My methodist ministers will know that I'm going catholic now!

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I agree. Some of Jennifer’s posts are a bit confrontational and confusing. I don’t think it’s nice to egg on people and post their responses.

I applaud Jennifer’s minster’s charitable response.

With all due respect, Jennifer, you do come across as shallow and flippant in some of your posts. Hit the Preview Post button and read your posts as if they were directed at you. What do you think? 😉
Since I have joined this catholic church I have had so much grief but the reward was worth it. I have a special room in my church with a statue of the sacred heart in it, I can kneel before christ and accept his peace. I never had that chance in my methodist church, just plain old walls with nothing to focus on. My priest is so nice though.
Hot water! It’s burning like acid! 😦

So… I am not catholic… I have not completed RCIA. But boo-hoo, I don’t care about all the negatives… (well actually I do:snowing:). I am a christian that left one church and joined another 8 months later, the point is that I didn’t care that it was a catholic church. It was a church and that is all I wanted.
God cares. He led you there because He wanted you there. You are on the right path, and if you stick to it, you will arrive where He intended.

We all have things that need to be washed/burned away. Take the acid now, so you don’t get the fire later. 😃
If the pot over boils then the vitamins in the food will all die and the veg will lack nutrition…
Some times your pot boils to hot and for too long.
I only respond to your posts. If you don’t want my hot water, then use the feedback you have received here and on other threads, and modify your style of communication.

Remember you are in my prayers as well as the hot water. 👍
It would be really nice if we could all try to encourage jennifer and not alienate her.
What would Jesus do?..
None of us know what life Zundrah has had what life experiences etc.
Please be more thoughtful compassionate & less judgemental no matter what you think?
Lets all do what Jesus would want us to do encourage people to join His church.
Let us try to remember it is not for us to judge.

Zundrah you are very welcome.Glad you are enjoying learning and attending Mass.
God bless you
Second, I’m really sorry, but you are not a member of the Catholic Church just yet, only a catechumen (a learner).
You are wrong.
So… I am not catholic… I have not completed RCIA. But boo-hoo, I don’t care about all the negatives… (well actually I do:snowing:).
Zundrah, every person who recieves a proper baptism is a member of The Body Of Christ.

The Catholic Church is The Body Of Christ.

All true Christians are Catholic to some extent, some Catholics (Christians) are just more in communion with the Pope than others.

You are on your way to full communion Zundrah. Don’t let some of these Catholics scare you away.
It would be really nice if we could all try to encourage jennifer and not alienate her.
What would Jesus do?..
None of us know what life Zundrah has had what life experiences etc.
Please be more thoughtful compassionate & less judgemental no matter what you think?
Lets all do what Jesus would want us to do encourage people to join His church.
Let us try to remember it is not for us to judge.

Zundrah you are very welcome.Glad you are enjoying learning and attending Mass.
God bless you
tbcrawford is the one you should listen to, Zundrah.
You are wrong.
No, she is not.
Zundrah, every person who recieves a proper baptism is a member of The Body Of Christ.
Yes, of course! However, many of the baptized are not in full communion with the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus.
The Catholic Church is The Body Of Christ.
The Body of Christ is much larger than the visible Body of Christ.
All true Christians are Catholic to some extent, some Catholics (Christians) are just more in communion with the Pope than others.
You are on your way to full communion Zundrah. Don’t let some of these Catholics scare you away.

I think that Zundrah is much to scrappy to get scared away by some grouchy old Catholics. 😉
tbcrawford is the one you should listen to, Zundrah.
Zundrah is, indeed, well on her way. 👍

However, it is not right for her to present herself for communion as she did. She has learned to go for a blessing, and not expect to receive the sacrament until she is official received.
the point is that I didn’t care that it was a catholic church. It was a church and that is all I wanted.
This statement confuses me. It sounds to me like any old church would have done. If “a church” was all you wanted, then why didn’t you stay in your Methodist church? Why switch? It was a church, right? The Catholic Church is not just “a church” and converting to Catholicism is a rather big endeavor. To me it sounds like you feel all churches are basically the same and there are just certain rites and symbolism in the RCC that appeal to you at the moment. I’m not trying to be mean, but I am not sure I understand what exactly your motives are.
Hot water! It’s burning like acid! 😦

So… I am not catholic… I have not completed RCIA. But boo-hoo, I don’t care about all the negatives… (well actually I do:snowing:). I am a christian that left one church and joined another 8 months later, the point is that I didn’t care that it was a catholic church. It was a church and that is all I wanted.
Zundrah I have a daughter close to your age and actually talks much like you do. Please do not look at the negative comments as most are only trying to help you and just are not sure how to say it with support. They just do not want you to make a mistake and become disillusioned. Keep talking to your friends in RCIA and your priest and you will have the supoort you need and who God provided for you to help you in your journey. Many Catholic have a defensive attitude bc many Protestant churches attack us to justify their own faith. Many times with my daughter I have to read between the lines to really see what she is trying to say. For the people here that is hard to do since they do not truely know you personally so please forgive any that hurt your feelings as I truelly believe they are all trying to help you in their own way on your journey.

God Bless
This statement confuses me. It sounds to me like any old church would have done. If “a church” was all you wanted, then why didn’t you stay in your Methodist church? Why switch? It was a church, right? The Catholic Church is not just “a church” and converting to Catholicism is a rather big endeavor. To me it sounds like you feel all churches are basically the same and there are just certain rites and symbolism in the RCC that appeal to you at the moment. I’m not trying to be mean, but I am not sure I understand what exactly your motives are.
Zundrah is young and inexperienced. It is true that she does not know much about how churches are different, but she observed enough in the Methodist Church to know that something was amiss, and that she was lacking something her soul needs spiritually. She knows that the Catholic Church is very different, even though she does not have much of a basis of comparison. Her motive is to enter into the fullness of all that God has for her. I think she should be commended for seeking this with virtually no social support.
All true Christians are Catholic to some extent, some Catholics (Christians) are just more in communion with the Pope than others.
No, she is not.
I agree with you
You contradict yourself.

I did not say Zundrah is in full communion, but she is still Catholic to a certain degree by virtue of her baptism.

The Body Of Christ encompasses all who are properly baptised,
The Catholic Church is larger than only those who are in full communion.

Catholics who are in full communion can even excommunicate themselves through commiting abortion or heresy, they incur an automatic (latae sententiae) excommunication,
those Catholics are no longer in communion.
Heresy does carry a penalty of automatic (latae sententiae) excommunication (can. 1041, 2º)
Q: Are Catholics who get abortions excommunicated? Do they have to go to confession to the bishop in order to receive forgiveness? There is disagreement at my parish as to the answers to these questions.
A: Despite the common misinformation prevalent today, the penalty for having an abortion is still excommunication. Canon law states, “A person who procures an abortion incurs an automatic (latae sententiae) excommunication” (CIC 1398). This penalty extends to all who help in the procurement of the abortion, not only the woman in whose womb the baby is murdered.
This is indeed grave, because once a person is excommunicated, he is cut off from the sacraments, including the sacrament of reconciliation. So even were he to repent of the crime, he could not even in principle approach the sacrament of penance, unless the excommunication is first lifted.
Excommunication is a word that is often bandied about by Catholics, non-Catholics, and the media. However, when properly understood within the context of canon law, it is a penalty that the Church only applies in the rarest of cases, as a last resort, and for the purpose of helping to bring about the offender’s repentance.
Since the promulgation of the new Code of Canon Law in 1983, the penalty for abortion is no longer reserved to the bishop, and any priest able to hear confession can absolve a penitent from the grave sin of abortion. Previously only the bishop could absolve one from such as sin.
However, it is not right for her to present herself for communion as she did. She has learned to go for a blessing, and not expect to receive the sacrament until she is official received.
You are correct.
Second, I’m really sorry, but you are not a member of the Catholic Church just yet, only a catechumen (a learner).
She is a catechumen, but she is still a member of The Body Of Christ by virtue of her baptism.
And perhaps no such statement drew more criticism than the unrelenting claim in the document Dominus Iesus that "the unicity of the Church founded by him must be firmly believed as a truth of Catholic faith.
Just as there is one Christ, so there exists a single body of Christ, a single Bride of Christ: ‘a single Catholic and apostolic Church.’"
Are you saying that members of The Body Of Christ are not members of the “a single Catholic and apostolic Church” if they are not in full communion?
…to reach out to separated brethren in hopes of bringing them back into full communion with the Church.
Christians that are not in full communion are called “separated brethren”.
Discussion at the Council, as today, was most sensitive when addressing the problem of Church membership. In the end, the fathers chose to retain the scholastic formula that asserts that there are three requisites for full membership in the Church: 1) baptism; 2) profession of the same faith; and 3) acceptance of the headship of the bishop of Rome.
They also kept the traditional Catholic belief that a non-Catholic Christian can, although in an imperfect way, belong to the Church by virtue of his desire to be a part of it (votum Ecclessiae), even if that “desire” is unconscious.
The above quote says that a “non-Catholic Christian” can belong to the “Church” in an “imperfect” way. If they belong to the “Church”, then whether they are called “non-Catholic Christian” or “separated brethren” or “Catholic not in full communion” does’nt really matter.
But RCIA will teach you most of what you need to know. It will at least let you know for sure if the Catholic Church is for you. God Bless.
What do you mean by “if the Catholic Church is for you”?
…reach out to separated brethren in hopes of bringing them back into full communion with the Church.
…the Church wants all Christians who are not in perfect union with Rome to be “absorbed” into full communion…
Since I have joined this catholic church I have had so much grief but the reward was worth it. I have a special room in my church with a statue of the sacred heart in it, I can kneel before christ and accept his peace. I never had that chance in my methodist church, just plain old walls with nothing to focus on. My priest is so nice though.
Hang in there zun, It will just keep getting better. The HS is at work in you. Just sit back, read all you can, ask as many questions as you need, and it will all come in due time. You are in my prayers daily.😃
What do you mean by “if the Catholic Church is for you”?
Because when a person completes RCIA does not mean they are a member of the Catholic CHurch. There is one guy on this site actually that could not except some of the teaching’s of the Catholic Church so did not complete his sacraments.

In order to become RC you must accept all of the teachings of the Church. SO when Zen gets done she may not agree with some of the teachings so she may decide that she does not want to convert to our faith. It is possible. All RCIA is school. But confirmation, communion etc is the real conversion practice. You must accept the teachings of the Church. If you do not agree to obey the teachings of the Church you cannot consider yourself to be a practicing Catholic.

Example you must accept that the Euchartist is the Living Christ and must not be in mortal sin at the time of getting it. If you do you are creating a greater sin against God. And you soul is in mortal danger. A Catholic knows this to be true and accepts it. IF you cannot accept that teaching you would not choose the Catholic Faith. You must obey the early fathers teachings rather you personally agree or disagree. Do you understand what I am saying?

You mean there’s hope?? My son is 21. It looks like he’s coming around again. But he’s fallen back twice now. He does not go to church ever. I don’t think he even considers himself Catholic, after 12 years of Catholic school!!

My daughter, 18, has decided she is Catholic, but she hardly every goes to church! I guess it’s good she identifies with the Catholic Church, but she should know better after 12 years of Catholic school.

Unfortunately she went to a school run by the Sisters of Loretto. They wanted the priest to substiture an exerpt from one of Oprah Winfrey’s books for the Gospel reading!
Trust me love there are very few that havent fallen at that age. My son used to say he went and I knew he didn’t. This was when he first started driving I used to say bring a bullinten, I knew he was just going in the back and picking one up (thats what I would have done:D). So I use the Mother guilt on him, I would say if you are going in a picking it up just to show me and not staying for Church I would not want to be you when I met God.

That did it:D His face told it all, now he stays or at least doesn’t lie anymore if he skips.

But trust me they will become devout Catholic’s again once THEY HAVE KIDS. THAT I can pretty much guarantee you. And marriage helps. give it time. Trust God he will bring them back. And pray and ask the Blessed Mother she brought back my daughter. And my Son! She loves us and our kids so much. ANd trust yourself they know what you taught them. IT will come back and they will be better Catholics then ever. Just pray and I will keep them in my prayers also.👍
Zundrah I have a daughter close to your age and actually talks much like you do. Please do not look at the negative comments as most are only trying to help you and just are not sure how to say it with support. They just do not want you to make a mistake and become disillusioned. Keep talking to your friends in RCIA and your priest and you will have the supoort you need and who God provided for you to help you in your journey. Many Catholic have a defensive attitude bc many Protestant churches attack us to justify their own faith. Many times with my daughter I have to read between the lines to really see what she is trying to say. For the people here that is hard to do since they do not truely know you personally so please forgive any that hurt your feelings as I truelly believe they are all trying to help you in their own way on your journey.

God Bless
Thanks for your support, I believe that deep down we are all Catholic. But just as they say; we all have missing gaps and unfortunately we try to fill them in with the wrong stuff.
Hang in there zun, It will just keep getting better. The HS is at work in you. Just sit back, read all you can, ask as many questions as you need, and it will all come in due time. You are in my prayers daily.😃
lol thank you rinnie.

My mum did always tell me that if you expose a wound to sharks then they will obviously bite! 😦
It would be really nice if we could all try to encourage jennifer and not alienate her.
What would Jesus do?..
None of us know what life Zundrah has had what life experiences etc.
Please be more thoughtful compassionate & less judgemental no matter what you think?
Lets all do what Jesus would want us to do encourage people to join His church.
Let us try to remember it is not for us to judge.

Zundrah you are very welcome.Glad you are enjoying learning and attending Mass.
God bless you
Rock, rock, rock, jesus is my rock! There is no such thing as a bad catholic, only a bad christian! Don’t worry about me tbcrawford, no one here will discourage me! ;)😛
Rock, rock, rock, jesus is my rock! There is no such thing as a bad catholic, only a bad christian! Don’t worry about me tbcrawford, no one here will discourage me! ;)😛
I am so very pleased to hear that!
God bless
Because when a person completes RCIA does not mean they are a member of the Catholic CHurch. There is one guy on this site actually that could not except some of the teaching’s of the Catholic Church so did not complete his sacraments.

In order to become RC you must accept all of the teachings of the Church. SO when Zen gets done she may not agree with some of the teachings so she may decide that she does not want to convert to our faith. It is possible. All RCIA is school. But confirmation, communion etc is the real conversion practice. You must accept the teachings of the Church. If you do not agree to obey the teachings of the Church you cannot consider yourself to be a practicing Catholic.

Example you must accept that the Euchartist is the Living Christ and must not be in mortal sin at the time of getting it. If you do you are creating a greater sin against God. And you soul is in mortal danger. A Catholic knows this to be true and accepts it. IF you cannot accept that teaching you would not choose the Catholic Faith. You must obey the early fathers teachings rather you personally agree or disagree. Do you understand what I am saying?
But RCIA will teach you most of what you need to know.
It will at least let you know for sure
the Catholic Church is for you. God Bless.
What I meant was that you said " if " the Catholic Church is for her.

There should be no doubt:
…reach out to separated brethren in hopes of bringing them back into full communion with the Church.
…the Church wants all Christians who are not in perfect union with Rome to be “absorbed” into full communion…
As far as being a member of the Catholic Church is concerned, read posts #110 and #111 in this thread.
Discussion at the Council, as today, was most sensitive when addressing the problem of Church membership. In the end, the fathers chose to retain the scholastic formula that asserts that there are three requisites for full membership in the Church: 1) baptism; 2) profession of the same faith; and 3) acceptance of the headship of the bishop of Rome.
They also kept the traditional Catholic belief that a non-Catholic Christian can, although in an imperfect way, belong to the Church by virtue of his desire to be a part of it (votum Ecclessiae), even if that “desire” is unconscious.
The above quote says that a “non-Catholic Christian” can belong to the “Church” in an “imperfect” way. If they belong to the “Church”, then whether they are called “non-Catholic Christian” or “separated brethren” or “Catholic not in full communion” does’nt really matter.
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