Mike Pence vs Kamala Harris Debate

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@YHWH_Christ About that fly…lets hope that it was a real fly and not a micro insect drone. I know that sounds conspiracy way out theory but not so much. This is just one of them.

Mosquito drone. More lethal than its real-life counterpart, the mosquito drone, while an engineering marvel, is also a privacy advocate’s nightmare with its potential to land on someone and use a needle-like-pincer to extract DNA from its victims or, alternatively, inject drugs or other foreign substances. As software engineer Alan Lovejoy notes:
Such a device could be controlled from a great distance and is equipped with a camera, microphone. It could land on you and then use its needle to take a DNA sample with the pain of a mosquito bite. Or it could inject a micro RFID tracking device under your skin. It could land on you and stay, so that you take it with you into your home. Or it could fly into a building through a window. There are well-funded research projects working on such devices with such capabilities.
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Just saying!!
YHWH_Christ . . .
Kamala Harris is already lying through her teeth.
Great point YHWH_Christ. We noticed that too.

Her constant interuptions of Vice President Pence (with that rude annoying laugh) was as irritating as nails scratched on a chalkboard too.

I see the msm ignored those interruptions.

#FoxNews #Hannity

Hannity: Kamala Harris’ ‘cringeworthy’ debate was packed with lies​

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I saw that she did know the questions on FB. Someone posted a tweet from VP Pence. He said that they found out that she knew the questions beforehand! WOW!
She avoided answering the question re whether the Dems would pack the Supreme Court. That is scary!
However, Pence avoided answering the question about the Affordable Care Act and deflected by asking Harris about packing the court.

I think they both did well. The debate was civil compared to the Trump-Biden debacle. Of course, Pence and Harris have their own unique styles. Pence is cool and collected; Harris is warm and animated. She skillfully combined warmth and strength, while Pence skillfully combined calmness and strength.

As far as I’m concerned, they should both be on the top of their respective tickets running for President rather than Trump and Biden. Perhaps in 2024.
The 2016 VP debate was what made me make up my mind to vote for Trump. I’m voting for him again because of Pence.

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Yes, Tim Kaine was a mess compared to Mike Pence in the 2016 VP debate. Kaine was too rehearsed and seemed rather manic. By contrast, Harris held her own against Pence, and then some. She is a smart, capable candidate, as is Pence. I wish Biden and Trump were.
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There are Pro-life democrats
At the 1992 Democratic convention, there were “Casey - Pope for a Day” buttons being passed out to the delegates. (The late Sen. Robert P. Casey Sr. ran for President in 1992.)

AFAIK, the Democrats have NEVER apologized to the Casey family or Catholics for that happening.

Full disclosure: I was a pro-life Democrat, then became independent and now I’m registering as Republican. I cast my first vote for Bob Casey Sr. and even met him in person.
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I think Pence lied too much. He depended on conservative tropes which are inaccurate.

We all know that- the question of "Catholic Dogma’ as to Ms. Bennett was a quote from her works. Pence never said if Trump would accept a losing vote…

Check the fact checker as to Pence:

"“Under President Trump’s leadership, Operation Warp Speed, we believe, will have literally tens of millions of doses of a vaccine before the end of this year.”

— Mr. Pence

This is misleading.​

“We’ve already added back 11.6 million jobs, because we had a president who cut taxes, rolled back regulation, unleashed American energy, fought for free and fair trade, and secured $4 trillion dollars from the Congress of the United States to give direct payments to families.”

— Mr. Pence

This is misleading.

“It was an outdoor event which all of our scientists regularly, routinely advise.”

— Mr. Pence


“The climate is changing. The issue is, what is the cause, and what do we do about it? President Trump has made it clear, we’re going to continue to listen to the science.”

— Mr. Pence

This is misleading.​

. . . .

Yes, Pence has a nice demeanor but what comes out of his mouth is shaky.
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It may or may not exist yet but our military and other countries also are working on this. In 2012 Snopes reported it wasn’t true. The smallest drone (spy) that has been reported to exist is a hummingbird one. Looks real! I didn’t actually get to see the fly that landed on Mike Pence only heard about it. It got me thinking about these drones I’ve previously heard about and I just went with the conspiracy theory. 😎 Probably more imagination then fact! Cool yet creepy.

This is misleading.​

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support taxpayer funding of abortion all the way up to the moment of birth.”

— Mr. Pence

This is exaggerated.​

Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris support abortion rights, but that does not mean they call for women to have an unfettered right to terminate pregnancies up until the point of birth."
I’m not so sure about that.
"Biden’s website also says that he will “appoint U.S. Supreme Court justices and federal judges” who will uphold Roe . The 2020 Democratic Party Platform embraces the same position.

In and of themselves, these stances constitute support for abortion up till birth because Roe v. Wade :
  • mandates that abortion be legal after “viability” when needed to protect “the health of the mother.” Viability, or the stage of development where humans are capable of living outside the womb with medical care, begins around 22 weeks gestation and extends to birth.
  • defines the word “health” so broadly that it includes practically anything. Some illuminating examples of what Roe considers harmful to health include the work of “child care,” the “stigma of unwed motherhood,” and “the distress, for all concerned, associated with the unwanted child.”
    Yes, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Are Planning to Legalize Abortion Up To Birth - Just Facts Daily
    to be continued in the next post.
"* gives the power to determine what comprises a health risk to anyone who is licensed to perform abortions. It does this by mandating that Roe “be read together” with Doe v. Bolton , a companion case that the Supreme Court issued on the same day. In Doe , the Court ruled that all abortion providers have full authority to decide if an abortion is necessary to protect “health” based solely upon their “best clinical judgment.”

The implications of Roe were made clear by late-term abortionist Warren Hern, author of “the nation’s most widely used textbook on abortion standards and procedures.” He stated, “I will certify that any pregnancy is a threat to a woman’s life and could cause grievous injury to her physical health.”

In direct contradiction to the actual words of Roe , all of these fact checkers allege that supporting Roe does not mean supporting late-term abortions. PolitiFact, for example, writes that the Democratic Party platform “does not address late-term abortion” and that Biden’s goal to codify Roe “would generally limit abortions to the first 20 to 24 weeks of gestation.”

PolitiFact then casually adds that Roe and “related precedents” require states to allow abortions after viability “to preserve the life or health of the mother.” This is a quintessential half-truth because it fails to reveal that “health,” as defined by Roe , means virtually anything that any abortionist says it means."

Haven’t you heard? It’s going to be the Brown Women vying for the presidency next time?
Nikki Haley v. Harris?
Although Biden Harris will have lost in 2020, Harris at least has name recognition.
It would be nice if for once people would try to check if a thread has been created on a topic before doing another, and also for people not to post in duplicated threads of a thread that already exists.

I already started a topic on the debate and it had a number of posts in it, then we suddenly get this one done, and also have about two or three others. Do we really need five threads about the same exact event?

I am not just saying it because I created the other topic. I see it happen to others all the time too.

Use the search function.
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