Cat, with all due respect, it seems as though whenever any one of us makes a point in these threads about something, you seem to want to deflect it. Being Catholic does not mean closing off your mind. We are called to be faithful Catholics, not “Stepford Catholics.”Like I said, write a letter to my bishop, the guy with the doctoral degree in canon law, and more trips to the Vatican to work on various committees than most of us make to the grocery store in a lifetime.
Tell HIM, not me.
Unfortunately, there are times when not even the bishops read the authoritative documents of the Church. The Venerable Pope John Paul II knew very well from some painful experiences with various episcopal conferences that this was the case. That is why he ordered that Redemptionis Sacramentum be promulgated. The faithful are even invited to read the documents. Every time I say that, you mischaracterize this as Protestantism. It is not.
Whether some here choose to believe it or not, the documents are clear on things such as music and the liturgy. Unfortunately, a lot of music publishers have run roughshod and have taken things more than what they mean and have gone beyond the boundaries. The bishops assume that the publishers have read the documents, and, sadly, that is not always the case. There is really no quality control here.