You forget, dear Matthew that one can still profess and worship the true God, and still not posess him. So there’s no contradiction
What, pray tell, does “worship the true God” mean? You are placing a false dichotomy between “possessing” God and “worshipping” God. The latter is predicated on the former, or rather that God does indeed “possess” a man by sanctifying grace, by elevating his nature so as to elicit a supernatural act of love (i.e. adoration, worship). As Scripture says, God does indeed seek “true worshippers”, those that Adore Him in Spirit and Truth. The reason why only Catholics can truly worship God, and thus not engage in the sin of idolatry, is because of Jesus Christ and the Sacrifice of the Cross. It is in the Supreme Sacrifice that man is allowed to offer God true worship, adoration, propitiation, and thanksgiving. Outside of this, and all that flows from it, there is no efficacious, supernatural worship of God, period. Do you claim to speak for God and usurp His Divine Will which has revealed to man how He wills to be worshipped? I should think not.
And this doesn’t just apply to Muslims…
I will refer you to the Scripture passages I posted. One cannot lack the theological virtue of Faith and still claim to possess belief. It is in the very nature of heresy to destroy belief.
A fortiori, one cannot deny the Messiah, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity (i.e. an infidel), and claim true belief in God. To say otherwise is gross heresy. I don’t think you realize that such a doctrine that you are propounding destroys the very foundations of the Catholic religion and makes revelation superfluous. I would strongly suggest you investigate the logical implications of such a position before you so haphazardly spread such ideas.
You can quote as many papal documents…
What is taught today, on any level, should conform to Tradition and Scripture. Especially regarding the mere authentic magisterium that is not endowed with any divine protection, per se. I posit that you are not supporting the magisterium at all, but a novel current of thought deemed aptly, the
Nouvelle Théologie. This perception, or I should say, re-interpretation of other religions is extremely popular today, yet it has absolutely no foundation in Catholic teaching. Ratzinger admitted that this “theology” was an entirely new way of viewing other religions recently born before the Council and subsequently adopted as a “refreshing” alternative. One does not have to search too long and too hard to see its connection with Modernism and its definition of ‘faith’ and ‘revelation’ as well as the essential nature of religion. To quote Pius XI speaking about false ecumenism, but is relevant here as well:
"But in reality beneath these enticing words and blandishments lies hid a most grave error, by which the foundations of the Catholic faith are completely destroyed …Let them hear Lactantius crying out: “The Catholic Church is alone in keeping the true worship. This is the fount of truth, this the house of Faith, this the temple of God: if any man enter not here, or if any man go forth from it, he is a stranger to the hope of life and salvation. Let none delude himself with obstinate wrangling. For life and salvation are here concerned, which will be lost and entirely destroyed, unless their interests are carefully and assiduously kept in mind.”
People often forget that in Catholicism there’s almost always two sides to every teaching…
We can look at non-Christian religions as false systems of beliefs, founded by demons. And at the same time…
DV, what is idolatry? Is it even possible under this new paradigm? You are confusing the depth and breadth of Catholic truth, which is able to be looked at from many different angles and the liberal error of placing the human conscience above God’s law. You are losing touch with the essences of things; the nature of things as such and replacing your loss with a vague sentimentalism.
while Pope John Paul II’s statements on Judaism are orthodox, Cardinal Kaspar’s aren’t. His Eminence is a notorious heretic…
How can you accuse Kasper of heresy while at the same time acquiting John Paul II of any wrong doing? Not only merely intellectually acquit him, but positively claim he is an extraordinary theologian who knows Scripture and Church teaching better than pretty much everyone else in the Church! Are you not impugning his integrity, his veracity, his judgement and theological prowess? Kasper simply takes what John Paul II says and expounds their logical conclusions.