Christ promised he would send the Holy Spirit to guide his church …he also taught us how we were to live…his church hasn’t failed…it still proclaims the truth…it’s men who have failed to heed his words…men who have been entrusted to “feed his sheep”…there have probably been a couple million priests worldwide that have come and gone during the last 50-60 years…the vast majority were I’m sure dedicated priests to their vocation…unfortunately it’s like the saying “one rotten apple spoils the barrel”…sadly there has been more than one rotten apple…couple that with coverups and the problem is greatly compounded…and 50-60 years ago it was a typical reaction in that society to cover up cases of sexual abuse…or rape…domestic violence…it wasn’t…or isn’t just the Catholic church…even Protestant churches have had a sexual abuse problem as have other organisations…boy scouts…the military…etc…even family members where it was covered up to hide the shame…this is no excuse for what some priests have done…they need to be prosecuted which many now are…and the church is now taking responsibility as others hopefully are…the Catholic church will survive because Christ promised it would…hopefully we can all begin to move forward with a deeper commitment to Christ and his church