Mel Gibson pushed for President

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What is SSPX?
The Society of Saint Pius X. It’s a group that has had some controversy in the past of being in Schism with Rome. I don’t want to get into a huge discussion on it (it’s been covered ad naseum in other forums.) I was just interested on whether he fell in with them or not.
The more we can separate Church from State, the better.
So do you also agree with no prayer in school, the ten commandments shouldnt be displayed, taking God out of the National Anthem and off of the money? sorry i dont think so. i think this country is becoming a culture of death, both in the biological sense and in the ethical and morality sense, and a good Christian President could lead by example and make a lot of good things happen. IMHO.
That was kind of my point, but apparently I didn’t phrase it well.

I just could see him being an even bigger target for dirt than other politicians because he is famous already. It would be a joy for the media to do this.

I don’t expect anyone who’s running for office to be perfect or have a perfect past.

But I think his message would be better done in a non political office realm. Otherwise it would probably get muddied up with ‘what he did in his younger wilder hollywood days’.
Perhaps but I think it’s time that the average American focused on what is important today - and good Christians have to move America in this direction (not that I am campaigning for Mel, moreso the concept - we can’t settle for worse because of the forces around us - that is what the media wants us to do).
I’m trying to find the right words here…

Do you really want a president of the United States to have that much power?

Let’s turn the tables for a moment. What if a Muslim ran for president and won. Would you want him/her to be able to exert the type of power you mentioned above? Heck no! I know I wouldn’t.

I would also like to know, realistically, how you think the president could rid our country of abortion, gay marriage, euthinasia, etc. Not possible w/o the other branches of gov’t.

Let’s be realistic. Getting a devout Catholic into office is not going to automatically fix what’s wrong.

These are the reasons I think the power of a president should be limited! And also a reason why I don’t want our nation to be “officially” a nation run by religion. What would happen if it wasn’t Christian any more? Then what? The more we can separate Church from State, the better.
All decent points, Steph. Well said. AND…

Would YOU prefer a person of faith in the Oval Office?? Yes or no??

If the answer is yes, would you *prefer *that he/she be of a judeo-christian ethic??

If the answer is yes again, all things being equal, would you prefer that he/she was Catholic or protestant??

If your answer is Catholic preferably, would you prefer that the president be a faithful Catholic or cafeteria Catholic???
Whatever, Brad. No I don’t. I don’t exclude someone based of their religious background and I don’t support them because of their religious background either.
Whatever? How do you explain the fact that Mel meets 90% of your criteria but you are able to flippantly cast him away from consideration?
No, but Abraham Lincoln sure as heck knew the ropes, didn’t he.
You can say that in hindsight. The fact remainst Lincoln was very good at losing elections, being disliked by most of the world, and being trounced in debates. If you want to call that knowing the ropes, I think he fails on some of your other criteria.
Plus i’d like to know what the heck Mel is short for. Run Mel! and uh please tell us your FULL first name. Melanie? Melvin? Melimar? any ideas anyone?
I’m trying to find the right words here…

Do you really want a president of the United States to have that much power?

Let’s turn the tables for a moment. What if a Muslim ran for president and won. Would you want him/her to be able to exert the type of power you mentioned above? Heck no! I know I wouldn’t.

I would also like to know, realistically, how you think the president could rid our country of abortion, gay marriage, euthinasia, etc. Not possible w/o the other branches of gov’t.

Let’s be realistic. Getting a devout Catholic into office is not going to automatically fix what’s wrong.

These are the reasons I think the power of a president should be limited! And also a reason why I don’t want our nation to be “officially” a nation run by religion. What would happen if it wasn’t Christian any more? Then what? The more we can separate Church from State, the better.
Again you exclude someone specifically because they are devoutly Catholic. I would exclude someone if they were Muslim because their religion is false. Do you see the difference or do you not believe the Catholic religion is true?
So do you also agree with no prayer in school, the ten commandments shouldnt be displayed, taking God out of the National Anthem and off of the money? sorry i dont think so. i think this country is becoming a culture of death, both in the biological sense and in the ethical and morality sense, and a good Christian President could lead by example and make a lot of good things happen. IMHO.
His father did, not him.
Oh, ok. I thought I heard his name mentioned in association with SSPX, but I wasn’t sure in what fashon.
WOW! that has got to be one of the more umm interesting? Saint stories i have ever heard! 😃
His real name is Mel… Named after a saint…Check it out.
St. Mel
How intriguing. Interesting part:

“For sometime, he lived with his aunt Lupait, but slanderous tongues spread serious accusations against them, and St. Patrick himself came to investigate their conduct.”

Oh, those slanderous tongues.
Good education, good track record politically (knows the ropes), knowledge of current events world-wide, hard worker, has traveled internationally and had extensive experience with people from around the world, passion to make the country a better place, a political uniter- not a divider.

My qualifications do not include a particular religious background.
It is very interesting you brought up a political uniter:nope: Are you saying you want a spinleless person who will flop back and forth to please people regardless of whether it is right or wrong?Look at how wonderful our country is turning out now:nope: After years PC and trying not to discriminate,or hurt peoples feelings if they were engaged in evil acts.We have such an open and happy society:rolleyes:
We have such an open and happy society:rolleyes:
LOL! yes lets tie ribbons in our hair and dance merrily in a circle, chanting freely. NOT!!

Love the Satire Lisa!!! 👍
Don’t give Hillary Clinton that much credit. Not only is she not a shoo-in for the Presidency, I don’t think she has a lock on the Democratic nomination. Although the liberal news media will never let us hear it, there is a lot of anti-Clinton sentiment in the Democratic party, and a lot of big fat ego’s that want to be President.

Perhaps but I think it’s time that the average American focused on what is important today - and good Christians have to move America in this direction (not that I am campaigning for Mel, moreso the concept - we can’t settle for worse because of the forces around us - that is what the media wants us to do).
I agree, with moving America and having someone LIKE Mel, I just don’t see Mel being the guy, that’s all.
Plus i’d like to know what the heck Mel is short for. Run Mel! and uh please tell us your FULL first name. Melanie? Melvin? Melimar? any ideas anyone?
His full name according to Mel Columcille Gerard Gibson
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