My Bishop's Response to Liturgical Abuse

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I think on this type of issue we need to spend more time praying and less time acting. I try to start with a 3 to 1 ratio. 3 hours of prayer for 1 hour of action. Then if enough time has been spent in prayer do what I did. Give the priest a gift copy of the GIRM with some really nice bookmarks in some neat places within the GIRM. In addition at that point and every other time you see him ask how you can be of service.

Charity drives satan nuts.
I think what you did is a great idea and with utmust charity! Prayer is key! However, I don’t blame people for taking the initiative to write their priest or Bishop. Spending an hour at an abused mass would count as 2 hours of prayer (1 for being at the sacrifice and receiving Jesus, 1 for the redemptive suffering experienced with all the abuses) . The other hour of prayer is up to the person; I suggest maybe a 15 min rosary, 15 min meditation on the martyrs who died for the faith, and 30 min prayerful reading of major points in Redemptionis Sacramentum. Then, type away…my prayers are with you as well!
Father Leo,

Thank you, that’s exactly what I’ve done. I posted my question to the Apologist forum here to get the exact quotation from the new GIRM that does require the crucifix to be present at Mass. Sent it out to the Deacon today. My wording was something like, “I’m certain that Father wants to be obedient to the new instructions, so the question should not be whether or not our parish will have a crucifix but rather when will we have one and what is our plan for doing so?” Let us hope and pray there is a positive response! After all, this Sunday is the feast of Corpus Christi! 🙂

The Hidden Wife living the Hidden Life

I can deeply sympathize with you since our Archdiocese is in the same boat. Last year I wrote letters to our Archbishop and he quoted me the GIRM. When I went to look up the GIRM, he had actually changed words to make it fit the way he wanted it to read.

I totally agree with 1962Missal. You wrote your Bishop, the next step is to forward your letter and theirs to Rome. By sending it off you can say, when standing before Our Lord, that you tried to make a difference. A priest, once told me that a couple of years ago to try and do something. We may not make much change that we can see but in God he can see that we are trying to make a difference.

God Bless,
Sorry to join in so late.

Crusader, since I see that you are from SLO, are you speaking about the Mission, or Nativity out by Foothill?

As a bit of background, I grew up in SLO County, living in SLO, Cambria, Paso Robles, and Creston. Having been living in Orange County the last 18 years, my sorjourns back there were regular until two years ago when my Mom moved away from Cambria. Accordingly I have been to several parishes and your situation is not unique.
In a posting in another thread, I said:
In my Mom’s old parish, at every Sunday Mass a commentator/narrator would:
  1. welcome the congregation;
  2. explain the local “rules” (everyone stands at Communion until all have received, etc.)
  3. ask that EVERYONE come forward at Communion, if just to get a blessing
  4. announce the priest. The words used were “Fr X is our presider and everyone here are the celebrants.”
    That would be Santa Rosa in Cambria.
At St Timothy’s in Morro Bay, the congregation stands during the Eucharistic Prayer, INCLUDING THE CONSECRATION!

The last time I atttended Mass at the Mission, I was not impressed. Didn’t they put the Tabernacle off into a closet outside of the Santuary?

At this point, just pray for out priests and bishops. I don’t think Bishop Ryan is going to do anything.
Don’t just pray…do!

Send a detailed letter to your bishop. Then to Rome if it does not get fixed.

Imagine for a minute what could happen if Cardinal Arinze was getting hundreds of detailed letters per day - letters that included the original reponses from the bishop. Change could happen…and happen fast.

To remain silent is to give your assent to such abuse.
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