God’s knowledge causes us to make our choices. The fact that God creates us is irrelevant. He is omnipotent but you are arbitrarily restricting His freedom as if you have privileged insight into what the Creator of the universe can and cannot do. That is presumptuous to say the least…You have never explained how
The questions remain:
Do you believe a computer has any insight into the nature of reality? Do you rely on its output as much as a child’s?
Reasoning cannot be programmed because it is creative, intuitive and often inspired. Persons are in an entirely different category from robots, biological or not. Otherwise we would have no right to life, freedom or happiness. We would live in an absurd world where nothing makes sense because everything would be composed of mindless molecules which exist for no reason or purpose whatsoever. In fact reason itself would become an illusion which is nothing more than the aimless metamorphosis of physical and chemical reactions. Absurdity would reign supreme if insight and knowledge were merely infantile fantasies created by lumps of matter. “Garbage in garbage out” sums up materialism perfectly. Getting sense out of nonsense is a self-refuting, metaphysical conjuring trick equivalent to destroying the foundation on which your conclusion is based. To reduce oneself to the level of a robot is literally self-destructive insanity. The best test of any theory is whether it works in practice. Do we regard and treat ourselves and others as impersonal machines? If not why not?
So, if I am understanding you…there has to be an interventionist deity to explain rational human thought after 13 billion years? That I cannot grasp.
Time, is the great equalizer. We are what we are through an initial creative act plus time.
No supernatural intervention required…total free will on our part…and so on.