The true intentions of VOTF can be found on their own website as follows:I think the guy on VOTF is all wet. Oh well.
Force the Church to give in to their demands by withholding financial support-
•2002 Convention, Father Thomas Doyle - “We must stop enabling, through our continued financial support,… “
•2002 Convention, James E. Muller, Chair “The laity initial controls 100% of the cash, and now envisions a structure that can give it selective control over donations.” … ” … the ability to exert collective control over our individual financial donations that sustain the Church.”
The Church is corrupt and has erroneous teachings-
•2002 Convention, Father Thomas Doyle – “By sustaining the erroneous magical thinking about the sacraments we also sustain the false notion of the power that clerics hold over the believers.
•2002 Convention, James E. Muller, Chair – “We must enable a worldwide church of one billion members to return to its teachings of the first century of our era, 1,900 years ago, when the divine message of Jesus Christ was fresh, clear, ethical, and uncorrupted…”
•2003 Convention, A. W. Richard Sipe – “The catechism teaching–the official Church teaching about sex–is not credible. … It does not conform to nature. It is based on a pre-Copernican understanding of human life and sexuality.”
They do not want dialogue, they want their demands met –
• 2003 Convention, Catharine A. Hennignsen – “We need further to demand regular status reports from our bishops on all priests removed from ministry due to accusations of child abuse.”
•02/28/2004 The Boston Globe, James E. Post, President – “The pope must meet with an international delegation of survivors of sexual abuse. … Bishops must be removed and resignations accepted. … An international truth and reconciliation commission must be established.”
“A Guide for Renewing and Restructuring the Catholic Church” I believe will show you the direction VOTF is going and which is directly towards schism.
The following are articles about VOTF from various sites for you to read and make you own judgments upon.
When Wolves Dress Like Sheep: A Close Look at Voice of the Faithful
Critique of “Voice of the Faithful”
Voice of the Faithful Gathers in Boston, Honors Fr. Tom Doyle
An Inside Look at Voice of the Faithful
Bishop explains concerns about Voice of the Faithful
Voice of the Faithful misleads the laity
Some Attending Voice of the Faithful Meetings Find They Have No Voice
VOTF Shows Its Stripes
Where the Faithful Have No Voice
What Is VOTF’s Real Agenda?
Voice of the Faithful?
Experience at a VOTF Meeting
VOTF’s End
Voice of the Faithful’s Agenda is Ambiguous and Disingenuous
I urge you take a hard, subjective look at this evidence and then ask yourself “Is this really a group with a faithful Catholic agenda?”