Everything is theoretically possible but, as Cicero pointed out, probability is the very guide of life. There are some things that are so improbable they’re not worth considering. The hypothesis that mud can change into a man falls into that category. You don’t believe nothing can change into something; otherwise you wouldn’t believe in a Creator. Yet you seem to believe there are no limits to what mud can become, no matter how improbable it is. Unless you can explain how and why every change has occurred you’re not justified in believing it to be accidental. The essential factor that is missing in your Chance hypothesis is the element of purpose - unless you regard it as an illusion. How did purposeless molecules become capable of purposeful activity? Once again it amounts to getting something from nothing.The increase in complexity commenced because it was possible.
To “permit” is not to achieve! To “exploit” implies systematic utilisation whereas the process is supposed to be entirely fortuitous. The possibilities are immensely far from infinite considering the relatively limited age of the universe. The very fact that you believe in a Creator implies that it hasn’t existed forever and is strictly restricted by time and space. Everything is seen in its true perspective when we remember that the human brain is, as far as we know, the most complex structure in the entire universe yet it is supposed to be a colossal accident that exists for no reason or purpose whatsoever!The combining of various elements, along with an abundance of carbon, permitted the formation of early life. As these early forms exploited that around them, they became more complex and specialized. Some took the wrong course and died off…others, such as our line continued. I, personally, am not so egotistical as Monod to believe that in all the vastness of the universe, we are the only life. To me, the possibilities approach the infinite.
Nor is there any evidence that it is even aware that it exists. Complexity alone does not confer consciousness or intelligence. Nor do electrical impulses automatically become thoughts, ideas, emotions, choices or decisions. To reduce a person to a biological machine is not only literally** self-**destructive but self-refuting. Conclusions produced mechanically without hindsight, insight and foresight are worthless when it comes to understanding or interpreting reality. The acid test of any theory is whether it works in practice and no sane person acts like a robot or regards others as robots who exist for no reason or purpose. It is very easy to dismiss truth, goodness, freedom, justice, beauty and love as human inventions but impossible to live as if they can be ignored with impunity. Sceptics who do so end up in prison or the lunatic asylum…