You are not talking about St. Thomas Aquinas then? Per St. Thomas the person is given what is necessary to choose.… since sufficient Grace according to this system is a mere potency that absolutely needs God intervention to pass from potency to act. …
Summa Theologiae > First Part > Question 23 Predestination > Article 3. Whether God reprobates any man?
http://www.newadvent.org/summa/1023.htm#article3Reply to Objection 2. Reprobation differs in its causality from predestination. This latter is the cause both of what is expected in the future life by the predestined—namely, glory—and of what is received in this life—namely, grace. Reprobation, however, is not the cause of what is in the present—namely, sin; but it is the cause of abandonment by God. It is the cause, however, of what is assigned in the future—namely, eternal punishment. But guilt proceeds from the free-will of the person who is reprobated and deserted by grace. In this way, the word of the prophet is true—namely, “Destruction is thy own, O Israel.”