Sam,I feel much the same as the OP: I actually love Doctrine, believe every syllable of it.
But I’m afraid Catholic practice increasingly leaves me cold.
I love an orthodox mass, but I’m tired of nit-picking it to pieces. I believe in honoring Mary, but I’m tired of hearing more about her than her Son. I’m tired of Sunday Mass running an hour and a half because the music minister just. won’t. shut. up.
And most of all, I’m tired of myself. Tired of being angry, tired of being negative, tired of being tired.
Most of all, I want a Jesus that can save me from myself, give me a sense that I matter, that life matters.
I’m looking for a sign that my fellow Catholics have found that Christ, that being Catholic gives them a sense of peace and joy; a sense that the Church makes their day to day lives better, happier, more fulfilled.
I’m afraid i haven’t had much luck so far.
I have peace and joy.
But wait till I learnt the guitar. Maybe even the sax. I want to be IN the music ministry and fill a late Sunday mass with gift of music - with a little Jam to lift the young crowd and get them coming back with thirst.
YOU CANNOT MAKE YOURSELF HOLY - its a gift. So stop trying - give it up to the Lord and follow His teachings and commandments.
BE an individual. Be excited about having the true faith - dont worry about the fellas that want to control you with petty regulations(I am not talking about anything liturgical) - if your intentions are pure and you are following Christ by your life actions then you will be ok.
Dont wait for them to do it. Be the rebel for the Lord