Mel Gibson pushed for President

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Are you aware that we have had more than two elections in this country since it was founded? It was not only 2000 and 2004.
No idea what your point is. I deal with the present.
In answer to your question do i think a muslim would be a good president? plain and simply. NO! theres nothing wrong with them believing what they want to believe. i just dont want one of them telling me what i have to do. now would you answer mine?
Do I think that Mulims, Hindus, Buddhists, Seiks, Atheists, and everyone else in America should be subjected to Christianity in our government? (through prayer in school, Christian references public places, etc).

In answer to your question do i think a muslim would be a good president? plain and simply. NO! theres nothing wrong with them believing what they want to believe. i just dont want one of them telling me what i have to do. now would you answer mine?
Just out of curiousity, what do your Muslim friends think about this? Have you chatted with Muslims about your views?
Therefore you reject Catholicism, and our duty to spread Gods works and word. As a Catholic are not a soldier of God? what we believe may not always be popular but it will always be right. wether some like it or not. and by the way subjected carries such a negative conotation. are you SURE thats the word you want to use when refering to Gods ministry? Was Jesus “subjecting” the Jews and pagans when he spoke God’s word?
Personally i dont have any Muslim friends. Not because i dislike Muslims, just because my time is spent at work (which is just my husband and myself and my parents) and at my church, the friends i have outside of church are friends i have had my whole life, none of them are Muslim. this wasnt done on purpose, just a coincidence. what you may not know about me is that im not a craddle Catholic. i converted at the age of 20. before and during my conversion i read anything i could get my hands on that had to do with religion. including the Koran and Islam for Dummies. im versed honey. my opinion is not one of prejudice, but one of research and education. some of that research brought me to this forum. My father taught me to seek and ye shall find (i know where he got that from 😉 ) and i have always done that. Religion is a subject that has fascinated me since i was 13 years old. i have studied my tooshy off and still love it. learn something new every day.
I see value in being lead by someone that has a handle on truth. I don’t see value in some arbitrary, fictitious separation of church and state that our founding fathers did not believe in.

Not impossible but VERY unlikely. Their foundation of belief is very far from the truth.

Sorry. Truth and political correctness are 2 different things.

No. I don’t think that. But I do suspect(although I don’t know for sure) you reject some parts of Catholicism by holding so fast to this “separation of Church and State”.
Let’s be honest here. Our founding fathers were slave-owning protestants, not saints like JPII and Mother Theresa. And just because something isn’t in the constitution doesn’t mean it isn’t a good thing. This reminds me of my sola-scriptura days of being a protestant!

A person’s religious views should not interfere with his/her ability to lead. Period. Either they’re good at their job or they aren’t. This isn’t about chosing a priest or a bible study leader, it’s about choising a politician.

I’m not being PC, I’m telling it to you like it is.

Now if you think that this somehow makes me reject my Catholic faith (how much lower of a blow could you give), please tell me how? I am an orthodox girl through and through.
That was my point exactly! didnt quite know how to put it! thanks for seeing the forrest through the trees!
Perhaps you too would like to explain to me how I am rejecting my Catholic faith? This is highly offensive.
Because you want faith behind closed doors. it cant be that way. are you ashamed of God? if not why hide it? That is a rejection of the holy spirit, when you believe ministering, and gospel are best left in the pews on sundays.
It’s not how most peopel see politics at this time. The majority doesn’t see it that way. They voted for him. The left paints it that way. The entire campaign was ripping the guy. If they had some decency and worked with him and you may be surprised at how non-divisive he is. But the left will not let go of it’s moral relativism, which now translates into letting go of all decency.

I think promoting, funding, and voting for legalized baby killing, especially partial-birth abortion, is pretty divisive. I think pushing judicial tyrants to accomplish your goals when you don’t have the votes to get it done is pretty divisive. And I’m not alone in this understanding.
There’s always someone who wins with a majority. That isn’t up for debate. The point is, the mark of a good leader is someone who’s able to get the whole country behind him/her- not someone who is loved by half and despised by the other. People have extremely strong opinions about Bush both ways, you will meet very few people who are mediocre. That’s the point.
Therefore you reject Catholicism, and our duty to spread Gods works and word. As a Catholic are not a soldier of God? what we believe may not always be popular but it will always be right. wether some like it or not. and by the way subjected carries such a negative conotation. are you SURE thats the word you want to use when refering to Gods ministry? Was Jesus “subjecting” the Jews and pagans when he spoke God’s word?
Excuse me, but when did the United States of America become one of the “ministries” of the Catholic Church?

You are tangling the Cross of Christ and the American flag.
what a beautiful image. the cross of Christ coninciding with the American flag. if only…
Personally i dont have any Muslim friends. Not because i dislike Muslims, just because my time is spent at work (which is just my husband and myself and my parents) and at my church, the friends i have outside of church are friends i have had my whole life, none of them are Muslim. this wasnt done on purpose, just a coincidence. what you may not know about me is that im not a craddle Catholic. i converted at the age of 20. before and during my conversion i read anything i could get my hands on that had to do with religion. including the Koran and Islam for Dummies. im versed honey. my opinion is not one of prejudice, but one of research and education. some of that research brought me to this forum. My father taught me to seek and ye shall find (i know where he got that from 😉 ) and i have always done that. Religion is a subject that has fascinated me since i was 13 years old. i have studied my tooshy off and still love it. learn something new every day.
I’m a convert too.

I encourage you to try to make friends who are not from your culture and background. The biggest changes in my life- in my perspective- have changed when I’ve opened myself up to loving people from other countries and other backgrounds. You can read all you want (I’m a reader too) but until you get your feet wet it’s just book knowledge.

I wish you had some muslim friends. I lived near a mosque in London… I worked and lived side by side with Arabs from many countries. They were my friends, my colleages.
I wish i did to. i havent yet had the pleasure. however when i do have the opportunity, my views on Church and State and politicians wouldnt change. thats a matter of Faith, not of political standpoint. i vote by my faith and live by my faith. its unwavered.
Because you want faith behind closed doors. it cant be that way. are you ashamed of God? if not why hide it? That is a rejection of the holy spirit, when you believe ministering, and gospel are best left in the pews on sundays.
You’re joking!!! My faith is not behind closed doors. I am single, I have lived with people from all over, people who believe all different things. My friends include gays, minorities, people from other walks of life. And yet I do NOT hide my faith. Every Sunday my roommates see me leave for mass. I get into deep discussions of faith and theology with non-believers. I stand against abortion. I share my faith in tangible ways. How dare you assume such things about me?? I am IN the world… I am blessed in a way that I am single right now b/c I know the Lord is using me in ways a married woman could never be used b/c I live among those who do not believe in Jesus or the Catholic Church.
what a beautiful image. the cross of Christ coninciding with the American flag. if only…
Never. Christ has not Chosen America as “his” country. He desperately loves people from every country. To believe America is better than the rest is extremely arrogant.
Never. Christ has not Chosen America as “his” country. He desperately loves people from every country. To believe America is better than the rest is extremely arrogant.
Thats not what i meant. what i meant was American choosing Christ.
I wish i did to. i havent yet had the pleasure. however when i do have the opportunity, my views on Church and State and politicians wouldnt change. thats a matter of Faith, not of political standpoint. i vote by my faith and live by my faith. its unwavered.
How arrogant of you to believe that your perspective would not be changed by experiences. Yes, by living abroad my faith has deepened, but you better believe my views on politics have changed. I haven’t ever met any American who has not has some change in perspective by going abroad or meeting friends from other places.
You’re joking!!! My faith is not behind closed doors. I am single, I have lived with people from all over, people who believe all different things. My friends include gays, minorities, people from other walks of life. And yet I do NOT hide my faith. Every Sunday my roommates see me leave for mass. I get into deep discussions of faith and theology with non-believers. I stand against abortion. I share my faith in tangible ways. How dare you assume such things about me?? I am IN the world… I am blessed in a way that I am single right now b/c I know the Lord is using me in ways a married woman could never be used b/c I live among those who do not believe in Jesus or the Catholic Church.
Well I’m married and the Lord used me to convert my husband, he is initiating into the Knights tonight, hes heavily involved with the youth group in our church as an example of how a good Catholic man should live his life. We have a crucifix up in our place of business. He owns an insurance agency, people are in and out all day. he also has a rosary in the mirror of his car, so when he meets clients they see it, he wears a Saint Christopher metal and crucifix. he doesnt try to hide his faith. we pray in public restaraunts, out loud, we lead by example of Faith. its not a requirement to be Catholic when you buy insurance or eat in a restaraunt, theres non believers there to. We are never embarrassed to show who and what we are. I believe Church has a VERY rightful place in state and in the world as a whole. this world would be a lot better place if more politicians believed that way to. and by Church i mean Gods Church. not Ala’s false church.
How arrogant of you to believe that your perspective would not be changed by experiences. Yes, by living abroad my faith has deepened, but you better believe my views on politics have changed. I haven’t ever met any American who has not has some change in perspective by going abroad or meeting friends from other places.
i studied in Mexico for about four and half months, worked down there as well. i’ve been abroad. my mind still hasnt changed. if anything it made me think that God’s presence NEEDS to be more felt in the government, charity should have its place. That country would be a lot better off if Christs Passion and compassion had a place rather than man’s money evils.
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