I can’t find it now. :confused:
Olive Murphy:
I gave an Urgent Christmas to the World on 16 Dec 2004 by Press Release to PR Newsire. This was ignored. I then e-mailed it to most of the News Press e…g. Reuters/Associated Press. This was ignored. I then posted it on this Discussion group and now that one of the predictions has occurred withing weeks e.g. An act of God affecting the whole world directly or indirectly, this message has been taken down.

Please pester Catholic Answers to put it back up. There is nothing contrary to faith or morals in it.

I am simply a messenger. People can choose for themselves to accept or reject this message of Divine Love. Sadly the world press did not allow those affected by this disaster to have a choice about how they treated their Christmas Celebrations.

This message will probably also be censored. If you take it down without checking its validity, on your head be it. You can e-mail me to verify.

God loves us all and wants no one to perish.

Olive Murphy
With all due respect Olive, it is against the board rules to discuss **unapproved **apparitions. You are using the board against the rules. I don’t think God would be happy about that. Perhaps you need to pray about that some before you try setting up a rebellion on CA, to deliver your message. After all, that does smack a bit of being against **“Faith and Morals.” **Disobedience is never of God. I am sure He can change the rules for you if it is His message, and His will.
I have been racking my brain for his name also, since I heard the news early this morning. I can’t remember and it’s driving me bonkers! Sigh! Praying like mad for all and especially our buddy, who’s name escapes us. 😦

Anyone else remember his name?

Peacemonger, do you recall his name? I think you two have discussed the fact you are both in Asian countries, on another thread. I can’t find it now. :confused:
Bump! Anyone remember his name?
Olive Murphy:
I gave an Urgent Christmas to the World on 16 Dec 2004 by Press Release to PR Newsire. This was ignored. I then e-mailed it to most of the News Press e…g. Reuters/Associated Press. This was ignored. I then posted it on this Discussion group and now that one of the predictions has occurred withing weeks e.g. An act of God affecting the whole world directly or indirectly, this message has been taken down
Four months ago I posted up here a dream I had about an earthquake starting under the ocean floor.
I actually told someone in Illinois about it about 2 weeks before it took place,that person posts on this forum. Then someone posted up here about a quake in or near Illinois.
I sometimes get dreams like this, what use are they to me I don’t know, unless maybe to pray for souls to be saved.
I don’t receive messages from God, but my dreams are strange sometimes.
It looks like the thread you started has been taken off Olive, and you don’t have your email switched on.
So this is the only way to tell you this, anyway at last count that quake in Asia has claimed 11,000 and climbing.
It doesn’t surprise me that these disasters happen in a world that kills babies, and murders people that are no use to society, plus taking Christ out of Christmas.
Anyway if people reject light (Jesus) then there is only darkness left (satan) as a priest said one time at Mass, “before a man is fire and water, whichever he choos’es will be given to him”.
Those words never left my head since, God have mercy on the souls of those people that died in the quake.
Olive Murphy:
I gave an Urgent Christmas to the World on 16 Dec 2004 by Press Release to PR Newsire. This was ignored. If you take it down without checking its validity, on your head be it. You can e-mail me to verify.
Actually, we woud need to have it verified by “Holy Mother” Church. You would have to submit it to “Holy Mother” Church first, not the press. You would need to act in accordance with Those in actual authority…Rome. After submitting all your messages, etc. then you would need to abide by “Holy Mother Church’s” ruling. You are maybe a messanger, but you are not the authority we need to check with.

With all due respect Olive, it is against the board rules to discuss **unapproved **apparitions. You are using the board against the rules. I don’t think God would be happy about that. Perhaps you need to pray about that some before you try setting up a rebellion on CA, to deliver your message. After all, that does smack a bit of being against **“Faith and Morals.” **Disobedience is never of God. I am sure He can change the rules for you if it is His message, and His will.
With all due respect, I am not talking here about Apparitions. This was a message about a Press Release and did the Press have the right to censor it. I am the receiever of the messages, so I am not discussing them, simply giving them. I therefore have not used the board against the rules. I am not asking anyone to accept this message, I am simply giving it . I am under a Spritiual Director, who has given me permission to publish my messages. I have also informed the Church authorities in the UK.

More importantly, how many people today either on Holiday or not were ready to meet their God today on the Sabbath as they were swimming etc in the holiday resorts. The Worlds press denied them this message which individually may have given them a wake up call - This is Free Will.

God Loves us all

Olive Murphy
With all due respect Olive, it is against the board rules to discuss **unapproved **apparitions. You are using the board against the rules. I don’t think God would be happy about that. Perhaps you need to pray about that some before you try setting up a rebellion on CA, to deliver your message. After all, that does smack a bit of being against **“Faith and Morals.” **Disobedience is never of God. I am sure He can change the rules for you if it is His message, and His will.
Marie, I have seen Garbandal disussed on here.I was wondering since it is a disapproved apparition,why was it on here for so long?Just curious.God Bless
Foxnews says “millions” are homeless because of the quake and more than 11,000 are dead now. No telling how many will die because of injuries, starvation and disease. We need to pray now.

(not to mention that scientists believe that a supervolcano in Sumatra nearly wiped out the human race on Earth 70,000 years ago. I hope this isn’t a precursor to something bigger.) :gopray2: :gopray2: :gopray2:
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