Massive 8.5 quake rocks Southeast Asia, triggers tidal waves

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If the members of the family prayed to God for them to have a safe trip then why did this happen? Even if they didn’t pray why did 3900+ people died like that? Is that God’s will, punishment? were all the 3900+ who died sinners worthy of death?
God wills “Life Eternal” for all of His children. To each there is a time. A time to live, a time to die.

No one (good or bad) get’s out of this world alive. God knows their souls intimately. I am sure He provided His grace for all of them, according to their state in life and in death.

Prayer is never wasted.
JKirkLVNV said:
21, 000 last count. God have mercy on their souls. May they rest in everlasting peace. Thanks Marie, for the link to send help.

It just keeps rising… :eek: Lord have mercy! Now it is 23,700 and they say many more to come. 😦
Faithful One:
This disaster also struck me hard; maybe because it was on Christmas. And I began praying for the victims.

I do wonder sometime when it comes to natural disasters what is the reason. It would be too simplistic to blame God. However, I am beginning to hold the opinion, like you Stephen, that man’s own sinfulness has something to do with it.
However, I’m sure there are plenty of people living for Christ who also die in such tragedies.
Surely God’s purposes in these things are sometimes beyond me.
Well I’m no expert as to why the innocent suffer along with the bad, I usually look to Calvary to understand.
We have a totally innocent man (Jesus) along with criminals each sharing the same fate.
A seer here in Ireland put it like this, “God restrains the devil, but when people decide to choose evil over good, then God lifts His hand, and says so be it”
This goes back to what I posted up above, “before a man is fire and water, whatever he choos’es will be given to him”.
Also in the prayer to Saint Michael we have "May God restrain him we humbly pray, a prayer compiled by Pope Leo XIII.
For me looking at the suffering Jesus is the only way for me to understand why the good suffer along with the bad.

It was heart-breaking for me to watch little children carried in peoples arms, obviously dead.

May God have mercy on all their souls, and may they share the eternal bliss of Heaven.
This is so sad…😦 My husband asked me this morning that if God was so good and loving, why would He do or permit this tragedy? I didn’t know what to say… only that I trust God.
… God will bring great good out of this. Many will show good will towards their brothers and sisters and many will learn that their fate is ultimately in God’s hands. Pray for mercy …
This is basically the conclusion I was coming to in my previous post:
Because of the prayers of someone (or many) in accordance with God’s will, eventually the eternal good (which IS the will of God) will far outweigh the pain of this temporal disaster. In God’s economy no death is in vain.

Based on previous experience in prayer, I will go one step farther and say that the disaster itself was a response to prayer which will OPEN A WAY for God’s will to be done in these afflicted nations.

I remember a time when I was praying fervently for America with very specific intentions which were prompted by the Holy Spirit. He showed me how porous and unprotected the borders of this country really were. So one of those intentions was an intense desire to seal up and protect the borders of America from evil; that is to keep evil out of this country. But three weeks later on Sept. 11th the New York World Trade Center attack occurred as a direct result of evil enetring the country!

I was shocked. I went to the Lord and said, “But, Lord, I prayed at the Holy Spirit’s direction and asked that the borders be protected so this sort of evil would stay out of this country! And I got the ansurance that you would do that!”

His response was simply: "Well, what do you think I’m doing?"

That’s all He needed to say and I understood exactly what He meant. Men are not willing to consider taking a stand against evil until they see the full calamity of their inaction. As you know, America, as a result of this tragedy, has made a great response in protecting itself from such evil, and as a result, that prayer , which is the will of God, was answered.

Faithful One

-More things are wrought by prayer than most men can imagine.-
I had heard this moring on the radio that the death toll may reach over 40,000.

There are A LOT of people who need prayers and the charity of others. In that part of the world, they are mostly, Buddists, Hindus and Muslems. For the Christian West to help with aid, can leave a lasting impression on the people and the society at large.

I heard also that there is video out on the tidal wave, where is it on the web? How far does one go inland to escape the waves?
I also heard on the radio that one island moved 100feet from the earthquake! Some islands disappeared completely from the tidal wave. This is just too much to comprehend.

May God Grace and Mercy be poured out on ALL persons in the region.

God IS with Us!
At the rate it’s increasing, judging as a journalist and having seen death tolls before, I don’t see it staying at 55,000. When you add up the number of people who are unknown among the missing dead and the people who are in critical condition on the brink of death, it will probably hit six digits before it’s all over. (that’s before disease, starvation and thirst claim even more lives)

:gopray2: Lord have mercy! Christ have mercy! Lord have mercy! :gopray2:
55,000 people is a huge tragedy, even in Somalia and Kenya there are deaths by the tsunamis, this is the nature that create God, but the earthquakes are raising in this zone for the nuclear assays in Indian, Pakistan and China and help to produce more quakes, we have to pray a lot, and we have to help economically, I am too young but I ask you to help them, there are in addition europeans and americans, greetings
JMJ_Pinoy said:

Surely this will go down as one of the most disastrous natural calamities in history.
Not only over 60,000 killed, but millions homeless

Been in prayer and as we know, concerning the ‘reason’, more shall be revealed in its time.

I’m praying for a great relief effort; and especially that this will be a great opportunity for these Muslim nations to open their heart to the Good News and to come to know Christ personally.

Faithful One
I found it - his name is Reilly and he said he lived up from Bangkok so I hope we hear from him.
Still no post from him that I have found. Keep praying! 😦
Did God cause this or did it happen by natural causes?
Whether or not God caused it is a very philosophical question. But He certainly allowed it. Nothing happens without His say so. Everyone’s time to live was appointed before they were born. There’s no sense in trying to get angry or blame God when tragedies happen. They’re all part of His plan, and everyone who died is no longer in exile. They are in their chosen eternal destination. Spiritually speaking, they are either: a.) in a lot better state than they were before the wave crashed down; or b.) no longer polluting the Earth with sin.

As for the suffering survivors, well, their Earthly test is not yet over. We must help them carry their crosses.
Death toll nearing 70,000 from the quake and tidal waves. (It’s on the radio as I type this). Double that for the disease and dangers that are in the area.
There are cases right now that the diseases are starting to take hold.

Aid has been coming in but to coordinate the efforts is the problem (to get the supplies out to those who need it).

In comparison, I had a chance to go out to dinner with two high school friends of mine and their families. We sat down to a pretty good meal, and I was asked to say the blessing. I mentioned for us to keep those affected in the disaster in our prayers. For a brief moment, eating nice dinner compared to what others are going through, we a striking revelation on how good we have it here in the West.

Prayers are needed so that the aid and relief can get to those who need it.

God Is with US!
Death toll nearing 70,000 from the quake and tidal waves. (It’s on the radio as I type this). Double that for the disease and dangers that are in the area.
There are cases right now that the diseases are starting to take hold.
Red Cross
Red Cross: Tsunami toll could top 100,000
The agency said its current estimate is 77,000, but it fears that could rise. The official death toll, based on figures provided by each affected country, is around 68,800, said the federation’s Operations Support chief, Peter Rees.
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