Well it must have been fake news because yesterday all the left cared about was Covid-19 and today, poof, it’s gone, now there is something bigger to advance their agenda so screw the social distancing, let the protests and anarchy keep on coming. If covid-19 was such a big deal according to the left and Trump was to blame for the deaths by not taking it seriously then why do they no longer care when the protesting started? By the way religious institutions and businesses still have to abide by lock-down rules, just not leftists, they can loot and riot as they are special. It’s beyond lunacy, as i said neither the right or left represent Christianity today however the left are really doing everything possible to forward their agenda, through ANY means possible even violence.Paddy1989:![]()
That is your opinion. It is the right I always here decrying fake news and mainstream media when it disagrees.The left is worse than the right bevause the left are trying to censor anyone who doesn’t agree with them.
As i said the left created the social conditions that has left black communities for example worse off today more than ever, in order to deflect the blame they create a scapegoat, white privilege. Essentially the issue will compound because we will never address the reason it is getting compounded in the first place, the loss of Christianity and it’s values in society. The left wants to convince you that it’s the evil white man in his quest for racism, sexism and facism, even when they are the ones that RUN and decide how money is spent in these communities
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