After almost 3 years of marriage I finally admitted to myself that my husband is emotionally abusive. He is very bad and short tempered with me. He bullies me, he tries to make me feel stupid and second guess myself. He also says it is all my fault, that I am ruining everything. To make an example, the other day he had a tantrum and snapped at me because I bought an $8 thing on amazon that he thought wasn’t useful. I said I would return it. He left the room saying “you screwed up”, all mad, again, for an $8 thing that could be returned for a full refund. He exaggerates things. also, I cannot do the laundry without being lectured on how I should do it, because I am awful at it. this is all so irrelevant, why fighting about it? who cares? he does. he notices every little thing I do not do to his liking and uses it against me in a continuous quest to belittle me. I wasted so much energies trying to reason with him. it was all pointless. I tried therapy, he never joined me once. It was good for me, but it just confirmed what I already knew. But I guess it was good to hear it from a professional. Anyways, long story short, I am stuck in this marriage, with a 1 year old, who is the love of my life and I don’t know how to just make it work, and get some peace. I try to ignore him, I do my own things (I am a doctor, and the bread winner at the moment, which is also good because there is no way his selfish tricks will work on me) provide for my family, spend as much time as possible with my adorable baby and try to move on. every day is a battle. I have been mad at the Lord because I felt he abandoned me, deceived me into this marriage. He knew how much I wanted a family, a husband, and this is far from a happy marriage. I stay for my child, but I must admit I wish we could go our separate ways. anyone else been there? pray for us. thanks to all that will read my message.
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