I’m afraid I missed that passage in the New Testament.Providence doesn’t operate by remote control!
I’m afraid I missed that passage in the New Testament.Providence doesn’t operate by remote control!
Sure. Of course. That doesn’t mean you need an “active” God that is constantly intervening to “fix” things.Whatever effects are taking place in the universe presently have a cause which are all reduced in the here and now to the First Cause, God. The governance of the universe is what we call God’s providence.
I’m not sure where to begin! Let’s go back to the thread we’re on–God’s omnipotence, God’s foreknowledge, free will. Now I think most of us–the Catholics at least–are in agreement that there is free will, and that God’s foreknowledge is not a cause of our actions, it’s just knowledge of our actions. Great. Now you are arguing something entirely different–that God somehow swoops in and intervenes on a regular basis on account of prayers, or because He’s merciful–whatever.God does work however he likes - which includes working miracles in answer to prayer as Jesus and the saints have done throughout history. There is a master plan: that we should choose what to believe and how to live in accordance with our conscience but that does not mean we are left on our own without any help whatsoever. The deists rule out Providence altogether whereas we are told that God answers our prayers, although not always in the way we expect. The universe doesn’t need to be constantly upgraded yet it is necessarily imperfect and its laws inevitably create unnecessary suffering since it is impossible for them to take into account the circumstances of every individual.
Chance is not a demonic force - or outside creation - but an inevitable feature of physical existence. “The thousand slings and arrows that flesh is heir to” are due to misfortunes for which there is no reason. Coincidences are an intrinsic part of an orderly system, some of which are bound to be tragic. It is for that reason that God intervenes to prevent death and mitigate suffering whenever He chooses, unrestricted by the laws He has created. The maxim “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer” is not confined to our spiritual needs but applies to every aspect of life.
Jesus was making fun of the idea that only sinners are the victims of natural disasters. That is a far cry from belief in divine Providence which is eternal but has its effects in time and space. It is absurd to think a loving Father would do absolutely nothing to prevent His children from suffering unnecessarily. Throughout history there have been reports of miraculous cures and answers to prayer in every religious and secular society. It seems very unlikely all of them are due to wishful thinking. Jesus didn’t advocate scepticism but trust in God’s power and love. There is a difference between credulity and credibility!
There is no obvious reason why divine intervention is incompatible with either transcendence or immanence. Both aspects of God are present in Christ’s teaching.
Suffering is the inevitable consequence of free will. God can use suffering to bring a greater good. God thinks in terms of eternity. Our lives here are so short.Following up from what i wrote above . . .
So why is there suffering if God is involved in everything?
Inexplicable suffering has nothing to do with free will—natural disasters and sickness. These are demonstrably not the consequence of free will. No connection.Suffering is the inevitable consequence of free will. God can use suffering to bring a greater good. God thinks in terms of eternity. Our lives here are so short.
Agreed…I have backed away from this conversation for a bit. The reason…because the only answers that were offered involved the supernatural. You and I may disagree on the particulars…but I agree with many things you have said.Inexplicable suffering has nothing to do with free will—natural disasters and sickness. These are demonstrably not the consequence of free will. No connection.
Thanks! It seems to me there’s “supernatural” and then there’s “supernatural” if you see what I mean. I consider myself to be a conservative Catholic. But to me that involves common sense, logic, and the belief that science and religion are complementary and answer different questions (how vs. why).Agreed…I have backed away from this conversation for a bit. The reason…because the only answers that were offered involved the supernatural. You and I may disagree on the particulars…but I agree with many things you have said.
There are many possibilities,Thanks! It seems to me there’s “supernatural” and then there’s “supernatural” if you see what I mean. I consider myself to be a conservative Catholic. But to me that involves common sense, logic, and the belief that science and religion are complementary and answer different questions (how vs. why).
Your comment is in response to my observation that God intervenes constantly.Why should that be so? It has no necessary basis. See next post…
We need an “active” God at all times because as the catechism says “without the creator, the creature vanishes.” In christian metaphysics, God is the only being who is pure act, all other beings are a mixture of act and potency. God is pure activity, purely dynamic, this is His nature, He can’t be otherwise. “Behold, the guardian of Israel never slumbers nor sleeps” (Psalm 121:4). Creatures, from the smallest sub-atomic particles to the macro galactic galaxies, only exist and act because of God’s activity and influence on them. And this activity and influence of God on all His creatures occurs not only when they first begin to be but also as long as they exist. For the preservation of creatures in existence by God is nothing else than the continuation of God’s creative act.Sure. Of course. That doesn’t mean you need an “active” God that is constantly intervening to “fix” things.
I’m not sure where to begin! Let’s go back to the thread we’re on–God’s omnipotence, God’s foreknowledge, free will. Now I think most of us–the Catholics at least–are in agreement that there is free will, and that God’s foreknowledge is not a cause of our actions, it’s just knowledge of our actions. Great. Now you are arguing something entirely different–that God somehow swoops in and intervenes on a regular basis on account of prayers, or because He’s merciful–whatever.
Let’s say Aunt Sally gets sick and I pray for her to get better, and she does. Do you really think God didn’t see this coming–that somehow God, the all-knowing God, didn’t see that Aunt Sally would get sick? And when you prayed to God to have her get better, did this come as a big surprise to God? That God somehow woke up from His nap and said, “Oh, oh, Aunt Sally is sick! Where’s the Batmobile! I need to swoop in with a miracle!” Really? I don’t think you think that. I think that you think like I do–God always knew Aunt Sally was going to get sick, He knew I would pray for His help, and that help would either come or not come–through perfectly natural causes, which are, ultimately, caused by God.
There is nothing to distinguish this argument from that of an atheist. The cynical, hackneyed old saw about an amputated limb is a pathetic evasion of all the evidence for miracles throughout history all over the world and a rejection of Christ’s clear teaching that our prayers are answered. “Give us this day our daily bread” is not a metaphor but a practical request which reflects the way He responded to physical needs immediately. The fact that miracles do not** always **occur does not imply that they never occur or are even **rare **events. It is anti-Christian to live as if prayers are worthless and superstitious or should be confined to our spiritual needs as if everything else is insignificant.We seem to agree on chance and coincidence. Good. But “God intervenes to prevent death and mitigate suffering whenever He chooses, unrestricted by the laws He has created…” He could. But I don’t believe he does. “It is absurd to think a loving Father would do absolutely nothing to prevent His children from suffering unnecessarily.” Watched TV lately? Read the papers? Hundreds of millions of people suffer needlessly every day. Why does God allow this? I don’t know; it’s a mystery. But I certainly don’t see miracles eliminating the problems. If you go back to my story of the tornado and Billy Bob and his neighbor, are you telling me that if both the neighbor and Billy Bob pray that the tornado will pass them by, God will somehow weigh their prayers, decide Billy Bob’s prayer is better, and send the tornado to destroy his neighbor’s house? There may well be miracles, but I haven’t seen one lately. Medical “miracles” are always something like back pain, or headaches, or some other psychosomatic issue. And we know perfectly well from science that placebos cure diseases all the time–for no reason at all. If a guy lost his leg in an accident and the leg grew back spontaneously, I would be the first one out there talking about a miracle. That doesn’t happen.
Jesus was rejecting the common belief among Jews at that time that only sinners are victims of natural disasters and He certainly rejected the idea that God just lets things happen without ever doing anything to prevent or alleviate suffering.To me the point of the Tower of Siloam story is that Jesus is telling the Apostles, “Hey, stuff happens. It’s random. Don’t think it happens because these people were sinful and these people over here weren’t. It just happens.”
And of course if you believe God is constantly swooping in and coming to the rescue, for you God is imminent. For me, he is more transcendent.
Labels and false dilemmas are irrelevant in a rational discussion.Finally, in popular culture (I’m thinking of a movie like “Signs”) the only alternative to your point of view is atheism. Please keep in mind there is another point of view–mine. I am a very conservative Catholic.
I’m not the only one who believes some of your views are contrary to Christ’s teaching in the New Testament. The issue is how **a loving Father **can be a remote Controller who never intervenes for any reason whatsoever. It makes the descent of the Holy Spirit redundant…I’m afraid I missed that passage in the New Testament.
In that case all miracles are ruled out because divine power explains only the purpose of events not the direct cause.Thanks! It seems to me there’s “supernatural” and then there’s “supernatural” if you see what I mean. I consider myself to be a conservative Catholic. But to me that involves common sense, logic, and the belief that science and religion are complementary and answer different questions (how vs. why).
Isn’t the Creator supernatural?Agreed…I have backed away from this conversation for a bit. The reason…because the only answers that were offered involved the supernatural. You and I may disagree on the particulars…but I agree with many things you have said.
It may just be a question of semantics, but probably not. I have no problem with saying that God is the ultimate cause, first cause, whatever word you want. I have no problem with saying that God–ultimately–causes the present existence of the universe and in that sense there is a “continuing influence” which is “part of the creative act”; but then it gets tricky when you try to define that. If you mean that God is “active” in the sense that He actively wills the universe to continue to do whatever it’s doing, great. If you mean God is “active” in the sense that He’s constantly interrupting the action of natural laws (which He created) to do whatever you want to call it (“fix” things, “adjust” things, “answer prayers,” whatever) then that seems to me to be illogical and denigrates God, as I keep saying, by restricting Him to immediate or direct actions. If you assume God’s perfect foreknowledge of creation, there would obviously be no need to intervene–the “intervention” is, in fact, part of the creative act. . Does it take place after creation? That–since God is outside time and space–doesn’t make sense.We need an “active” God at all times because as the catechism says “without the creator, the creature vanishes.”
…Creatures, from the smallest sub-atomic particles to the macro galactic galaxies, only exist and act because of God’s activity and influence on them. And this activity and influence of God on all His creatures occurs not only when they first begin to be but also as long as they exist. For the preservation of creatures in existence by God is nothing else than the continuation of God’s creative act.
Did you not read what I quoted from the catechism? Again, “The truth that God is at work in all the actions of his creatures is inseparable from faith in God the Creator. God is the first cause who operates in and through secondary causes.” It says that God is at work in all the actions of His creatures. So how can you say that doesn’t mean you need an “active” God that is constantly intervening to fix things?
I don’t think you understand what it means when the catechism says that God is the first cause. God is the first cause because the effect of God’s causal activity is creation, creatures. Creation, right now in the present and you and I, are the effect of God’s causal activity right now; without which we would vanish back into nothingness from which we came. "
can be a remote Controller who never intervenes for any reason whatsoever. It makes the descent of the Holy Spirit redundant…I’m not the only one who believes some of your views are contrary to Christ’s teaching in the New Testament. The issue is how **a loving Father **
I never used the words “remote controller”–that’s your phrase.
It depends, as I’ve said over and over, what you mean by “intervenes.” To me, since we agree that God has perfect foreknowledge of events, that any “intervention” would be identical with the act of creation. Any answering of prayers–since God knows exactly what you are praying for before creation of the universe–would be built in, so to speak. It doesn’t mean prayers are ineffective, just like it doesn’t mean you are a robot following a pre-determined course of events. You seem to be taking the position that God doesn’t know that you are going to pray for something before you do it, and that then God has to insert Himself into space-time and disrupt natural laws to intervene. Why would He have to do that? It’s an illogical position given your belief in the omniscience and omnipotence of God.
Yes, pretty much. Could miracles take place? Sure. By the definition of God, God could suspend natural laws and perform a miracle. Does He? I personally don’t think so. You are free to believe otherwise. Belief in present-day miracles is not a required element of faith. Do I believe Jesus performed miracles? Yes–although whether that was through indirect means or not is open to question. It’s not something that keeps me up at night.In that case all miracles are ruled out because divine power explains only the purpose of events not the direct cause.
And my comment a couple posts back that there’s “supernatural” and then there’s “supernatural.” I was trying to be polite. It seems to me that there is a world of difference between a belief in God and superstition.Isn’t the Creator supernatural?
Not at all. I personally think God “intervenes” by inspiring you or helping you resist temptation–in other words, God works through your mind rather than by breaking natural laws. The purpose of the Holy Spirit was not to suspend natural laws, it was to inspire the Apostles.It makes the descent of the Holy Spirit redundant…
Let’s start with the last one first. I was explicitly referencing the movie “Signs” where Mel Gibson and Joachim Phoenix sit on the couch and explicitly discuss this very issue: Does God constantly intervene in the world or not? They come to the conclusion that there are only two possibilities: You believe God intervenes constantly or you’re an atheist. You are absolutely right–that’s a false dilemma or a false dichotomy. There is a third position, which is mine–belief in God, but not a God who is constantly intervening in the world.There is nothing to distinguish this argument from that of an atheist. The cynical, hackneyed old saw about an amputated limb is a pathetic evasion of all the evidence for miracles throughout history all over the world and a rejection of Christ’s clear teaching that our prayers are answered. “Give us this day our daily bread” is not a metaphor but a practical request which reflects the way He responded to physical needs immediately. The fact that miracles do not** always **occur does not imply that they never occur or are even **rare **events. It is anti-Christian to live as if prayers are worthless and superstitious or should be confined to our spiritual needs as if everything else is insignificant.
Jesus was rejecting the common belief among Jews at that time that only sinners are victims of natural disasters and He certainly rejected the idea that God just lets things happen without ever doing anything to prevent or alleviate suffering.
Labels and false dilemmas are irrelevant in a rational discussion.