Thats correct you are not Catholic yet. But I would never have a “pop” at you or any protestant for going to Mass, but I would if you tried to receive Holy Communion. You cannot receive the most Blessed Sacrament in the Holy Eucharist until you become Catholic, I think you now understand that. You have already hit quite a few obstacles…such as in your first RCIA class you are unwilling to accept that Catholics do not worship statues; and stating that you were not impressed by the explanation the priest gave you. You really must keep an open mind. Understand that Catholics are not worshiping statues when you see them bowing in front of them…they are praying for the intercession of the saint the statue represents. They are only statues, reminders, like a picture reminds us of our loved ones. Keep in mind that folks are hopefully only trying to help. Some of us are more straight forward then others, but I don’t think anyone here wants to discourage you but only help you understand.Thank you for your support but here is the problem;
…if I say I am catholic, you will say that I am not because I haven’t been in RCIA classes long enough.
If I say that I am protestant, you will have a pop at me for being in a catholic church… well that’s what most here have done…