Good girl.Okay, okay, I give in, I’ll mail them again now…
Good girl.Okay, okay, I give in, I’ll mail them again now…
No, you can perhaps try it. Being Methodists, I think they will deal with you in a much more methodical fashion than what you think!…could you imagine what would happen!? They would probably pick me up and throw me out of the church doors!
LOL - It’s a very funny thought! But I would never do it! They would probably lynch me!
Rinnie, you are so saintly that you make me feel like a terrible sinner!I would hope that your Preacher would say that he wishes you nothing but good luck in your search for Christ and will offer you his prayers in your search.
But if I may add, it would be better if he did say something negative you just kept it to yourself and just prayed for him. Because if not this thread will turn into something ugly probally and thats not a good thing.
You have to remember you are thinking about becoming a Catholic now. You will see that even though we do not agree with everything in the Methodist Church we do have great respect for anyone who teaches the word of God to the best of their ability. And even though they are protestant they do have the truth also.
One thing I must say about the Catholic faith we are taught to respect all faiths for the truth they do teach, You will see alot of differences in the Catholic Church. One big thing is the Catholic Church never has to compete with any other Church. I have gone to it for my whole life and never heard Father take bad about another faith. All I ever heard him say is that they just do not have the Eucharist and the sacraments. That is the big thing that makes us different.
Someone can correct me if I am wrong but I believe they only have Baptism. And I think marriage is the only other sacrament they have.
I know they do not have Holy Orders, Last rites, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Confession. I understand they have communion but I believe they think of it as a symbol not the actual living Christ.
But out of respect for your preacher I think you should just thank it for anything about God that he did teach you, and just say that you feel you have been called to try the Catholic Church. And then just ask for his prayers in your quest to seek Christ. Remember we are all from One God. But God has chosen you to reveal himself in the Catholic Church. You are very blessed and lucky. I hope your journey is full of happiness and contentment that I myself know that only the Church can give me.
If I can help you in any way to explain things let me know. But RCIA will teach you most of what you need to know. It will at least let you know for sure if the Catholic Church is for you. God Bless.
I didn’t mean to love, Don’t feel like a sinner, trust me we all are. But remember they will be disapointed because in their eyes they are doing Gods work the best way they know. and they are wonderful people. They are Gods people. ANd just because you have turned to the CC does not mean you cannot love and pray for them. My best friend is Protestant and a better Catholic then I at times trust me. You will be pleasantly surprised to learn alot of what your Preacher taught you is exactly the same. When it all comes down to it, in my Opinion its Authority. And Apostolic succession. Thats the big difference. They still have the word of God and I respect them for that. SOme day we will all come together in one faith again. But only if we pray and be kind to eachother.Rinnie, you are so saintly that you make me feel like a terrible sinner!
My ministers really meant the world to me… I love them sooooo much and I miss them like the desert misses the rain…
I have communion now… Since i left my methodist chruch I have found the communion of saints, our darling advocate Mary… I have found friends on this site who are practically walking me through the catholic conversion. I have not been confirem at my catholic chruch so I am still a protestant (but not to the real meaning of the word). I have so much more to experience in my walk with our Lord. I thought that I had everything he had to offer, but I don’t… If there is more than this then I am absolutely gagging to know more! That extra piece that I am missing was the sacraments. I feel very blessed to know that I can get to know jesus in a more intamate way than I already did!
xxx zundrah xxx
Amen, what a welcome from you North of Nod! I really know now that I have finally come home! :bible1:YAY! Jennifer, that’s GREAT news! Congratulations, my friend. I think you’ve made an excellent decision, and I am so happy for you. Welcome home! :bounce::yyeess:
God bless.
Stephanie XxX
Hi Jennifer
Good to hear from you. Glad to hear you and your mum are both doing well. Please pass on my love to your Mum when you next see her.
Glad you’re settled into a church. I’m sure it must be very different from re:gen. We are doing well thanks. the church is growing which is encouraging. We are getting ready to go to Soul Survivor again this summer and we have a few more than last year going. I think we’re up to 58 now which is exciting. Just need to pray for enough tents lol. We are also doing a community outreach programme this year, called the Impact project and we’re holding different events for the community. Ben is running a soccer school, Chris and Rob are holding drama workshops, we’re having a Quiz note at the local pub, a fun day on the Saturday with inflatables, free bbq, free ice-cream etc. We;re also hoping to do some practical jobs on the local estate to help some people out there too. It should be a v interesting time for us all. We’re having worship and teaching sessions in the mornings before we go out, we’re holding them in the local pub too.
Jamie and I recently visited Romania to check out a mission project out there as something to get involved with next year. It was an amazing work that we saw. They work amongst the poorest of the poor so some of the tasks was to make mud bricks to rebuild a family’s home. They work amongst street kids and lots of other communities out there. It was amazing to see what they do and we’re definitely hoping to take a group out there next year.
Ben is currently in Australia visiting Bec. he gets back next week. It’s exciting that he’s now engaged. Stephen is now dating Kate, which is very exciting too. They make a very nice couple.
Well I think that’s all our news at the moment. if you ever want to pop and see us you would be more than welcome.
love** ( i blocked out thier names!) **x
She said this back;Wow, I wasn’t expecting all that! I’m really glad to hear how great the church is still doing! Is wendy alright?
p.s. yes catholic chruch was frighteningly different than yours! It scared me at first, lol. …but now I’ve settled in quite well and I have ICRA classes tonight!
Maybe one sunday I’ll pop in to regen? (I really miss you all so much that it hurts me when I listen to hill song now because it reminds me of our whorship!)
xxx jennifer xx
I’m awaiting a reply again…yes Wendy is doing well thanks.
What are ICRA classes?
Yes, do pop in one sunday, I know everyone at re:gen would like to see you again. We miss you…I;ll think of you at Soul Survivor in your little tent!!
( i blocked out her name again) x
Hmm, maybe start with something like “oops, sorry, I meant to say RCIA”Any thoughts about what I should say?
Oops, sorry… I better mail her back and explain that… ( how shamefull, LOL)!Hmm, maybe start with something like “oops, sorry, I meant to say RCIA”
and then explain that the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (often abbreviated RCIA) is the process through which interested adults are gradually introduced to the Catholic faith and way of life.
RCIA means the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (often abbreviated RCIA) is the process through which interested adults are gradually introduced to the Catholic faith and way of life.
She said this;ICRA classes are for people who want to become official members of the Roman Catholic Church. I will be going to them today at 7:30pm (very soon)! It happens in the resperety (the place next to the church where the priest lives).
LOL, soul survivor was brilliant!
P.S. I can’t wait to see you again!
xxx zundrah xxx
lolLook forward to seeing you too!!
(name blocked out again)! x
…you are so kind, thank you Rinnie!That was a beautiful note from your previous minister. How I would respond to RCIA is just that it is a complete study of the Catholic faith that you must do in order to become a part of the Catholic Faith. All it is is letting you know what we do, why we do it, etc.
It is a series of classes you must take in order to understand what our faith is all about. And at the end of the classes if you choose you can decide to become a part of the Church or you can say its not for you. The Catholic Church would never push the Church on anyone you must come to them.
I am sure they will be happy for you. And I would just ask them for their prayers and let them know I will also keep them in mine.
RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. God Bless and I wish you all the best and a successful initiation into the Catholic Church Zundrah.I said this;
She said this;
(I just remailed her the recorrection of ICRA into RCIA!
…Its the rectory Love. But you are a doll!
I’m not wanting to disbelieve you, and I certainly want to encourage you to convert to Catholicism - but only if that is what you truly wish, and only if you are truly committed to Catholicism.Where do I start? Hmm… with my experience…
I went to a catholic church once and it was so hostile, no one spoke to me, no one greeted me, no one explained anything to me and they all just kept giving me weird and very mean looks from the side because I was an “out sider”.
When I got a quick word with a woman at the back of the church I mentioned that I was a protestant from a methodist chruch, then suddenly every one seemed on edge and gave me funny looks as if I should be in their church.
You have the cathechism and the book of cannons, communion, loads of different events during the week that aren’t even explained to you. What are they for? Why has your chruch made it so difficult or even impossible for a new commer to grasp!?
I don’t protest against the covenant made to peter, the keys given to him or even the fact that the pope decends from him. But I think that the catholic church just hasn’t done its best with that covenant…
You don’t go out to the lost sheep but instead you call them “outsiders”…
You stay in you church and look after each other but what happened to christ good words such as - “Do you love me? Go and tend to my sheep.” I don’t see the catholic chruch trending to lost sheeps do you?
The chruch is just a museum of saints and a place of religious routine instead of a place of whorship.
Where is the whorship!? When I go there you are just going to one page to another with out even telling me where I should be in this “book” that I’ve never seen before by the way! There is this other book of hymms and even that has no direction… What is this and why does every body else seem to know what pages to go to but I don’t!?
I didn’t feel like I was in a chruch, it felt more like a temple with images and statues that people were kissing and bowing to! Some of the catholics there even got down on their knees to a statue of joseph (Mary’s husband).
Catholics seem to be like muslims - very religious but lacking in love and peace giving emotions!
And when do catholics even bother to go to protestants and try to convert them!? I’ll give you a big clue, never, that’s when!
Why is all the writings on the walls in a strange language!?
Why was jesus spelt as Jesvs? Why was Mary spelt as Maria?
lol - sorry to confuse you but this is what I should have called the thread; I am protestant becoming catholic and these are the problems I’m having on the way, please help me with them.Zundrah, no offence but an honest question.
You posted the following on July 9 - as in four days before the current thread - as the opening post in a thread which you headed ‘This is my protest against the Catholic Church!’:
I’m not wanting to disbelieve you, and I certainly want to encourage you to convert to Catholicism - but only if that is what you truly wish, and only if you are truly committed to Catholicism.
So I am curious as to what happened in those four days to account for the total and utter backflip.