You are overlooking the fundamental question. How and why did the increase in complexity ever
commence? As the result of another cosmic fluke? The steady multiplication of unexplained events increases the implausibility of the appeal to the power of the blind Goddess. Simplicity not complexity is the null hypothesis. There is no obvious reason why anything** had to** exist, nor when something existed it** had to **become more complex, nor why it **had to
become alive, nor why it had to survive, **nor why it **had to
become conscious, nor why it had to **become rational, nor why it
had to become autonomous and capable of love. By any standards the development of just one person from billions of irrational particles is an incredible feat unparallelled in the history of the universe. Yet Jacques Monod made the fantastic assumption that “The ancient covenant is in pieces; man
knows at last that he is alone in the universe’s unfeeling immensity, out of which he emerged only by chance. His destiny is nowhere spelled out, nor is his duty. The kingdom above or the darkness below; it is for him to choose.” - Chance and Necessity, p.180. This is the most ludicrously unscientific statement I have ever come across! Obviously becoming a Nobel Laureate went to his head and made him believe he had discovered the ultimate truth about existence. To say “When those “mindless molecules” are part of something as complex as the human brain, it is not at all miraculous to me” reveals a similar outlook based on nothing more than presumption. It is salutary to ask oneself whether science can explain not only itself but the scientist into the bargain…
The increase in complexity commenced because it was possible. The combining of various elements, along with an abundance of carbon, permitted the formation of early life. As these early forms exploited that around them, they became more complex and specialized. Some took the wrong course and died off…others, such as our line continued.
I, personally, am not so egotistical as Monod to believe that in all the vastness of the universe, we are the only life. To me, the possibilities approach the infinite.