I like what Bookcat has said here:
One is not voting so much for the “lesser of two evils” but voting to avoid greater evils. Voting for the good that is there and not for the evil.
It is a perspective shift focusing not on choosing one evil over another, but avoiding the greatest evil.
Still, I struggle with the idea of being guilty indirectly supporting evil even though it is not my intention.
It is often said that a vote for a third party or not voting is really just a “vote for the greater evil”. Even though you are deliberately choosing not to vote for or support that person, the inaction fails to stop that person and you are now complicit in their actions.
Basically, your refusal to support Candidate A or B out of a desire to not support either of their harmful views is you allowing the greater evil of Candidate A to prevail. By trying to do good, you are actually helping the evil.
Can not the reverse be true though when voting for Candidate B to prevent Candidate A? You try to do good by voting for Candidate B because it prevents Candidate A. However, in doing so you are providing direct support to Candidate B who you know will also bring about evil.
By not voting, you are not directly supporting either evil, but your inaction indirectly allows the evil to happen.
By voting to avoid the greater evil, you not directly supporting the evil of one, but are indirectly supporting the evil of the other.
Even though your intentions in both choices is good (preventing a greater evil in one, avoiding supporting either evil in the other) both choices still result in you knowingly allowing And being indirectly complicit in the evil that results.
So what are we to do? How do we avoid “doing evil” to bring about a good? How do we avoid being guilty of inaction while also avoiding making a “deal with the devil” by supporting some evils in order to prevent others?
Is inaction wrong if you you aren’t the one creating and controlling the circumstances? Is it then their sin and you are just refusing to partake in any part of it?
By not participating in a forced choice between two wrongs, are we not removing ourselves from the matters and concerns of this world for the benefit of our souls? Is abstaining a way for us to submit to the will of the father instead of trying to control chaos in a fallen and sinful world? Is it an act of faith and hope in him?
Or, by abstaining, are we guilty of avoiding obligations? Are we failing to do our part to prevent a great evil? Are we failing to be a Good Samaritan and instead choosing to walk by and avoid action?
I do not have a firm answer either way. And when I can’t figure out what to do, I try to imagine what Jesus would do in a similar situation. Unfortunately, in this situation, I can’t picture Jesus casting a vote for either Candidate A or B, nor can I picture him wasting his vote on someone who won’t win or not voting at all.