Mental Illness & Spirituality

  • Thread starter Thread starter BarbaraTherese
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Dear coarlewisjr,

Oh my gosh. I just read several of your poems.
Anyone who can craft the following line:

“Like an atmospheric slow dance
To which all the cousins of Red, Green, and Blue came.”

is a poet. Truely.

I rejoice that you have a lifetime before you, to
write and share such insight.

Thank you so much! 😃 It’s a gift.

I have wonderful news!! Three girls I know from college are joining convents this year. Please pray for them. They are wonderful young women. I’m so excited for them!!

my Mother my Confidence,
Hi, Barbara Therese,

My own endeavor has been to try to understand
how the psychological *affects *the other 3 realities.
If a person suffers from great anxiety in the
psychological realm, the spiritual can be of
great help in easing that person’s distress.
Same with something like depression.

I have cut a large amount out of Reen 12’s post here to comply with the 5000character limit on The Board…to read Reen12’s entire post, go to the original…WORTH IT!

Dear Reen 12…truly great;) to cacha on the Board again and in Sprituality e specially…I had a long answer re ady to post when it just disappeared…sometimes I think a Higher Authority follows me around sabotaging me if I do not reflect …what?..I don’t know…their opinion?

Of course this surely is not so…but there you go!

Reen12 …your post was too important not to give time to an answer. I can’t just now because I should not even be at my computer…I will return as soon as I can to r espond to you…and give you I hope the answer your post deserves. I’ll type it into Word and then copy it into t he Post and submit it and hope that works!!!

But I agee with you absolutely… I just would have said it differently and will as soon as I can!

Best regards,
Bethany Sth. Aust.
Sat. 14.5.05 9.32pm

My Smiley Central emoticons e tc. have gone too…what is this some form of r acism or apartheid…beats me! …so I’ll check in again with The Board Administrator and if he/she is nice to me, I will be nice to himher…otherwise shake the dust from my shoes and all that stuff…
Dear Barb,
Does someone else have access to your computer?
Have you been getting enough sleep lately?
You sound very paranoid. I’m not trying to offend you. I’m just concerned. God bless you!

my Mother my Confidence,
Hi, Barbara Therese,

I look forward to your post!
If there is a more positive way to present my own
conclusions, I would welcome it.:tiphat:

BTW, on occassion I’ve had the experience of
writing a long post in response to that of another,
forgeting to click something correctly, and…
zooooommm…lost to cyberspace.

I do admit, that I sometimes wonder if that post
was not ‘meant to be’ But then I say:
Naaahhhh. It’s technology, not theology.:yup:

The cheering thing in life is, sometimes a
person has another viewpoint, and I read it
and say: now that’s a more ‘solid’ take on
reality than my own.

Again, looking forward to your response to
my post,
God bless you!
Hello to our cyberspace community out there:tiphat: :

I’m wondering what are the opinions re those who may suffer a major mental illness ie psychotic type illnesses. Do you think that sufferers of mental illness can continue to function as spiritual beings with spirituality intact? Do you think that a mentally ill person can still have a positive and quite healthy, active and functioning, quite valid, spiritual life as with the so called ‘normal’ and the chronically sane…

Thank you for your contribution if you vote and post to this Poll and the first time I have attempted to do a Poll, so if I err, please bear with me…

Barb;)👍…Bethany…South Australia
Sunday, 17th. April, 2005 …2412hrs
I definately think that those with mental illness can lead rich spiritual lives. I think that spirituality can be a wonderful comfort during times of anxiety and depression. I started a Catholic message board for people who have mental illness and their families because so often, people turn away from God during times of great stress. I feel like I need to be grounded in God and my message board and website reminds me to do that, even in the midst of mental illness challenges.

It also helps me deal with various family members’ illnesses as well. I have to put their lives, and my own life, in the hands of God.

I think Christianity, and Catholicism are uniquely qualified to help those of us who suffer from mental illness. Our God (and His mother) suffered far more than many of us will ever suffer. My faith really helps me get through difficult times.
I definately think that those with mental illness can lead rich spiritual lives. I think that spirituality can be a wonderful comfort during times of anxiety and depression. I started a Catholic message board for people who have mental illness and their families because so often, people turn away from God during times of great stress. I feel like I need to be grounded in God and my message board and website reminds me to do that, even in the midst of mental illness challenges.

It also helps me deal with various family members’ illnesses as well. I have to put their lives, and my own life, in the hands of God.

I think Christianity, and Catholicism are uniquely qualified to help those of us who suffer from mental illness. Our God (and His mother) suffered far more than many of us will ever suffer. My faith really helps me get through difficult times.
What’s your forum’s URI? I’m interested in joining. God bless you!

my Mother my Confidence,
What’s your forum’s URI? I’m interested in joining. God bless you!

my Mother my Confidence,
Hi, Corinne! My forum is part of Delphi forums. We are called St. Dymphna’s Well. The URL is:

Delphi has various membership levels and the basic one is free.

You can access our website via the tab on the upper part of the forum, but the website’s url itself is:
QUOTE=Blanka]Most certainly someone with mental illness can have a valid and good spiritual life. I have noticed that it is often those who have the simplest child-like faith who are closer to God. I see so much sincerity of heart in Schizophrenic patients that is brings joy to my heart and makes my job worth while. If you take time to talk with someone who has a serious mental illness, you will see that most are very intelligent. But what they usually lack is the pretentiousness that you see in so many so called “normal” people. I truly believe that the seriously mentally ill have a closer connection with God that seems to come naturally (and I’m not referring to delusions). A kind word or smile from a seriously mentally ill patient is more of a blessing to me than a compliment from my supervisor. :tiphat:

I really liked your Post Blanka…and thank you for posting your thoughts and experience into this thread. It has been said that the sane can adjust to the insanity in our societys etc., whereas those with mental illness cannot…they are too sensitive…and often possibly too intelligent. We insight cause and we can estimate effect and just cannot take it and become ill. Possibly that is some sort of rationalization on my part in defence of my own mental illness…but there is someting of truth in it too!

Thank you for the post… cacha again on the Board maybe!..
in our cyberspace community…
Regards, Barb
Bethany in South Australia
Wed. 6.6.05 St. Norbet pray for us
Hello, BarbaraTherese,

quote:** BarbaraTherese**
It has been said that the sane can adjust to the insanity in our societys etc., whereas those with mental illness cannot…they are too sensitive…and often possibly too intelligent. We insight cause and we can estimate effect and just cannot take it and become ill.
One mental health professional said that he saw my
situation as one of “intensity and sensitivity.”
Another professional said that my long suit, in
dealing with mental illness, was my intelligence.

Hmmm. I think you’re on to some substantial reality,
here, BarabaraTherese.

The odd thing is, when I’ve exchanged thoughts with
people who have the most serious of mental illnesses,
the more severe the illness, the more intelligent I
found those individuals.

Is it possible, that, like a piece of gold leaf in the
science experient one does in junior high school,
that the mentally ill are sensitized in way that
the Chronically Normal are not? That those unaffected,
cannot understand what the ‘reality’ is, for those
so sensitized?

Being ‘sensitized’ is, in a sense,* different* from being
‘sensitive.’ Many who do not suffer MI are truely
sensitive human beings. The difference, I think,
is that those not ill, can “tune out” certain realities,
while some of the mentally ill cannot.

It’s as if some who are mentally ill lack the “filters”
those unaffected have. Light, noise, movement,
facial expression, body language all register with
some of the mentally ill in a way that they do not
“register” with the ‘well.’

I also think that the mentally ill can make amazingly
fast “connections”. You state this as:

quote:** BarbaraTherese**
We insight cause and we can estimate effect and just cannot take it and become ill.
I see it as the following:
Sometimes, my mind “speeds up”, going 100 miles an
hour. Something in my brain is “broken.” It’s as if
it is an engine without a “govenor” on it, to control
speed. [Just my assessment, with no professional
training in psychology. More of an existential account
of the experience.]

Anyway, thanks for your thoughts, BarbaraTherese,
it got me “thinking.” 🙂

Hello, BarbaraTherese,

quote:** BarbaraTherese**

One mental health professional said that he saw my
situation as one of “intensity and sensitivity.”
Another professional said that my long suit, in
dealing with mental illness, was my intelligence.

Hmmm. I think you’re on to some substantial reality,
here, BarabaraTherese.

The odd thing is, when I’ve exchanged thoughts with
people who have the most serious of mental illnesses,
the more severe the illness, the more intelligent I
found those individuals.

Is it possible, that, like a piece of gold leaf in the
science experient one does in junior high school,
that the mentally ill are sensitized in way that
the Chronically Normal are not? That those unaffected,
cannot understand what the ‘reality’ is, for those
so sensitized?

Being ‘sensitized’ is, in a sense,* different* from being
‘sensitive.’ Many who do not suffer MI are truely
sensitive human beings. The difference, I think,
is that those not ill, can “tune out” certain realities,
while some of the mentally ill cannot.

It’s as if some who are mentally ill lack the “filters”
those unaffected have. Light, noise, movement,
facial expression, body language all register with
some of the mentally ill in a way that they do not
“register” with the ‘well.’

I also think that the mentally ill can make amazingly
fast “connections”. You state this as:

quote:** BarbaraTherese**

I see it as the following:
Sometimes, my mind “speeds up”, going 100 miles an
hour. Something in my brain is “broken.” It’s as if
it is an engine without a “govenor” on it, to control
speed. [Just my assessment, with no professional
training in psychology. More of an existential account
of the experience.]

Anyway, thanks for your thoughts, BarbaraTherese,
it got me “thinking.” 🙂

Hi Reen 12 …great to catch up with you again…and in Spirituality!!! …sorry it has taken so long to catch up with your post…

I think that the reality of the why’s and wherefore’s of mental illness are still to unfold. We need to remember that sanity/insanity is marked by an ever shifting imaginary line indicated by ’ the normal’. One side of the line and ‘the normal’ say we are like them and thus sane. On the other side of the line, ‘the normal’ say …NOT LIKE US…INSANE!!! … I think the Time Magazine Headline put it well…roughly 1974 I think: "In an insane world, the sane will be considered insane "… reflection on the logic in that is interesting. And in a world where 1/3 struggles with overeating and obesity…while 2/3 starve to death…to death!!!..are we sane?

What I ask is are we the so called mentally ill insane…or just different…and to be different is something society finds hard to swallow … herd instinct and values!!! …

I dont like the tag mental illness because it is a socially derogatory term…I am simply different and we are all called into our own particular and peculiar unique self…not who we think we are or should be ( concepts) …the person we are (being).

Send regards,
Barb in Bethany
Thur. 16.6.05 7.28pm
Hi, Barb,

I don’t care for the term mental illness, either.🙂
I think it should be called neurobiological. I
employ the term because it is the one recognized
by society at this moment in time.

Hope you’re having a grand day,

Hi, Barb,

I don’t care for the term mental illness, either.🙂
I think it should be called neurobiological. I
employ the term because it is the one recognized
by society at this moment in time.

Hope you’re having a grand day,

Hi again! …yeah t he days are great … in this roller coaster ride we call life…I’m downhill at the moment…not pushing a barrel uphill a puffin, a complainin and a labourin!!!

What many do not realize, huh!.. is that this so called mental illness is a physical condition in the brain which can affect mental functioning. And at times in our societies it does ask considerable agility and mental gymnastics to get into step with ‘their’ reasoning and logic?

I tell others that if their psychosis or neurosis is not troubling to them or others…don’t worry about it!!!

We live in strange times!
Regards, Barb
Bethany in South Aussie
Fri. 17.6.05 9.30am
Of Your Humility, Lord, please teach me to take up my cross and follow you and only you.

I like your signature…I do think what speaks first is the person we are. This will either detract or add to what our words
Barb, thanks for the picture and website!

Have you ever tried writing haiku? You know,
5-7-5 syllables, with an indictor of the season included?

Here’s one of mine: *

The winter storm ends.
A wren rides a coated twig,
thinking of nothing.

Barb, thanks for the picture and website!

Have you ever tried writing haiku? You know,
5-7-5 syllables, with an indictor of the season included?

Here’s one of mine: *

The winter storm ends.
A wren rides a coated twig,
thinking of nothing.


Hello Maureen and all… I thought that the Personal Page on Yahoo as my Home Page was a rather nifty way of introduding myself and a little about me personally. To be able to include a pic was a bonus! I got into Yahoo Personals completely accidentally while trying to set up a Yahoo email address when MSN collapsed on me…once in Yahoo Personals decided to see if there was any vineyard stuff in it…and did find some. The Lord is not predjudiced nor selective!!! …and The Spirit moves where He Will…

As to Haiku, yes I did do some in Creative Writing and rather enjoyed it…here’s one of mine…

Working hard online
Computer eats all my work
Hope it chokes on it

not at all of the delicacy, as you can see, of your Haiku example, Maureen!!!

Send regards to all out there and love in the Confraternity of The Lord

Bethany South Australia
Fri. 17. 6.05 11.16 am
Mother of Sorrows beneath the cross, pray for us!
Hi, Barb,

haiku by Barb
Working hard online
Computer eats all my work
Hope it chokes on it

For a less delicate haiku from moi…35 years ago, I worked in
Manhatten and commuted from the Bronx by subway.

Last year I wrote, in a 3-5-3, which I think better captures
the original Japanese form [Japanese language has no
indefinite articles, I think] so no “a” “the” etc.

Brash brush strokes
Violate the walls

Somewhat less delicate, huh? :o

Hi, Barb,

haiku by Barb


For a less delicate haiku from moi…35 years ago, I worked in
Manhatten and commuted from the Bronx by subway.

Last year I wrote, in a 3-5-3, which I think better captures
the original Japanese form [Japanese language has no
indefinite articles, I think] so no “a” “the” etc.

Brash brush strokes
Violate the walls

Somewhat less delicate, huh? :o

…but clever! … you got me thinking now in 353 Haiku!..and a lot of fun a couple of years ago in Creative Writing at campus I attend here - and also off the subject of mental illness and spirituality …getting in Maureen before someone steps in and reminds us! and/or I get too carried away! But it could make for some fun in The Water Cooler I am sure … If you dont get in before me with a bit of Haiku on a ‘religious subject’…I’ll have a go at starting a thread when time and inspiration hit…we would need to explain the rules of Haiku of course…and I bet we come up with some really great Haiku…I’m not too sure I remember all the rules, but I’m sure someone will correct me if I get in before you!

Regards, Barb
Bethany South Australia
Fri 17. 6.05 8.00pm
“Oh Great Creator Spirit grant us one more hour to perfect
our art and our lives.” …Jimmy Morrison ‘The Doors’.
I also like to think of my suffering in relation to Christ’s passion. Sometimes it is so hard, through prayer and regular attendance of Mass it does make a difference. I am also on meds for it. I think that the Lord has sent me to specific doctors to help and to specific people ( some here on the forum ). He does work in mysterious ways. I am new to the Catholic church being baptised this Easter. He lead me to the Church too! I have been trying to make changes in my life and I am sure glad he is in the driver’s seat! Glad to meet you here in cyberspace. Not everyday I get to chat with someone down under! May the love of Jesus Christ always be upon you.
HEY! …some wonderful news here! Congratulations and welcome to the fold! Baptized at Easter…what magic (holy) words!!! I too am aweful glad to catch up with you in cyberspace in our Catholic Answers Cyberspace Community … Welcome! Welcome!.. from raining at long last South Aussie…

Remember that we were a motley crew at the start:
Simon the Zealot (terrorist)
Peter The Impetuous
Andrew and James The Thunderbolt Casters
John The Gentle

to mention a few peculiarities of some only of the chosen twelve and our predecessors…

…and we still are a motely (colourful) crew! please excuse us our little peculiarities at times (as I feel quite confident you would!)… for surely The Lord does … in fact may well have chosen us because of them! Yes indeedy The Lord does move so strangely at times. And welcome again!..and already steeped into the mysteries of the cross and The Passion of The Lord.

Regards, Barb…Bethany in South Australia
Friday, 17 th. June, 2005 8. 21pm

“You have not chosen me, I have chosen you!”
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