Massive 8.5 quake rocks Southeast Asia, triggers tidal waves

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Marie, I have seen Garbandal disussed on here.I was wondering since it is a disapproved apparition,why was it on here for so long?Just curious.God Bless
I don’t know. Perhaps the Mod’s did not catch it, with all the many threads going on. I suppose we would have to ask them. On the other hand, perhap’s the fact that it was disapproved, the official Church stance posted. It gave clarification as to the apparitions not being approved, and that the faithful were advised NOT to promote it nor follow it.

In this instance(Olive’s message’s), we have someone who say’s she is a seer, who say’s she is delivering God’s message, but we have “NO”, report of church investigation to approve or dis-approve her version. We have no Bishop’s statement that it is even under investigation so far. Even if we did, she has her own web-site to proclaim her message. Proper channels are important.
Olive Murphy:
With all due respect, I am not talking here about Apparitions. This was a message about a Press Release and did the Press have the right to censor it. I am the receiever of the messages, so I am not discussing them, simply giving them. I therefore have not used the board against the rules. I am not asking anyone to accept this message, I am simply giving it . I am under a Spritiual Director, who has given me permission to publish my messages. I have also informed the Church authorities in the UK.
Actually, this thread is about the quake, not your messages. Secondly, and most importantly, IF you have permission from your Bishop, you should prvide the official letter, here and on your web-site. I appreciate your Spiritual Directors ok, but it does not count over-all. He/she is NOT “Holy Mother Church’s” Authority. So that permission is mute without the offial standings of your Bishop.
Olive Murphy:
More importantly, how many people today either on Holiday or not were ready to meet their God today on the Sabbath as they were swimming etc in the holiday resorts. The Worlds press denied them this message which individually may have given them a wake up call - This is Free Will.

God Loves us all

Olive Murphy
I am quite sure God is able to give them all their due warning before times, if He so desires. If He wish’s you to deliver it, He will make sure your papers are in order with “Holy Mother Church”, to do so.

Otherwise, your message is just one of thousands being propigated today. The onis is on each individual to be prepared to die at any moment, regardless of a message to the world or not. That is why we have the Holy Mass and Holy Mother Church. We follow Christ through the successor’s to the Apostles, the Cardinals and Bishop’s, not some individule person’s word. It’s worked well since Christ established the church. That has not changed.
God Bless,
In regards to the above discussion, it is not just the discussion of unapproved apparitions, but also the use of the forum to promote or link to sites promoting private revelations, which is against forum rules.

Further discussion and posts promoting these private revelations will result in suspensions from the Forums.

If you wish to discuss this with me privately please use the Private Message function to correspond.

Paul Stephens
Why don´t we all pray for these countries, all those people who died or hurt, all those people who are homeless.


Why don«t we all pray for these countries, all those people who died or hurt, all those people who are homeless.


Oh I agree but the thing that I have trouble absorbing is WHY DID IT HAPPEN in the first place. What about the families of the people who died who PRAYED for them to have a safe trip?
Paul Stephens:
In regards to the above discussion, it is not just the discussion of unapproved apparitions, but also the use of the forum to promote or link to sites promoting private revelations, which is against forum rules.

Further discussion and posts promoting these private revelations will result in suspensions from the Forums.

If you wish to discuss this with me privately please use the Private Message function to correspond.

Paul Stephens
Thankyou, for the clarification:)
Oh I agree but the thing that I have trouble absorbing is WHY DID IT HAPPEN in the first place. What about the families of the people who died who PRAYED for them to have a safe trip?
What do you mean why? Like a kind of punishment?

What do you mean why? Like a kind of punishment?

If the members of the family prayed to God for them to have a safe trip then why did this happen? Even if they didn’t pray why did 3900+ people died like that? Is that God’s will, punishment? were all the 3900+ who died sinners worthy of death?
Peacemonger, do you recall his name? I think you two have discussed the fact you are both in Asian countries, on another thread. I can’t find it now. :confused:
It simply won’t come to me but I remember talking with him about the Bangkok traffic - I suspect it’s in our old threads but I can’t seem to find it. I will remember him in prayer particularly today.

While it is always horrendous to hear of this kind of news - when you’ve walked the streets and been on the beach, it somehow makes it more real; Phuket was a lovely beach area, always crowded and full of children and families at the water, lots of boats and snorkelers.
I found it - his name is Reilly and he said he lived up from Bangkok so I hope we hear from him.
I found it - his name is Reilly and he said he lived up from Bangkok so I hope we hear from him.
Thanks. I thought it was Rielly…So my search came up zip. I was transposing the “i” and the “e” as I usually seem to do. :banghead: At least I was on the right search, but wrong spelling. 😃
It doesn’t surprise me that these disasters happen in a world that kills babies, and murders people that are no use to society, plus taking Christ out of Christmas.
Anyway if people reject light (Jesus) then there is only darkness left (satan) as a priest said one time at Mass, "before a man is fire and water, whichever he choos’es will be given to him".
This disaster also struck me hard; maybe because it was on Christmas. And I began praying for the victims.

I do wonder sometime when it comes to natural disasters what is the reason. It would be too simplistic to blame God. However, I am beginning to hold the opinion, like you Stephen, that man’s own sinfulness has something to do with it.
However, I’m sure there are plenty of people living for Christ who also die in such tragedies.
Surely God’s purposes in these things are sometimes beyond me.

Lately, though I have also had something far greater than dreams coming true; and that is ANSWERED PRAYER. It seems lately that ever time I KNOW the will of God in a matter (be it for friends or for national events or even things on TV), and I PRAY accordingly, there is an amazing fulfillment every time.
Of course, I guess I shouldn’t be so surprized; that’s exactly what Jesus taught! Lately though the frequency and scope of the answered prayers have been amazing; I guess God is doing it to increase my faith.😃

It is due to this success in prayer that I am now beginning to think that these events are a result of someone’s prayers. (I’ve had something similar happen after I had prayed). I don’t mean someone prayed for that specific disaster, but rather they prayed for something (in line with God’s will) that was so spectacular, that it couldn’t possibly be accomplished without some major change which alters the normal course of events in such a way to make God’s will come to pass.

Faithful One

–More things are wrought by prayer than anyone can imagine.–
It is unrealistic for us to ask why something like this happens. One obvious reason is that the plates in the Earth ground against one another – not that God desires the suffering of those who have perished or lost loved ones. Do the sins of this world gather like a great killing wave or a storm, waiting to destroy us? We don’t know. But we have to know that God loves us, just as He does every single day – when we lose our money, or lose our homes, or people who are dear to us, daily. The tsunami is a large scale visitation of the same sorrows that come upon us individually. Pray.
Oh I agree but the thing that I have trouble absorbing is WHY DID IT HAPPEN in the first place. What about the families of the people who died who PRAYED for them to have a safe trip?
 Psalms 103: 13-17
“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on the faithful. For he knows how we are formed, remembers that we are dust. Our days are like the grass; like flowers of the field we blossom. The wind sweeps over us and we are gone; our place knows us no more. But the LORD’S kindness is forever, toward the faithful from age to age.”

Ecclesiastes 3: 1, 11-20
“There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens. He has made everything appropriate to its time, and has put the timeless into their hearts, without men’s ever discovering, from beginning to end, the work which God has done. I recognized that there is nothing better than to be glad and to do well during life. For every man, moreover, to eat and drink and enjoy the fruit of all his labor is a gift of God. I recognized that whatever God does will endure forever; there is no adding to it, or taking from it. Thus has God done that he may be revered. What now is has already been; what is to be, already is; and God restores what would otherwise be displaced. And still under the sun in the judgment place I saw wickedness, and in the seat of justice, iniquity. And I said to myself, both the just and the wicked God will judge, since there is a time for every affair and on every work a judgment. I said to myself: As for the children of men, it is God’s way of testing them and of showing that they are in themselves like beasts. For the lot of man and of beast is one lot; the one dies as well as the other. Both have the same life-breath, and man has no advantage over the beast; but all is vanity. Both go to the same place; both were made from the dust, and to the dust they both return.”

All things like this are part of God’s plan. Surely the just and the unjust alike died today, and more just and unjust will continue to die because of this. For the just who love Christ, death brings an end to their exile. For the unjust, the Lord gave them every opportunity to prove themselves.

It’s best not to look at tragedies and say, “Why did God do this?” or “Why did God allow this to happen?” If you ask questions like that, a misled conscience could deceive you into believing that God is a cruel God. Quite the contrary. Watch: God will bring great good out of this. Many will show good will towards their brothers and sisters and many will learn that their fate is ultimately in God’s hands. Pray for mercy for the dead and consolation for their families, and ask rather than questioning God’s will in doing this, question, “How can I be Christ to the suffering and homeless?”
ACTUALLY, it was an 8.9. And they say the dead could be in the thousands.

And I was right, largest eq in my lifetime. An 8.9 is the largest in the past 40 years. That’s amazingly huge. 1989 Bay Area was a 7.1 by comparison.
At the time I’m typing this, the death toll from the tsunamis, is now at least 15,000. Please pray for the souls of all those who died in this tragedy.

Gerry 🙂
I’ve seen the death toll at 21,000. That’s many families gone or separated.

I did see in one of my local news services that Catholic Relief Services (among many others) is taking donations for this disaster. It’s not obvious on their web stie how to designate your donation for this tragedy, but I’m sure that can be clarified with a phone call.
I’ve seen the death toll at 21,000. That’s many families gone or separated.

I did see in one of my local news services that Catholic Relief Services (among many others) is taking donations for this disaster. It’s not obvious on their web stie how to designate your donation for this tragedy, but I’m sure that can be clarified with a phone call.
Maybe this link will clarify. I usual just put a note in that it is for xyz appeal. That seems to work.
Among the dead across the region are at least 16 non-nationals, including six Britons, **six Americans ** and four Italians, officials from those countries said. Of the Americans, five were killed in Sri Lanka and one in Thailand, U.S. officials said.

Now they are saying it was a 9.0 quake
At least 3,000 people killed in Sri Lanka, 2,300 in India, 2,000 in Indonesia, 289 in Thailand, 42 in Malaysia, 8 in Somalia and 2 in Bangladesh by tsunamis. Tsunamis also occurred on the coasts of Maldives and Cocos Island. At least 200 people killed, buildings destroyed or damaged in the Banda Aceh area, Sumatra. Felt widely in Sumatra. Also felt in Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore and Thailand. This is now the fourth largest earthquake in the world since 1900 and is the largest since the 1964 Prince William Sound, Alaska earthquake.
21, 000 last count. God have mercy on their souls. May they rest in everlasting peace. Thanks Marie, for the link to send help.
If the members of the family prayed to God for them to have a safe trip then why did this happen? Even if they didn’t pray why did 3900+ people died like that? Is that God’s will, punishment? were all the 3900+ who died sinners worthy of death?
I don´t believe this is a punishment of God. God didn´t do this.

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