Mormonism, Catholicism and Devoutness

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The thing for me is I think people of all faiths can get too In love with a religion at times, rather than in love with God.
I find this very perceptive. I think Jews do it as well as I know some of them! I’ve also seem some Catholics that seem to love their church as much if not more than God.

@Formon, do you think Mormons isolate themselves from the world more than Catholics or other Christian religions do? I’ve rarely seen Mormons join or participate in multi faith activities or secular ones. I’m not saying they are all like this but perhaps in higher numbers?

We had four pathologists in our laboratory and one was Mormon. When ever we’d have “lab activities” he rarely joined in whereas the other three always did (one Jewish, one SDA and the last Methodist). He did have one lab celebration at his home which was great so I’m not sure if he was specifically avoiding them or just couldn’t fit it into his schedule…he was also a Bishop at his ward.

I do remember an ex Mormon warning me to never trust a Mormon friendship…it’s considered an opportunity to evangelize…meaning they rarely make true friendships. This exx Mormon was very hostile to his old faith, however, so I’m not sure that was a fair comment in the least.

Your thoughts?
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I know a lot of lukewarm or recovering Mormons.
Me too. And seems to me that Mormons are not particularly charitable people, many of them seem to reach out only among their peers but otherwise focus on money/comfort.
In the Catholic Latin Rite it is a fact. Although in the Catholic Orthodox Church’s the vow of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience is not across the board with their clergy.
Such vows speaks volumes of Devoutness within the Catholic faith.
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Mormonism is very legalistic faith when you examine it.
I’m a devout latter-day Saint. What do you mean by this statement? I personally don’t know how any faith could be more legalistic that the Catholic Church. There is a whole body of Catholic “canon law”, along with an army of Catholic “canon lawyers”.
Their faith has deceived them.
In what way have we been deceived?
I’m a former Mormon of many years and a former bishop.
I’m always curious to know how former Latter-day Saints come to accept the doctrine of the Trinity. Would you care to share you experience in that area?
I’m a devout latter-day Saint. What do you mean by this statement? I personally don’t know how any faith could be more legalistic that the Catholic Church. There is a whole body of Catholic “canon law”, along with an army of Catholic “canon lawyers”.
It was in my observation of Mormons practicing the faith, not on the structure of church. The practice appears legalistic.
In what way have we been deceived?
I am not going to offer a comment on the matter as I do not feel I can do so with charity. You are on this forum so you have access to read about all the topics and educate yourself on Catholic doctrine. Sorry, not trying to be rude, but I have had discussions on this with Mormons in person and I know it reaches a dead end. Seek and you will find. God bless.
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That’s an interesting point of view. I will say there may be some truth to it. With Mormons I do sometimes feel that way. Also though if they are an ex Mormon they are probably would have some bias.

However I also don’t know is that’s me, the culture, or with lds faith in particular. Ive noticed the culture in Utah is very much a “go with it” mentality, don’t question anything. I do wonder if the predominance of Mormon faith has something to do with that. But would it be the same way for anyone else if they lived in Rome?
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I don’t think you can find a single protestant or non-catholic who live and have taken a vow of chastity, poverty and obedience to faith in Jesus Christ body
Try the Brothers of the Society of St Francis, and the Sisters of the Community of St Francis, Anglican Franciscans in the UK. They live in community, under vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, following Christ in the way of St Francis of Assisi.

And the Benedictines of Alton Abbey, in Beech, Hampshire.
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It’s a two step process. Step one is learning that you’ve been lied to all your life, and i mean lied to. Mormon leaders deliberately decieve you into believing their hogwash. So you have to unbelieve everything you previously believed in order to have a clean plate. Secondly, and you as a Mormon should understand this, is the simple process of search, ponder and pray.
Mormons do tend to isolate themselves from the rest of the world, especially the Christians. But they sort of have to. They believe we are corrupt. They believe Catholics are the whore of the earth. They believe there are only two churches–their church and the church of the devil. But the bottom line is that relationships with Mormons are generally quite superficial. Mormons won’t outright tell you what they think of us but I know what they think. I used to think it myself when I was a brainwashed Mormon.
Secondly, and you as a Mormon should understand this, is the simple process of search, ponder and pray.
OK, how did the process of “search, ponder, pray” go for you regarding the doctrine of the Trinity? What did you search? What did you ponder? What did you pray?
And yet… as I showed, a lot of Catholics don’t believe this.

Again, this isn’t an endorsement of the Mormon Church or their teachings. I basically stated in my original post that I think it’s nonsense.

My question is: Why do so many Catholics not follow the Catholic Church’s teachings despite the Church having a much stronger intellectual tradition, more evidence, and a much stronger claim to have the truth than any other religion? Why higher percentages of Mormons (and Evangelicals) appear to follow natural law on abortion, gay marriage, etc. than self-professed Catholics"do?
Try the Brothers of the Society of St Francis, and the Sisters of the Community of St Francis, Anglican Franciscans in the UK. They live in community, under vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, following Christ in the way of St Francis of Assisi.

And the Benedictines of Alton Abbey, in Beech, Hampshire.
St. Francis and St. Benedict are Catholic and their obedience was to the Catholic Church the Chair of Peter in particular. The obedience to the Church Jesus Christ founded and not a Church founded by men does not qualify. Good try though.
Well, from being a cradeled-revert, here’s my take. I grew up going to a secular school but going to CCD. What do they both have in common to me? I barely remember anything from either, and I dont think it’s is coincidence. You can say it’s my fault for not paying attention, but what reason did I have to when nothing around me seemed to cling to the faith like it should. Likewise, we learn so much useless stuff in secular schools that education itself becomes degraded and useless, and that bleeds over into other aspects like our faith and how seriously we take it, along with anything nowadays. This degradation of morals, I think, started when we began to confuse loving people with being kind 100% of the time, so in the west, around the time of the “free love” and feminism associated movements that take privileges/abominations and confuse them with freedoms. This was Satan blowing his smoke up into the church because we quickly began to base our lives on “what makes us happy” rather than the greater cause Christ gave us to work towards; a world that loves sacarficially. Sacrificing for Christ can be giving up false peace among friends and relatives because you don’t want them to “peacefully” walk into the depths of Hell. Loving sometimes comes with reprimanding someone for their own good, and the only way to effectively do that is to know and beleive, if not with your heart than with your mind that God gave us these rules for a reason, which requires some time and dedication modern society isn’t willing to give to their faith because they would rather “just beleive” without knowing what they beleive in. As Fr. Altman stated, you cant love God unless you know Him, and that the barrier that is drowning the faith because nobody is willing to face adversity on account that they’ve been brainwashed into believing a good life is an easy life. So I propose this: when we pray for God’s mercy, instead of interpreting it as asking for an easy life, we instead ask for a meaningful life. Finding meaning is difficult, painful, and scary at first, but that’s the beauty, because I can speak firsthand in that coming to know God and loving Him helps you persist and know the method behind the madness. The choice is ours; to live easy lives and drag others into the abyss with us, or live meaningful lives and lead others to the One who taught us that life is not eternal, and its when you trust in Him, you have your eyes on whats coming, and want to invite others to enjoy it with you. There is only one true faith, and it is in the one true living God. Call me judgemental, call me a liar, call me a hater, but I say it because more people need to stop being mislead like the Mormons and having their good fruits go to waste. It is an issue with clergy and laity alike, and it depends on when we pick up our crosses together to know the joy of giving yourself for others and knowing nothing can defeat you when you have God as your foundation, so no matter what happens, Heaven still awaits you if you endure.
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Back to the OP’s Mormonism devoutness. I gauge devoutness to those practicing members. Do Mormons take a vow of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience?
One of the practices that Mormons do as well as other faith’s. Their main preaching and teaching derives from their fundamental evangelization; Is to discredit other faith’s especially the Catholic faith.
This practice of formed false apologetics against another faith, creates a zeal within their members to believe they are correct above all others. I believe this drive is an impedement that reveals a false faith pretense when the evangelization method is purely intellectual.
St. Francis and St. Benedict are Catholic and their obedience was to the Catholic Church the Chair of Peter in particular. The obedience to the Church Jesus Christ founded and not a Church founded by men does not qualify. Good try though.
Get used to it. The communities I referenced are Anglican, living a life of chastity, poverty and obedience to faith in Jesus Christ.

This is what you said:

‘I don’t think you can find a single protestant or non-catholic who live and have taken a vow of chastity, poverty and obedience to faith in Jesus Christ’.

Have the grace to admit you are mistaken.
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Rest assured, the obedience we speak about are not the same. The Anglican communities have a Catholic foundation this is indisputable. What they proclaim obedience too is not the same Church Jesus Christ founded. Their obedience is the Church authority built by their secular King. Without this obedience their heads will be chopped off. We are not speaking about the same vows to the Church Jesus Christ gave the Keys to Kingdom of God, which is Peter and the Catholic Church.
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All Latin Rite Priest take these vows before being ordained. Those married priest who convert to Catholicism, may remain married but vow to live a chaste life as the apostles did.
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