Mom who watches "Desperate Housewives"

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These are fine standards for you, but how do you know what the Blessed Mother would watch? This is your opinion, not hers… unless you have had some kind of revelation from her?
I know what she would not watch. She watched her son crucified. I don’t think she needs Desparate Housewives to find relatability and comfort in her life.
Feanaro's Wife:
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the Passion of the Christ rated “R”?

I respect your method of deciding what to watch and what not to watch. But please respect that the rest of us may have different, but equally acceptable, methods for making choices.

“Equally acceptable” in the eyes of the world, perhaps.

God bless you for your stand. I have found that many teenagers have a better grasp on the things of God than do their parents. I’m rather ashamed for those who on this very forum have defended two of the most immoral and Godless shows on TV. They do not appear on our Television at home because we become what we take into our minds. I don’t want to have anything to do with such programs.

I was like you are when I was a youth. I can’t say that my suggestions were ever heeded. I mostly prayed and tried to get my parents to do something else. At least you are trying to do what is right and Godly. Good for you.

Feanaro's Wife:
I don’t know about anyone else, but I take offense to you implying that I am somehow les of a Christian than you because of what tv shows or movies I choose to watch.
I don’t think anyone is saying that. I think we are saying it is not behavior a Christian should exemplify.
Feanaro's Wife:
I do not watch porn, which is morally reprehensible. Last I checked, we were free to watch tv and movies as it is generally a morally neutral action. Each of us must decide for ourselves what could be an occassion of sin. That is a personal decision.
Based on this assessemt, how can you make a moral judgement on porn? A great deal of TV shows and movies show nudity and soft porn. In addition, women engage in erotic fantasy through other means than men. For women, it is more generally fantasy TV shows and romantic novels and soap operas. It doesn’t make the practice any better than men viewing some subjective measure of what pornography is.
Feanaro's Wife:
And if you want to get into endangering souls, there are many other things out there that could be an occasion of sin to people…that doesn’t mean that we have to give up things like money, drinking, watching tv…hmmmmmm…since we know that some men can’t control their lustful thoughts, maybe we women should hide in our houses so we are not endangering souls…

Don’t have to hide in your houses but modesty is a Christian virtue. It’s more important for the woman/girl than it is for the man but it benefits both. All measures should be taken to protect immortal souls.
I think there’s a lot of gray area that we as individuals have to figure out- on our own and in our families. One of these areas is entertainment.

To be honest, I watch Desperate Housewives and Sex in the City… I don’t think I’m any worse off for watching it and based off some of the comments above, I really don’t think some posters even understand the premise of the shows. I appreciate how well-written they are, I enjoy watching the relationships between the women…

Sometimes the judgemental attitudes on these forums shock me and I feel like I am back in fundamental america instead of a Catholic website! Goodness!!
These aren’t judgemental attitudes. These are aligning ourselves with the moral truths of the Church.

“Sex in the City”? Good grief. Were not Christians called to be set apart from the world? Nudity, use and abuse? To be watched for entertainment? And you are the shocked one?
AmberDale said:
:twocents: Okay. This is crazy. Now I don’t watch Desperate Housewives because I don’t like what they stand for. I don’t watch a lot of T.V. for reasons like that.

But you guys have no right to tell other people they are less of a Christian because they choose to watch such shows. If you would read your bible you know that Matthew 7:1 states that “Judge not lest you be judged” So why you are sitting here passing judgement on your fellow Christians you might want to step back and look in the mirror. There is someone higher up than you and see’s in your mind and heart. He knows if you are really thinking of having an affair. Just because you watch a show or read a book doesn’t mean you want to do it.

Now mind you there are holy people out there who pray 24 hours a day, but they are mostly cloistered religious. If you are not a cloistered religious (and you are not because you are online) then there are plenty of times you are not praying. What are you doing? Reading a book?
Well that’s for entertainment, better put it down and say a novena.

Jesus was talking about judging the immortal soul.
This is a discussion. Some of us are making a judgement saying that the behavior of watching a show is not right. Others are making a judgement saying that it is right.

Jesus did not say crawl in a hole and be quiet. He said to proclaim the Gospel to all. In the footsteps of St. Paul, this includes our call to tell all to put away immorality and put on the cross of Christ.
Jesus was talking about judging the immortal soul.
This is a discussion. Some of us are making a judgement saying that the behavior of watching a show is not right. Others are making a judgement saying that it is right.

Jesus did not say crawl in a hole and be quiet. He said to proclaim the Gospel to all. In the footsteps of St. Paul, this includes our call to tell all to put away immorality and put on the cross of Christ.
Way to go Brad:thumbsup: If more people thought this way we would stop having so many “grey areas”. Someone here justifies co-habitation because she feels her boyfriends and her love is “pure”. :banghead: There is to much of this, too many put their heads in the sand and say well, its not my problem. That is why there is so many problems within the Catholic Church.:hmmm:
Brad said:
1) That example you cited is a prime example of beliitling men. There are many reasons but just one is to quit your job and put the mom back in the work force and take her away from her children? That’s horrible.
  1. If teenagers shouldn’t watch it then the question is why? If a TV show can not make you change your morals and principles then why shouldn’t teenagers watch it? If I am watching something my 6 year old should not, then I shouldn’t be watching it either (unless it is historical documentation of violence).
WOW BRAD. You just jumped in here with an opinion for everybody didn’t you?? Yes, it is bad for a man to quit his job and take the mother away from her children. I certainly wasn’t watching this show thinking “wow, I wish that would happen to me!” I was trying to make the point that the show is very relatable. You certainly don’t have to agree.

I did not say a TV can not make you change your morals and principals. I said that it SHOULD NOT as an adult. Teenagers and children are impressionable. Hopefully by the age of 30 or 40 we know who we are and watching a tv show will not change that. I’m not sure why a *historical * documentation is ok (only of violence?) Obviously you are admitting that there are some things ok for you to see but not your 6 year old son. I feel the same about this show. I could talk about any of your “historical” documentation movies and say the same thing you said-- a mother and child killed in vengence??? How horrible! Thousands of men fighting in hand-to-hand combat in senseless killing?? How horrible!! Just because the events were true, it’s ok to watch them?

Now can we PLEASE move on??? This thread has gotten totally out of control with everyone jumping in with new subjects… YES co-habitation is a sin–start a new post! Pornography is a sin–start a new post!! Goodness, the original poster is nowhere to be found!! Let’s end this nonsense!! Everyone watch what you want to watch. And stop being mean to other people!!!
I understand that, but there are people on here judging eternal souls. This is not your place. Just because someone who is an adult and perfectly capable of making decisions watches a particular T.V show, does not give some the right condemn their souls. Who are you that gives you the right to tell people they should not be able to watch certain shows? Who are you that gives you the right to tell people they should pray more, they should go to church more, they should be more pious?

You don’t know what’s in their hearts, what their soul looks like.
Sure you can tell them your ‘opinion’ that that show is bad. That show is trying to push morals that are completely wrong, and it stands for things that we shouldn’t agree with. I agree with that, and I don’t watch it. I have told people (not here because I don’t spend much time here anymore) my ‘opinion’ on things. There are lots of things in this world that needs changing. What are you doing about it besides arguing on a forum?
Are you in church right now having adoration? NO, you are online entertaining yourself.
I understand that, but there are people on here judging eternal souls. This is not your place. Just because someone who is an adult and perfectly capable of making decisions watches a particular T.V show, does not give some the right condemn their souls. Who are you that gives you the right to tell people they should not be able to watch certain shows? Who are you that gives you the right to tell people they should pray more, they should go to church more, they should be more pious?

You don’t know what’s in their hearts, what their soul looks like.
Sure you can tell them your ‘opinion’ that that show is bad. That show is trying to push morals that are completely wrong, and it stands for things that we shouldn’t agree with. I agree with that, and I don’t watch it. I have told people (not here because I don’t spend much time here anymore) my ‘opinion’ on things. There are lots of things in this world that needs changing. What are you doing about it besides arguing on a forum?
Are you in church right now having adoration? NO, you are online entertaining yourself.
Whetever or not someone in Church right now on a Friday Morning at 11:19 AM EST—is none of your business. I went to Mass this morning and said my morning Prayers. People talking and bragging about “co-habitating with their boyfriend” and then saying we are wrong for telling this person that this is a sin and against the teaching of the Catholic Church:banghead: This is my business. This is not my opinion as some stated earlier I am making a statement base on the Teachings of Our Faith. When we look the other way, it just leads to the futher decline of mortality in this world.
I don’t recall any part of the bible where Jesus was snide and sarcastic. Perhaps (considering we are made in his image) you can consider a less judgemental and condescending stance.
Nope. Jesus just called a spade a spade. Fornication is objectively immoral.
I have to agree with your entire post. Also, this website judged me the moment I first posted without even getting to know me. I always thought God emphasises forgiveness and understanding but it seems that fundemental teaching is conveniently forgotten when it suits.
Did you ask for forgiveness or did you simply portray sin as no problem, easy come, easy go?
Feanaro's Wife:
Thank you for agreeing with me…but I have to say that this “entire website” has not judged you, they have judged your action. There is a big difference.

While I do not agree with your action, I love you as my sister in Christ. What kind of sister would I be if I did not tell you that what you are doing could hurt your soul?

You are entirely right that God emphasizes forgiveness and understanding…but in order to be forgiven you must first repent and “go and sin no more”, not justify why it is ok for you to sin.

I am truly sorry that you feel attacked and judged. But please do not judge those who only have your best interests (your relationship with God) at heart.

I truly hope you see this as an action of love, not judgement. Please.

The same applies to our judgement of certain TV shows.
The very title implies that housewives are desprite. This is just another show that is full of social marketing.

Don’t think for one moment that tv isn’t being used to change our culture. The fact is it all adds up to something very ugly. The more I watch tv now the more I see all the social marketing embedded within It all makes me sick.

Next time you watch tv look for it. You will see it clearly.
Guys kissing guys. Girls kissing girls. Nudity. Defamation. Demeaning. Co-habitation. Multiple lovers. Violence. Blood and guts. Humiliation.

We’ve come a long way since Dick Van Dyke.

If it’s trash, it doesn’t matter if it has less odor than other trash. It’s still trash.
You could have just ignored the comment, I am sure that this intelligent young lady knows what the catholic church teaches, you stand to gain nothing by complaining about a part of her, and lets face it, she will probably not change because some people on a forum said she has to if she wants to be ‘truly catholic’.
Nope. This isn’t Catholic teaching either. If your brother or sister is in sin, you should tell them and help them avoid it.
I am sure that this is not the case here however. To be a practising (or to a certain degree) catholic it is more than likely that you will learn something in life other than what T.V. shows.
So you do not see the connection between the co-habitation shown on TV and the fact that it is played out in real life?
Libero, I respect your response, but she added this little side note about cohabitation with her boyfriend. As a Catholic to close our eyes and “let it go” is what is wrong today. Maybe we can’t change her, but what about the young girl (or boy), reading through these posts, find out some Catholics think it’s not big deal to sleep with you boy(girl)friend. There are many young people who are searching for the truth especially on this board, (Some don’t have parents they can turn to or don’t even realize they can talk to a Priest) The including the OP who is concerned over mom’s viewing habits. Seems like she(OP) is looking for answers, not a woman bragging about her lifestyle choice. I personally don’t watch the show, it usually interferes with Law and Order on NBC. My favorite.
I myself am a young person searching for the truth, I did not feel that I could go and speak to a priest, due to the type of people they seemed to be ( however we have just got 2 new priests - one quite young who I think will be much easier to talk to) however, I don’t think anyone is going to get confused about about living with a partner out of marriage, especailly when we have abbout 2% of people here condoning it and then the 98% of members condeming it.

Also Law and Order :eek: I have to say I definetely prefer CSI 😃
Way to go Brad:thumbsup: If more people thought this way we would stop having so many “grey areas”. Someone here justifies co-habitation because she feels her boyfriends and her love is “pure”. :banghead: There is to much of this, too many put their heads in the sand and say well, its not my problem. That is why there is so many problems within the Catholic Church.:hmmm:
Yes. And I would challenge the purity of that love. Where is the heavy investment in the engagement ring to go with that side of marital act?
So you do not see the connection between the co-habitation shown on TV and the fact that it is played out in real life?
Yeah I see one, however i do not think that everyone becomes completely manipulated by T.V. I would suspect that a catholic could establish what is right and wrong through the simple use of the ten commandments and the logic of christianity.
Nope. This isn’t Catholic teaching either. If your brother or sister is in sin, you should tell them and help them avoid it.
If your brother or sister is in sin, then yes you would tell them, but you would also want to stay around help them and then allow them to become a better person, just bluntly highlighting others erorrs won’t acheive anything, you have to go about things in a certain manner.
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