I’m more than offended by your implications there, passed onto a complete stranger.
I get to say I DON’T BLAME THE CHURCH. Because the Church is more than the people who did this and who covered it up. I don’t blame ANY CHURCH for ANY sort of scandal because a church is more than the leaders and the hierarchy.
She’s also comprised of normal people who DON’T do this sort of thing.
For you to say I don’t advocate for change is unfai
Again I’m not blaming the people in the pews. I’m simply pointing out that the Church makes a lot of extrodinary claims about what it is. People throughout history have been
terrified to criticize misconduct by church officials because they believe they speak for God. You are proving my point by how offended you get by attacks on the institution. When people are afraid to criticize then it literally breeds this protective enviormemt for abuse.
Chuckling because you’re assuming a few things about me that simply aren’t true.
You’re right - I’m offended by your attacks. The ones directed at me. The ones claiming that because I sit in the pew I don’t advocate for change. That I say nothing. That the entire Church is to blame. You’re only clarifying as I point out what you’ve said.
As a Catholic the constant fingerpointing gets old. It got old before I was Catholic. You and others like you seem to think we don’t get it - that we’re blind to the problem. We aren’t blind to the problem. As an outsider you probably don’t see what has been done to combat it.
You’re also not acknowledging that none of the accusations/reports are recent. Why do you think that is? Likely because the RCC took steps to ensure that it cannot happen again. (And please don’t say I’m brushing aside the seriousness of it, because I’m not.)
The complacency has been disgraceful. But it wasn’t from the greater part of the Church - which is us, the people in the pews. It is a system problem, as it always is. It’s like the sexual assault in the military: the system safeguarded the offender and put the victim on the block. We overhauled the system, and now it’s changing because laws have changed and the system has changed. It’s not perfect, but it’s on its way to being far better than it was.
Like my leaders in the Pentagon, we knew the problem. But we were, at the time, powerless to stop it. We now have the tools by which to stop it and by which to help the victims in my Air Force. But accusations and abuses of power continue here as well, though we work to change.
I cannot change the past. I cannot right that wrong for the victims who suffered as a result of the actions of the RCC. All I can do is try to be part of the solution going forward.
Do I think the RCC needs some swampland drained? Yes, I actually do. And I think that’s coming.