I ask this question sincerely…of you all here…is it right to condemn another faith, or should we just witness our loving ways and emulate Christ, in order to bring people to Christ? I have a difficult time pointing the finger at someone who is not Christian and saying…‘you’re wrong, and you’re going to Hell.’ Know what I mean? Can someone help me better understand that??
This was actually meant to be a separate thought…has nothing to do with the pope’s speech…i reread my words, and this is a question, that I pose to all on here when preaching the Gospel to non-Christians? I know some who point fingers and believe that non-Christians are doomed to Hell…that is why I ask this. It had no relevance on the pope whatsoever…I didn’t mean to imply that the pope was condeming anyone’s faith. My statement is a question, that has trickled down from the pope’s speech, from those who are non Christians, and have asked me questions about our pope…so, I was asking how to witness to those? How others witness?
Your tone lacks charity and patience, Damascus.