Minneapolis Riots

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The left is worse than the right bevause the left are trying to censor anyone who doesn’t agree with them.
That is your opinion. It is the right I always here decrying fake news and mainstream media when it disagrees.
Well it must have been fake news because yesterday all the left cared about was Covid-19 and today, poof, it’s gone, now there is something bigger to advance their agenda so screw the social distancing, let the protests and anarchy keep on coming. If covid-19 was such a big deal according to the left and Trump was to blame for the deaths by not taking it seriously then why do they no longer care when the protesting started? By the way religious institutions and businesses still have to abide by lock-down rules, just not leftists, they can loot and riot as they are special. It’s beyond lunacy, as i said neither the right or left represent Christianity today however the left are really doing everything possible to forward their agenda, through ANY means possible even violence.

As i said the left created the social conditions that has left black communities for example worse off today more than ever, in order to deflect the blame they create a scapegoat, white privilege. Essentially the issue will compound because we will never address the reason it is getting compounded in the first place, the loss of Christianity and it’s values in society. The left wants to convince you that it’s the evil white man in his quest for racism, sexism and facism, even when they are the ones that RUN and decide how money is spent in these communities
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The left is worse than the right bevause the left are trying to censor anyone who doesn’t agree with them.
That is your opinion. It is the right I always here decrying fake news and mainstream media when it disagrees.
And wasn’t it Trump who very recently was seeking to dictate to Twitter in terms of what it does to his own tweets? Isn’t that itself an attemot at censorship?
Perhaps, though i don’t support Trump other than the fact he is pro life or claims to be and supports religious freedom. Other than that i can’t really defend him much nor care. I’m not claiming the right by the way aren’t also guilty however it is the left who essentially want to turn the US into the USSR and rebuke all those that disagree with them as racists, fascists and sexist.

I think what Twitter and several other forms of social media is doing anyway is isolating themselves by involving themselves in the political sphere by merging with the ideology of the left. They would have been better staying out of it. The liberal left and it’s media is becoming more intolerant, more vocal and physical about it, i wonder how much will they tolerate the Church if they take over society, probably on the same scale as Marxist China
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Well it must have been fake news because yesterday all the left cared about was Covid-19 and today, poof, it’s gone,
Today, we still had a thousand people die fro this disease you say is gone, poof, as you so callously put it. I have no response to this level of partisan opinion, except to leave you to your tin foil.

For those that are serious about real information, the COVID can still be followed here.

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What did people think of the Minneapolis mayor cowering to protestors about how terrible and racist the system is, before being heckled and shouted at to leave because he refused to say he would defund and basically abolish the Minneapolis police force?
The writer does address that. He says blacks commit 53 percent of murders and 60 percent of robberies. Two times their percentage being killed but four to five times their percentage to
commit murder and robbery. You commit more violent crime you have a better chance of violent confrontation with police.
But is it actually true that blacks commit 53% of murders?
Or is it just that white bigots make such claims to justify themselves?
And how many blacks in prison were convicted because they’re black, not because they’re guilty?
Your statement assumes that we can just assume there are a lot of white bigots making up numbers rather than believe any sort of collected statistics.

I take your point that in a horribly racist society people could just make up numbers. I personally think there’s way too much oversight for people to get away with that.

I also believe most people are good and decent, not racist, and want the truth when they serve on a jury.

Sadly, I can also speak to the experience of a relative who lives in Minneapolis who has had far too many experiences with his kids being called racial slurs and physically attacked. They are white kids, and the racial slurs and physical attacks are coming from black kids. These incidents are usually brushed off by the school, in at least two cases, the parents of the white kids were told to make their kids apologize for reacting to the attack, and one incident resulted in a call to the police who said, yes they knew the boy who committed the assault and there was nothing they could do about it. (Or nothing they would do about it.)

Let’s also talk about how much of the violence against blacks is committed by other blacks.

If we’re going to talk about race relations, it’s time to have an open and honest discussion about all aspects of the situation instead of constantly calling white people bigots.
What ultimately needs to happen is a transfer of power to the local level instead of this focus on bigness, consolidations, merger. Power must reside at the lowest level possible. Parents need to be given the power and means to decide where their children go to school. Families must become stronger. There must be a transfer of resources, capital, into the hands of the community
👍 Correct, this will result in a society that BETTER reflects the sentiment of the majority

The voting public should have greater transparency & (name removed by moderator)ut into government procedures in general & yes I know they already do, but it needs to be much greater.
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I agree that dem. & rep. approach the issues of politics from totally different points, however i am mute to the issue of right & left. If i could suggest that the balance between the 2 is like a magnet at opposing ends & because one voice seems to be louder, could possibly suggest the other is out of balance. An example might say:

As the right gains momentum the left gets louder
As the left gains momentum the right gets louder

They seem to be proportionate to each other, so the fact that we are hearing more LEFTIST voices could be because the RIGHTIST are expressing stronger views, therefore making the left louder. Again this is only my own personal limited view of the left & right argument, may not even be correct, I only feel that this may be a better way of understanding the divide.
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A little about TWITTER

An experiment was conducted in Europe where 2 profiles were created with opposing views.

(1) A profile with leftist views & leftist contacts, where given feeds & content showing only protesters being abused

(2) A profile with rightist views & rightist contacts, where given feeds & content showing only police being abused

This type of propaganda is extremely inflammatory & only serves to widen the division between left & right, a strategy of divide & conquer
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Hello @OurLadyofSorrows, were you able or had the chance to read anything about the Italian epidemiologist who has found the strains weakening about 100 times less violent than they were at the beginning in Lombardy? He said that it seems the virus was adapting to humans but then you would explain it better.I would be interested to hear your comment.
We haven t reached the peak yet where I live.
If I should ask in a different thread , I don’t mind asking again somewhere else here and waiting for the answer. Thank you
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Hi @graciew

I must look. With Brazil and India’s viral experience rampant at the moment Brazil was experiening 1 death a minute , then they pulled the data.
A little about TWITTER

An experiment was conducted in Europe where 2 profiles were created with opposing views.

(1) A profile with leftist views & leftist contacts, where given feeds & content showing only protesters being abused

(2) A profile with rightist views & rightist contacts, where given feeds & content showing only police being abused

This type of propaganda is extremely inflammatory & only serves to widen the division between left & right, a strategy of divide & conquer
True but if one is truly interested they can themselves look up both points of view
If that is a rather shameful case, then this is exactly the sort of stuff that is not limited to political persuasions but have become characteristic of those on both extremes of the political persuasion.
Thank you. For some reason I remembered you when I read the article( in Spanish, otherwise I may have opened a thread and invited you there), probably because we had had a conversation about strains .I thought you would be able to explain what seems to be going on better than me
Thanks again and have a very nice day!

Edited: I found his name:Massimo Clementi, Laboratory of Microbiology of the Hospital San Raffaele in Milán.
Just in case you want to read about his findings.
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Looks like this happened in DC.

I wonder if they’ll get dinged for Hatch Act violations?
What did people think of the Minneapolis mayor cowering to protestors about how terrible and racist the system is, before being heckled and shouted at to leave because he refused to say he would defund and basically abolish the Minneapolis police force?
My own unscientific survey of where riots took place suggests a correlation between…anger, and …living in a Democratic stronghold.

These seem to be long term Democratic strongholds, where they had the opportunity to gradually replace all the old line officials, recruit new folks, with affirmative action. Minneapolis was citàdel of Community based policing. The officers charged include three non Whites out of the four.

The police unions have influence but they don’t choose who gets hired, who trains, who administers. The same Democratic party that fought for mandatory unions for public employees is part of the same system with their police union.
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