Massive 8.5 quake rocks Southeast Asia, triggers tidal waves

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Even ONE death is too many.
Letā€™s keep Reilly in our prayers since he is one of our own Forum members.

Here is Reillyā€™s Member page (I am sure he wouldnā€™t mind if we did this).

God IS with Us!
I hope he is well. I hope he knows we are all praying for him and his family. šŸ˜¦
I hope he is well. I hope he knows we are all praying for him and his family. šŸ˜¦
Somewhere on the forum someone is mentioning Beng who returned to Indonesia not too long ago;. Not heard from either.
Did God cause this or did it happen by natural causes?
Matt :8:22 But Jesus said to him:ā€œFollow me, and let the dead bury their dead.ā€

8:23 And when he entered into the boat, his disciples followed him:

8:24 And behold a great tempest arose in the sea, so that the boat was covered with waves, but he was asleep.

8:25 And they came to him, and awaked him, saying: Lord, save us, we perish.

8:26 And Jesus saith to them: ā€œWhy are you fearful, O ye of little faith?ā€ Then rising up he commanded the winds, and the sea, and there came a great calm. 8:27 But the men wondered, saying: What manner of man is this, for the winds and the sea obey him?
Iā€™m wondering what tempest means in this verse above, was it the evil one ?
Iā€™m sure it was the evil one that caused the underwater quake, itā€™s dreadful that the innocent suffer with the guilty.
But you can see here that God can control the elements, itā€™s probably an accumalation of the rejection of God and His laws.
Isnā€™t it amazing that we are shocked by the thousands killed and rightly so, but what about the millions of babies that are murdered.
Did God kill those too ? itā€™s not a natural disaster, God made nature, and science studies the things God made.
Mans knowledge can never comprehend the knowledge of God, Iā€™m afraid itā€™s a rejection of God that brings these things on mankind.
Telling Christ we donā€™t want Him at Christmas, or any other time of year, oh well may God have mercy on us.šŸ˜¦

Somewhere on the forum someone is mentioning Beng who returned to Indonesia not too long ago;. Not heard from either.
It this is so, then can we let THIS thread be the notification area for those from these Forums who may have been affected by this disaster.

Here is Bengā€™s Profile pageā€¦this way we can send PMā€™s. His last activity on these forums was in November.

Have faith!
God IS with Us!
**UNICEF said Sri Lankan survivors faced a new threat from land-mines dislodged by the tsunami. There are an estimated two million land-mines in Sri Lanka. **

**ā€œMines were floated by the floods and washed out of known minefields, so now we donā€™t know where they are and the warning signs on mined areas have been swept away or destroyed,ā€ UNICEFā€™s Ted Chaiban said in Colombo. **

**ā€œThe greatest danger to civilians will come when they begin to return to their homes, not knowing where the mines are,ā€ Chaiban said. **

Iā€™m not sure how correct this information is, but I received this via e-mail. Manā€™s war toys might wreak havoc on an already grim situation. Please continue to pray.
It this is so, then can we let THIS thread be the notification area for those from these Forums who may have been affected by this disaster.

Here is Bengā€™s Profile pageā€¦this way we can send PMā€™s. His last activity on these forums was in November.

I mentioned this above but I just had a thought.
If indeed Reilly and Beng were to die in the disaster, how are we going to know?
If we do not know their real names (instead of screen names), who would tell us? I do not think a relative would post something, unless the relative were to be a forum member too. (I am sure there are a few of you who were good friends with them and probably would have the upper edge on the news).

Pray, pray, pray!
God IS with Us!
It this is so, then can we let THIS thread be the notification area for those from these Forums who may have been affected by this disaster.

Here is Bengā€™s Profile pageā€¦this way we can send PMā€™s. His last activity on these forums was in November.
I mentioned this above but I just had a thought.
If indeed Reilly and Beng were to die in the disaster, how are we going to know?
If we do not know their real names (instead of screen names), who would tell us? I do not think a relative would post something, unless the relative were to be a forum member too. (I am sure there are a few of you who were good friends with them and probably would have the upper edge on the news).

Pray, pray, pray!
God IS with Us!

Reilly has checked in with Jen. He is fine. šŸ‘ Still no word on Beng! šŸ˜¦

I just received this from Reilly!!!

"Dear Jen:

My family and I are fine.Ɗ We live in central Thailand, and did not even find out about the problems down south until the next day!Ɗ Thank you very much for your concern, and please pray for those who were injured and/or lost loved ones in this terrible disaster.

God Bless you, and many wishes for a wonderful new year."
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