More Christ Less Defence of Catholic Doctrine

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I feel much the same as the OP: I actually love Doctrine, believe every syllable of it.

But I’m afraid Catholic practice increasingly leaves me cold.

I love an orthodox mass, but I’m tired of nit-picking it to pieces. I believe in honoring Mary, but I’m tired of hearing more about her than her Son. I’m tired of Sunday Mass running an hour and a half because the music minister just. won’t. shut. up.

And most of all, I’m tired of myself. Tired of being angry, tired of being negative, tired of being tired.

Most of all, I want a Jesus that can save me from myself, give me a sense that I matter, that life matters.

I’m looking for a sign that my fellow Catholics have found that Christ, that being Catholic gives them a sense of peace and joy; a sense that the Church makes their day to day lives better, happier, more fulfilled.

I’m afraid i haven’t had much luck so far.
I have peace and joy.
But wait till I learnt the guitar. Maybe even the sax. I want to be IN the music ministry and fill a late Sunday mass with gift of music - with a little Jam to lift the young crowd and get them coming back with thirst.
YOU CANNOT MAKE YOURSELF HOLY - its a gift. So stop trying - give it up to the Lord and follow His teachings and commandments.
BE an individual. Be excited about having the true faith - dont worry about the fellas that want to control you with petty regulations(I am not talking about anything liturgical) - if your intentions are pure and you are following Christ by your life actions then you will be ok.
Dont wait for them to do it. Be the rebel for the Lord;)
The Catholic Church frustrated me and with various other factors I left. BUT I have never felt the true joy of Christ ANYWHERE else but in the Catholic Church. That true love and happiness. That certitude. Nowhere. That trust. Nowhere.
… Dont follow your own plan cause you will land up lost.
We are on the same track Dear.
Don’t worry, I don’t follow my own way, but that of Jesus. Still, there are as many ways to Jesus (who is the way) as there a humans on this planet - as Pope Benedict XVIth said.
I feel much the same as the OP: I actually love Doctrine, believe every syllable of it.

But I’m afraid Catholic practice increasingly leaves me cold.

I love an orthodox mass, but I’m tired of nit-picking it to pieces. I believe in honoring Mary, but I’m tired of hearing more about her than her Son. I’m tired of Sunday Mass running an hour and a half because the music minister just. won’t. shut. up.

And most of all, I’m tired of myself. Tired of being angry, tired of being negative, tired of being tired.

Most of all, I want a Jesus that can save me from myself, give me a sense that I matter, that life matters.

I’m looking for a sign that my fellow Catholics have found that Christ, that being Catholic gives them a sense of peace and joy; a sense that the Church makes their day to day lives better, happier, more fulfilled.

I’m afraid i haven’t had much luck so far.
We sometimes forget that the very reason we attend mass is Christ. There is no other reason. View it as Calvary made present to us - which it is! At Calvary, there were many jeering Christ, and many weeping and wailing. Mass is much more peaceful and contemplative than that.

Imagine the band of ruffians who gathered around him as He spoke! Think about the unholy group of followers who left Him as He poured out the Divine message of His Body and Blood, because it was a “hard saying” How about the complaints of hunger from the 5,000 and the 4,000, many of them mothers with children who wanted to leave for food, and the men who wanted to go make money rather than listen to the Gospel.

How are we any better? Focus on Christ, as we are all sinners and must remove the log from our eye before looking upon others. Easy advice to give and difficult to follow, but follow it to the best of our ability we must.

Have you confessed your thoughts to your priest? Since He speaks in persona Christi, he has been sent by God to spiritually purify and guide you.

Sam, do you spend time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament? This is, by far, the most under utilized grace from God in our Church, on a par with reconciliation. Sitting, reading scripture, praying, contemplating, listening and interceding in Christ’s presence is a salve that heals every wound.

Christ’s peace always be with you, my brother.
Bruno, my brother in Christ. Your last letter was really inspiring. This letter although I dont agree with all of it is actually an honest airing of a man of Christ crying for reform. A man saying - I want to follow Christ but I am stumbling.

I want to share some thoughts…
Firstly I want to tell you that it is a commandment to attend Sunday mass - keep the Sabbath holy. Although this might seem like a rule. It is a rule of love from God to ourselves. YOU GO TO CHURCH AND HONOUR CHRIST ON SUNDAY! 🙂 my brother - the Lord knows what is best for us and I shout that at you in absolute love.

If we are to start diassembling and questions the 10 commandments then we have to ask if we have obedience to god. Never mind the church.

I am a cradle Catholic and I have been out of the church. I was evangelical for a while and I saw lovers of Jesus - lovely people - that live Christs word and love Him. However I also saw a lot of other things:
  1. Disagreement on certain scriptures e.g. can you lose your salvation
  2. Their services have either a routine or totally excludes all routine absolutely and becomes obvious
  3. I have never been at a service where the Our Father was recited. Not one ! Believe it or not
  5. I felt like raising my hands praising the Lord to music was as good as kneeling to my mass prayers
  6. I often wondered. If there was no electronic screen - no overhead projector - how would this service be?
  7. A DISSATISFACTION AMONGST BELIEVERS. They were not full healthy people with great jobs and happy lives and glowing the love of Christ. In fact I have never met so many unemployed people before in my life! And I did not see a great work ethic either but there was a great prayer ethic - ad nauseum.
I could go on…
BUT I want to mention that I love them all. They love the Lord.

Catholicism makes sense and is biblically based even though is was created before the bible existed. The Eucharist is central. Absolute central. Seek the Lord - you will thirst after the Eucharist.

The Catholic Church frustrated me and with various other factors I left. BUT I have never felt the true joy of Christ ANYWHERE else but in the Catholic Church. That true love and happiness. That certitude. Nowwhere. That trust. Nowhwere.

So the brat is back. And more humble for it. Now I have got more involved with my church. Instead of criticizing I am getting involved. You will be amazed how much your ideas change when you get involved.

St Francis never left the Church but he reformed it. Luther split the Church. Decide what you want to be. A Luther or a St Francis.
Whatever you decide. Let God tell you what to do. Dont follow your own plan cause you will land up lost. Speak to God. Get involved and pray. Be the change you want to see. We need you !!! IN the Church.

Blessings my brother,
Amen! 👍 Very well said from a voice of experience. And, as to your last point, there is no Saint Luther!

Christ’s peace.
Bruno, my brother in Christ - St Francis never left the Church but he reformed it. Luther split the Church. Decide what you want to be. A Luther or a St Francis.
Whatever you decide. Let God tell you what to do. Dont follow your own plan cause you will land up lost. Speak to God. Get involved and pray. Be the change you want to see. We need you !!! IN the Church.
I didn’t see that one, as I was in hospital, but also did not get a note about the posting.

There’s a great misunderstanding.
I never left the church – how could I.

You do not need me in Church, for who goes to church, wants to unite with Jesus Christ and find new strengh for life.

I myself was never in my life far off the church.

But all the same it’s of greatest importance to act outside the church in everyday life, which I strongly try to do in profane life.

I’m in a hurry – have to go back to hospital for a final examination of my stuff (they cut the hell out of me 😃 )

But thanks for caring – however, there was nothing non-right, as simple misunderstanding.
**I don’t really see what the headline “More Christ Less Defence of Catholic Doctrine” is supposed to mean, as Catholic Doctrines vigorously are defended here, and defended also the but one and only Roman Cath. Church with a heavy weight on regularly attending Holy Mass.

Let’s remember that there are several Cath. Churches like Russian and Greek Orthodox, Caldic, Syrian and other Catholics. And lets never infiltrate into our minds, that members of other Christian unities, like Puritans, or Protestants or Church of England would not be Christians. They are, even when some of these Churches lack quite a bit of what Christ gave us.

Our friends here and we quite often had friends who are Moslems or Jews for dinner or a visit. Traditionally we are friends with the rabbi next door. They too pray to God even then, as they do not recognize Jesus Christ.

Now Jesus said: I am the way – no-one gets to the Father but through Me.
Let’s never never get into our minds, that these words mean, non-Christians of any religion could never get into heaven. Surely there are Catholics, who will never get into heaven (even though they attended Church every Sunday). Just as sure there are people who never heard of Jesus, but will get into heaven. It’s not up to us to decide – it’s a matter of Jesus Christ alone. Lets never be arrogant, for that’s the opposite of love which is foundation to be a Christian.

When I studied, there was a Moslem and a Jew in my grade who did both not believe, and I urged them to believe in God (each in his way). If I had tied to convince them to become Catholic, they had turned away and it would have been counterproductive.

We, being Catholics, know, that we are in the right Church, because Jesus founded this one an not any other. But it’s hardly ever our own benefit to be Catholic. We could just as well be born as Jew.
As a consequence there’s but one way, and that is love each other. Jesus will hardly ask if we are Catholic – He will far more ask, if we loved our next, loved God and did do good.
**I don’t really see what the headline “More Christ Less Defence of Catholic Doctrine” is supposed to mean, as Catholic …
As a consequence there’s but one way, and that is love each other. Jesus will hardly ask if we are Catholic – He will far more ask, if we loved our next, loved God and did do good.

Good like with the cutting !!! 😃 Look slike they never chopped off your fingers.
I must admit that getting caught in prideful arguments to justify ones belief or press another down for their belief is soul destroying for both parties. Ones religion is largely down to culture.
The only way a person will take note is when the joy of Christ is evidenced. But then again I know some very happy atheists!
Its all too complicated. Just concentrate on your own faith - I know my faith is wonderful and I know of the real presence of Christ.
Perhaps I am not the evangelist I should be but I am working on it!
I feel much the same as the OP: I actually love Doctrine, believe every syllable of it.

But I’m afraid Catholic practice increasingly leaves me cold.

I love an orthodox mass, but I’m tired of nit-picking it to pieces. I believe in honoring Mary, but I’m tired of hearing more about her than her Son. I’m tired of Sunday Mass running an hour and a half because the music minister just. won’t. shut. up.

And most of all, I’m tired of myself. Tired of being angry, tired of being negative, tired of being tired.

Most of all, I want a Jesus that can save me from myself, give me a sense that I matter, that life matters.

I’m looking for a sign that my fellow Catholics have found that Christ, that being Catholic gives them a sense of peace and joy; a sense that the Church makes their day to day lives better, happier, more fulfilled.

I’m afraid i haven’t had much luck so far.
Sam, spend more time in adoration. You cannot stand in Christ’s presence for an extended period of time without His influence lifting your spirit. Christ is the reason, the justification and the path to righteousness. Read the Gospels, seek Him in everything that you do, spend time with Him. In His own time, you will be restored.

Christ’s peace.
Organless Mass to attract youth? Can you expound on this reasoning and what you want to replace the organ with??
20+ years ago I had gone to guitar Masses, they were more folk music type Masses. That wasn’t our regular Church but one we’d go to at times. I enjoyed them but I enjoy the rest of music too. The point is, I don’t go to Mass to enjoy myself, it’s about worshiping God. I do remember back in the 80’s hearing about a polka Mass… now, I never went to one and I admit that sounds a little off to me but I can get opinionated. 😦

20+ years ago I was also a Catholic who didn’t get it, or was sleeping. I definitely had my thoughts elsewhere. I’m back, since June 2007. I want to learn more about my faith, learn what I missed, keep growing. I thank God I’m home!
20+ years ago I had gone to guitar Masses, they were more folk music type Masses. That wasn’t our regular Church but one we’d go to at times. I enjoyed them but I enjoy the rest of music too. The point is, I don’t go to Mass to enjoy myself, it’s about worshiping God. I do remember back in the 80’s hearing about a polka Mass… now, I never went to one and I admit that sounds a little off to me but I can get opinionated. 😦

20+ years ago I was also a Catholic who didn’t get it, or was sleeping. I definitely had my thoughts elsewhere. I’m back, since June 2007. I want to learn more about my faith, learn what I missed, keep growing. I thank God I’m home!
Fantastic - welcome back - me too - funny how the Lord waits for us.
I am in Africa and the local people LOVE music. The are not Europeans - a lot of the worship is engrossed in expressions - in a lifting of the spirit - hence their music is always prominent. Different strokes for different folks - some of us prefer more uplifting music in the service. I was raised on guitar so thats why I love it.
I think especially for youngsters - they see Church as being boring - a little music will always draw their hearts closer to the Lord. Open their eyes to what is happening. We are not all elder people with built intellects and understanding.

As St Paul says - He will be all things to everyone to capture their hearts for the Lord. :rolleyes:
The church I was going to before coming back to the Catholic Church is one that’s still close to my heart. I just knew ‘something’ was missing, for lack of a better word… I first said there was a reverence I remembered in Catholic Masses but later I realized, what I was missing was the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The church I was in before coming home was a very spirit filled church and I made friends there, it was like a family. Bible study before service, I miss that but I know I want to learn what I missed the first time as a Catholic. 🙂
The church I was in before coming home was a very spirit filled church and I made friends there, it was like a family. Bible study before service, I miss that but I know I want to learn what I missed the first time as a Catholic. 🙂
Let me get to that one at the bottom.
Good like with the cutting !!! 😃 Looks like they never chopped off your fingers.
I as far as language is concerned, didn’t get that one; no idea what it means.

I’d love to correspond with some more of you on private level, as you take faith as serious as I do. In fact it was faith in God only, that kept us alive when our son died, as I told a man I meet in hospital yesterday.

Compared to Catholiks over here, US-Catholics tend to see faith and believe in a more strict way within rules and regulations. It might result of the fact, that they live in a non-Catholic surrounding or neighbourhood. Over here, before we where swept with foreigners of Moslem-Countries, there was Catholic and Protestant 50% of both. Now we have the huge Problem, that there are 12% Moslems increasing to much more, and the former GDR with it’s 16 Mio. Atheists. Both influences every day life immensely.

My deceased sons rock-band often played in the church on eucharist holy masses. Though I myself hate rock-music, I was prowd when the priest called for his band.

IMHO it seems, that US-Catholics live their Catholicism very regulated and ruled, almost stiffly keeping to “insider rules“, not accepting any other way that differs from that, and therefore to non-US-Catholics one fact appears strange and doesn’t really fit in that picture:
They anxiously avoid nearer private contacts to each other as forum-members of exactly same Christian thoughts; whilst in suchlike forums in e.g. Germany, members all would exchange private letters, mails and pictures and grew friends, because they had the same background which is firm believe in God! That “keep away of me – I won’t even give you my name” astonishes me at the outmost and I just don’t get it. It would be understandable with others. But Christians? Catholics who’s foundation is love? Doesn’t love each other, also mean trust each other?

Krippenfiguren at - at of course as @
I believe it was on the Catholic Convert site, Steve Ray, where he said Catholic Churches have the same outreaches and ministries as Protestant counterparts do. I admit, when I had first walked into the Protestant church I had been with for a time, I was greeted by the Pastor, handed a welcome folder with a pen in it. I think by the 2nd or 3rd visit I was invited to Bible study.

Would I be overstepping things by saying it would be neat to see an adult study class before Masses, offered but not required. We have Confession before each Mass I know. I remember ‘Renew’ in the 80’s, I was going to CCD & Confirmation. It would be beneficial I think to have another such program now. I still fear I slept during CCD & Confirmation because so much it seems I’ve either forgotten or slept through.
The version of our sign of peace in my old Protestant church was something that could go on 10 mins at least. People would get out of their pews, walk up to other members, shake hands, greet each other, some would give hugs. You did really feel like part of a family. Once I’m employed again and life isn’t so up in the air, and I get school starting again, I hope to find out about different out reaches and something I could do to fit into my schedule so I can feel more a part of other Catholics here.
in my Protestant church, people would get out of their pews, walk up to other members, shake hands, greet each other, some would give hugs. You did really feel like part of a family. I hope to find out about something I could do to feel more a part of other Catholics here.
That’s precisely the point not just Roza worries about, but many are disappointed about, including me.
In forums, there are nice words, but strictly anonymous. Not even a real name is given, so the signal calls out: Don’t ever even think of trying to contact me personally, I don’t wont to be bothered by real people, I want to stay anonymous, not knowing anyone of you lot and hiding behind my nick.

Why is this so?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful and lovely to really get to know others who are in Christ too? And let’s ask ourselves if we are in Christ, when we avoid getting to know each other.

One day we stand before Jesus Christ and we will have to admit: Oh – I didn’t want to mix up with them. And Jesus will ask: Where then has your love been?

I must admit, I’m very very glad and happy about everyone new I get to know, no matter if he is Christian or Moslem or any other religion. Even more so of course, if this person is really believing in Jesus Christ. OK – if that person denies God and won’t hear, connections will fade away by itself.
But what’s hard to understand, remains the fact that even Catholics who’s foundation is love, avoid too close connection to other roman Catholics.

Yes, Roza is right. In protestant denominations this phenomena is not as pronounced as in our church and in this Catholic Answers Forums.
But why???

I learned a lesson the hard way and when I let myself get offended instead of waiting for it to pass and praying through it I repeated something I didn’t want to do. Defending the Faith is great, I do now see Catholicism is the Church founded by Christ and is 2000+ years old. The problem in the mode of defense, how to provide the information without being offensive. I had my anti-Catholic days because I had my qualms but it took getting away my fighting stance and some very patient Catholics dealing with me for a while for my heart to soften. It culminated in a night of mulling it all over in my head and a lot of tears. I was very angry at what I thought Catholic was but I was so wrong. Now, I still feel so out of place.

I was at one time waiting to talk to my priest and another Church member was talking to him about Catholics coming home. I told her I was gone just about 20 yrs and just returned last July. She had a big smile and said, “Welcome Home!” That made me feel good.

I don’t know how Churches are in other parts of the world but I think we could learn from our Protestant counterparts. 20 years ago I let certain misrepresentations of Church doctrine and my fascination with the new age junk draw me out of the Church. Then when I was delivered from my occult junk I decided on a Protestant church, Assemblies of God. I had gotten used to those longer services, the worship time, bringing a Bible with me to church. Then I thought maybe Messianic Jewish would be getting closer to the true church but after a lot of weeding out my own stumbling blocks (a lot I probably placed myself) I came back. I’ll never forget looking at the crucifix when I came back. I have a crucifix at home but to see the big one at Church, it made it obvious to me why there are crucifixes in Catholic Churches. It was so clear.

I wasn’t part of it in the 80’s because it was going on while I was in school I think but I know there was Renew in the 80’s. Maybe we need something like that again now? Only maybe have it for an hour or so after Mass? A time for study in the faith and growth in the faith. I want to learn what I missed and keep learning.
**No-one is “out of place” no matter which domination one belongs to, as long as one keeps seeking for the truth and does so in God, which you Roza, obviously do. Believe me, many who are not Catholics but strongly believe in God and in Jesus Christ and do acts of love, are a lot nearer to God, than Catholics who do not have love and consequently don’t act in a loving way to all, even strangers they never saw before – instead to own people only. Deeds and acting in love are more important than words and follow rules and regulations.

Now, it might be useful to some people to go through all this “occult junk” Roza mentiones and eventually land at the Protestants. Obviously here the grace of God finally led to Jesus fondation of the one and only Church He founded.
Yes, there is a lot of disagreeableness in this church too, but then it’s led to a great extend by humans, who are liable to make mistakes. This goes to ways and means of circumstances parishes in different regions and countries are led; – not to the church itself, which is led by Rome, and as a consequence world wide the same, one and only ECCLESIA SEMPER REFORMANDA. Quite in opposition to protestant parishes, that differ in their views of worshiping from place to place.
I got an insider-view of the Lutheran Church, as my family was protestant, as mom was excommunicated because she married again after divorce, so the kids had a father. To be excommunicated was horror to her as long as she lived. I know why I stayed Catholic.

The main thing about faith is not the church. Just remember Christians amidst countries where there are hardly any Catholics an no catholic church – often even forbidden. They still are Catholics and hold on to Jesus Christ. So it’s obvious, that primarily your connection to Jesus Christ is what counts far more than your connection to the church.

Above all we must keep in mind, that we never have to justify ourselves to others, but alone before Jesus Christ. It’s God we have to justify our life, our doing and our thinking, our way of doing and acting. Jesus told us what’s right and wrong. We know. And He told us what’s the most important commandment in Mark 12:30-31:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.

Are those two fulfilled – where’s any further problem?
I remember what the good book says, they will KNOW we are Christians by our LOVE… When we get into too much defending our stance it then reminds me of those playground sprawls between kids 5th grade and under.

The parables, the feeding of the crowd, the healings that Jesus did, the way He talked to the disciples, did any of it sound like the spats so readily found online? It’s priorities out of place. Why are we talking about what our Church teaches us, WHO are we getting taught about? Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Mary the Mother of God, all the angels and saints… where exactly do the quarrels fit in? I guess what brought it home most was my want to see what I so obviously missed, then reading somewhere that Catholic teachings weren’t recommended. Blew my mind a little.

We’re to confess to a priest, I know that, yeah I was rejecting everything for several years but I’ve returned to the faith. Not all ex-Catholics are anti but yeah there’s some that are… I was there for a while. I remember a few Protestant boards I was on and the Bible studies, growing in the body of Christ. We’re also to let others know so we can pray for each other. When one puts their testimony out there, should they be bashed for it or should it be there so someone else in a similar situation might see a way out?

Walking the walk, practice what you preach… I need to internalize that myself in some areas of my life. Some genuinely want to grow and be active in that in a group. Others want to play defense and ready to throw out defense after defense and after being gone for as long as I was I let things throw me a while and got in the defense mode myself… but what good does that do?

Again, they will know we are Christians by our love… I’m saying this to myself the most… I need to be focused on LOVE, how Jesus acted. I receive better without someone in authority saying ‘oh that’s insane’, ‘I don’t recommend this’. etc etc… I’m more concerned with learning what Jesus was teaching us. the saints, the Church… opinions, we all have opinions… it kind of reminds me of cliches… that old one about the way to hell is paved with good intentions… well, I ‘meant’ to do this and ‘meant’ to do that… ok, and???

I thank You Jesus for affirming to me I’ve had my sight where it ought not be, again, I need to be looking up to You. To also follow YOU, not just preach You… to carry my cross. May we all get out of playground mentality if we’re in it and remember what does following Jesus really mean?

It might just be that I’m seeing my own massive failings this past year and having a blanket assumption, I can do that. I volunteered for outreaches in my old church I was in while away from Catholicism but haven’t had the chance to get to know what ones are available here. That’s my fault and the fault of circumstance, I realize that. Point my fingers where they belong.

And out of place was just referring to not remembering how Mass completely went, just need a missalette as we’re lacking them these days. Have to buy one.
If you are perfect then judge the Christians. Or any other person for that matter.
If you deem yourself (name removed by moderator)erfect then look to the perfect being - God(Jesus).
Do not take the example of a Christain to reflect the whole truth - look to Christ.
Now you got no excuse:-) God bless you
My personal experience of Christains is sturdy rocks in a wind swept sea.
There are 1 billion Catholics. If you find 1 Catholic that does not live his faith then dont think the other 1 billion do not live their faith as well.
Point taken. And I have been to reconciliation.

Would you pray for a countryman of yours by the name of Graham? He was a good mate when we were in London years ago. Time passes and one loses touch sometimes…
The problem in the mode of defence, how to provide the information without being offensive.
But why should it be sometimes offensive to defend ones own faith? I spoke it out always with not the slightest offence when speaking to atheists or those weak in their believe. It’s so easy to say I believe in God and Christianity is the most important thing in my life. So what?!
I had my anti-Catholic days and I still feel so out of place.
Before you try to be Catholic, you ought to be firm in Christianity itself as a whole. It’s more important to understand Christianity, then details of Catholicism, for that will establish itself eventually. Look; my parents where Protestans. I’m still one of the Billion Catholics 🙂
And I, having so many friends who are not Catholics, bother first of all other thoughts about being a Christian. Catholicism then comes automatically
She had a big smile and said, “Welcome Home!” That made me feel good.
If one lives after the word of Jesus, he will automatically hear “Welcome Home!”
I think we could learn from our Protestant counterparts.
We can learn of anybody no matter which denomination or religion or even no religion at all, if that person owns love, which is the substance out of which Christianity is made.
I have a crucifix at home but to see the big one at Church, it made it obvious to me why there are crucifixes in Catholic Churches. It was so clear.
Things often help. Love to God however doesn’t come off things. Blinds never see a cross, nor anything sacred – but they “see” the grace of God letting them believe.
there was Renew in the 80’s. Maybe we need something like that again now? I want to learn what I missed and keep learning.
None of us, nor you, needs for his believe anything human-made. Nothing else, but the Holy Bible and the Church who teaches and defends the word of Christ. All the rest is given to us by the Grace of God, as soon as we ask for it in a worthy way. And you know what? - It’s all included in the prayer Jesus gave us – the Lords Prayer: OUR FATHER, YOU ART IN THESE HEAVENS.
As soon as we got it, that GOD IS we know all, and the rest will be given to us.
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